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USAID approves green initiatives
Romance Sampa, USAID Southern Africa Trade Hub (SATH) energy adviser, visited Mauritius from June 19 to 24 to discuss renewable energy and assess training needs in the country. In a recent interview, Sampa spoke about a training programme for SADC member countries being prepared by SATH and the Southern African Development Community. What was the [...]
25 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Govt to submit 14-year energy action plan to EC
A number of issues were on the table during the Cabinet meeting on Friday. Among the points discussed include the introduction of the Dog Control Bill in the National Assembly. Household budget survey for 2012 The household budget survey will be conducted from January to December 2012 under the provisions of the Statistics Act. The [...]
25 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
MBC old building to house ILO office
A section of the former headquarters of the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) will house the Regional ILO Documentation and Research Centre. This was confirmed by the minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Shakeel Mohamed at a press conference on Friday in Port Louis. He stated that the government has agreed to put at their [...]
25 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
New studio sets sights on Hollywood
Often a locale for shootings, the nation is set to play a bigger role in the cinema industry soon. That is if the necessary permissions are granted. British group Pinewood Studios, the name behind acclaimed film series such as James Bond and Carry On is looking to set up shop on the island as Tropikana [...]
25 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Indian tourist robbed of Rs 525,000 at Meridien
Within six days, a second case of theft was recorded in a posh hotel. A receptionist aged 18 working at Le Meridien Hotel stole the sum of Rs 525,000 which was found in the handbag of a 42 year old tourist from New Delhi on June 24. The woman was staying in room 407 together [...]
25 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Multiple offender François arrested
Assistant superintendent of police Daniel Monvoisin’s team achieved a major coup by getting a confession from Kenny François, a 23-year-old resident of Tombeau Bay. He admitted to having committed larceny with violence at Albion on June 18. He and his accomplices broke into a house at around 2 am, tied up the husband, 33, and [...]
25 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
MCB awards scholarships to four Rodriguans
The Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB) awarded four scholarships to Rodriguan students at the MCB head office, Port Louis, on Friday through the MCB Rodrigues scholarship scheme. The four students are currently following their degree courses at the University of Mauritius (UoM), Réduit.Other prizes were also offered to the students in the presence of representatives of [...]
25 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Why didn't Ash inform Heroine makers of her pregnancy?
If there is one question which is haunting the makers of Heroine (read: Madhur Bhandarkar and UTV), it is - 'Why didn't Ash inform them in advance about her pregnancy before giving her nod of approval to the film?' "Ash is four months pregnant and it was during April when Madhur Bhandarkar had first approached her formally for the film. Only when she said 'yes' was Heroine announced in the month of May. Since Ash already knew about her pregnancy then, it is strange that she still went ahead with the film", says a source. This is all the more …
25 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Farah Khan is delighted to be one of the 100 Most Promising Directors
Farah Khan can't believe she has been handpicked as one of the 100 most promising emerging new directorial talent in the world in a film anthology entitled Take 100: The Future Of Film 100 New Directors. Says Farah happily, "I am just toooo toooo happy. In our country we don't value talent until it gets endorsed from the outside. I didn't even know about this until (film critic) Khalid Mohamed told me. Can you imagine, if he hadn't told me I would've never known! It's such an honour because I'm the only Indian director among the 100 who have been …
25 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Brésil: vague d'assassinats d'écologistes en Amazonie
NOVA IPIXUNA (Brésil) (AFP)Face à limpunité dont bénéficient localement les tueurs, le gouvernement brésilien a envoyé des troupes fédérales en Amazonie pour tenter de faire barrage à une vague dassassinats décologistes opposés au déboisement illégal du poumon vert de la planète.Cest près de cette petite ville de 15.000 habitants de lEtat amazonien du Para, quont été tués par balle fin mai dans une embuscade, José Claudio Ribeiro da Silva, 52 ans, et sa femme Maria do Espirito Santo da Silva, 51 ans, qui dénonçaient la déforestation sauvage.Depuis, trois autres paysans ont été assassinés dans cet Etat, où les conflits agraires …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Aarakshan promos removed from Double Dhamaal prints
Click above for more movie stills First it was Prakash Jha's film Raajneeti, the promos of which were removed from Vidhu Vinod Chopra's 3 Idiots. Well, now we hear that the promos of his latest film Aarakshan have also been removed from Double Dhamaal. Apparently, Jha had sent a team to gauge the audience's reaction to the promos of Aarakshan in theatres, but was disappointed to discover that the promos had been removed from Double Dhamaal. When contacted, Prakash Jha said, "Yes, I had spoken to the makers of Double Dhamaal months in advance about playing the promos of Aarakshan, …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Chillar Party reject Harsh Mayar won National Award for I Am Kalam
Chillar Party may boast of biggies like Salman Khan and Ranbir Kapoor but Smile Foundation's film I Am Kalam has none other than the Missile Man of India, former Indian President Dr. A P J Kalam as its inspiration. The fun and family entertainer has a social message and just like the feel of the film, the lead child actor Harsh Mayar has also had a story of grit and determination. Apparently, Harsh, who is a slum kid from Delhi, was first rejected by the makers of Chillar Party because he was a misfit for the film. Needless to say, …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Gasquet attend Murray de pied ferme
LONDRES (AFP)Richard Gasquet est devenu vendredi le premier Français à se qualifier pour les huitièmes de finale de Wimbledon où il attend de pied ferme Andy Murray pour une revanche de l'édition 2008.Très séduisant depuis le début du tournoi, le N.2 français a remporté son troisième match en trois sets secs face à l'Italien Simone Bolelli (6-3, 6-2, 6-4) pour servir d'éclaireur au camp français, en salle d'attente.Cinq autres Tricolores devaient encore tenter de rejoindre la locomotive de Béziers en deuxième semaine. Gaël Monfils et Gilles Simon étaient sur les courts vendredi. Mais la pluie les a coupés en plein …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 14
The article below is a preview of the original article found at You can read the whole article here: Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 14 The article below is a preview of the original article found at You can read the whole article here: Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 14 Welcome to the 14th week of the Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 on Island Crisis. Share your tips in the comment section below and best of luck [...]
