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Bunwaree reassures ex-IVTB employees
The minister of Education and Human Resources, Dr Vasant Bunwaree, held a press meet in Port Louis on Thursday and invited the employees of the former Industrial and Vocational Training Board (IVTB) and Technical School Management Trust Fund (TSMTF) to join the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD). He said that they will not [...]
24 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Circle Square future hotspot in the north
Circle Square is not in the middle of nowhere, it is in the middle of everywhere. This is what Barry Wessels, development director of the Indian Ocean Real Estate Company (IOREC), had to say during the launch of Circle Square Retail Park project at the Lemon Tree Café, Forbach on Wednesday. The commercial park which [...]
24 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Legislation against tree felling
On Thursday, a series of activities to mark the International Year of Forests and World Biodiversity Day, were launched at Monvert. On the occasion, the minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security, Satish Faugoo said, “Forests are not just the green cover we need to make the earth look beautiful, they function as a resource for [...]
24 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Island, France ink exchange protocol
Mauritius and France signed a protocol on exchange of information at the conference room of the Ministry of Finance on Thursday in Port Louis. Mauritius was represented by finance minister Pravind Jugnauth and France by French ambassador Jean-François Dobelle. “The signing of the protocol shows the commitment of both countries to the principles of good [...]
24 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Sale of e-cigarettes illegal
The sale of electronic cigarettes is illegal in Mauritius. This was brought to the notice of people selling this product after officers of the Ministry of Health conducted a raid in Quatre Bornes on Wednesday. Some twenty cartridges containing electronic cigarettes were seized during this operation. Three traders will be prosecuted for the same. Electronic [...]
24 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
UoM students against new course timings
The students of the faculty of engineering at the University of Mauritius (UoM) are protesting against the new training session time table as they will have to attend classes during holidays. According to the students, it is unfair since they will not be able to benefit from free transport during this period. These special practical [...]
24 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
JT de 19h30 – vendredi 24/06/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-06-24End Time: 20:15
24 Jun 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – vendredi 24/06/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-06-24End Time: 19:20
24 Jun 2011, MBC
They were going to work - Two brothers collided head-on by a bus
The road continues to claim victims. Tuesday morning, the brothers Nauyock Javed, 28, and Aftab Nauyock, 27, were hit by a bus in Fond-du-Sac.
24 Jun 2011,
News – Friday 24/06/11
Title: NewsChannel: MBC3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-06-24End Time: 18:50
24 Jun 2011, MBC
Samachar – Friday 24/06/11
Title: Samachar Channel: MBC1 Start Time: 18:00 Date: 2011-06-24 End Time: 18:25
24 Jun 2011, MBC
Dam to be built on Riv du Poste
Deputy prime minister Dr Rashid Beebeejaun, announced the construction of a dam on Riviere du Poste, which will feed the Mare aux Vacoas reservoir. The announcement was made during a site visit to Mare aux Vacoas on Thursday. Beebeejaun said, “We set up a temporary dam here last month. Around 6,000 metre cubes of water [...]
24 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Le PRB intransigeant sur la ponctualité
Il se montrera intransigeant dans son prochain rapport afin que le public puisse bénéficier d´un service irréprochable. Dans la foulée, cette institution chargée de revoir les salaires et conditions de service des fonctionnaires se propose d´améliorer le système de paiement des heures supplémentaires et de Time off. Interrogé par Le Matinal, jeudi, à l´issue de sa rencontre avec Rashid Imrith, président de la Fédération des syndicats de la fonction publique (FSSC), dans le cadre de ses consultations pour la préparation de son prochain rapport, le directeur du PRB Mohun Aujayeb a insisté que la discipline au travail est primordiale et …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Vivek Oberoi makes it to Forbes Asian Heroes of Philanthropy list
Vivek Oberoi has always been closely associated with charitable work. Now the actor is being recognized for his charity work towards health, education and disaster relief, by being mentioned in the prestigious Forbes Asian Heroes of Philanthropy list. Vivek, 34, is the youngest individual and the only Bollywood actor acknowledged in the listing this year. The list shines the spotlight on some of Asia-Pacific's high-profile and interesting givers to society. Four philanthropists were picked from each of the 12 markets in the region, making it a total of 48 being celebrated this year. Other Indians joining Vivek in this illustrious …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Survivor Robinho revels in elder statesman role
RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP)He may have failed