24 Jun 2011, Island Crisis
Le football birman ne fait plus recette
RANGOUN (AFP)Lorsque le dictateur birman Than Shwe s'est intéressé au football, son petit-fils a rêvé qu'il lui offre Manchester United. Il doit se contenter d'un championnat birman famélique, de joueurs sans talent et de stades vides.Le spectacle n'est pas brillant en ce dimanche à Rangoun, où le FC Manaw Myay accueille l'équipe de Naypyidaw, la capitale. Comme bien d'autres, la formation originaire de l'Etat Kachin joue à des centaines de kilomètres de chez elle.La pauvreté, les moyens de transports indigents et les restrictions de déplacements imposés par des décennies de guerre civile empêcheraient les supporters de parcourir le pays pour …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Blatter blames meat for Mexican dope tests
LOS ANGELES (AFP)The five Mexican footballers who were suspended from the Gold Cup last week, are not the only players to have tested positive for the banned substance clenbuterol, according to FIFA president Sepp Blatter.The players claim that the positive test was caused by contaminated meat and Blatter appears to hold the view that they ingested the drug by accident."It was obviously a surprise but when we received the documents, and especially after we had spoken to our medical supervisor, we noticed that there were five players in an awkward position," Blatter told ESPN."But traces of the product have also …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Cyclisme: la chance des rivales de Longo
BOULOGNE-SUR-MER (AFP)La course en ligne dames des Championnats de France de cyclisme offrira samedi leur chance aux adversaires de Jeannie Longo, sacrée jeudi en contre-la-montre à 52 ans mais qui n'a pas spécialement préparé cette épreuve, sur un circuit très vallonné.Comme toujours, Christel Ferrier-Bruneau, deuxième du chrono et championne en ligne en 2009, et Edwige Pitel, sacrée en 2007 et qui prendra le départ malgré une fracture à une main après une chute jeudi, seront favorites. A moins qu'une jeune ne tire profit du jeu des tactiques d'équipes, comme l'an dernier où Mélodie Lesueur (20 ans alors) avait damé le …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
JO-2012 à Londres: le site internet pour la vente des billets pris d'assaut
LONDRES (AFP)Le site internet des jeux Olympiques de 2012 à Londres a été pris d'assaut dès l'ouverture à 6H00 GMT vendredi matin pour la deuxième session de vente des billets, au point que de nombreux demandeurs n'ont pu se connecter.Des messages "Désolé, réessayez plus tard" ont découragé plus d'un demandeur, tandis que d'autres arrivaient trop tard, à partir de 6H30 GMT, pour obtenir un billet pour le sport souhaité.Toutefois, les plus chanceux ont pu acheter en ligne les tickets tant espérés, après plusieurs essais. "J'ai finalement réussi à aller au bout du processus de paiement au dixième essai et après …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Wimbledon: Wozniacki qualifiée pour le troisième tour en battant Razzano
LONDRES (AFP)La Danoise Caroline Wozniacki, tête de série N.1, s'est qualifiée vendredi pour le troisième tour de Wimbledon en battant la Française Virginie Razzano en deux sets 6-1, 6-3.Elle rencontrera l'Australienne Jarmila Gajdosova.
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La "guerre contre la drogue" de Thaksin hante toujours la Thaïlande
KALASIN (Thaïlande) (AFP)Lex-Premier ministre thaïlandais en exil Thaksin Shinawatra a été renversé par larmée il y a cinq ans, mais il hante encore les familles des victimes de sa "guerre contre la drogue", horrifiées par la perspective de son retour sil gagne les élections."Jaimerais pouvoir les tuer", dit ainsi Somporn, vendeur de rue, en référence à lancien chef de gouvernement et aux policiers quil accuse davoir tué son fils Pravit, retrouvé attaché à un arbre dans un parc de Kalasin, dans le nord-est du pays, à 21 ans.Des organisations de défense des droits de lHomme affirment que la police la …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?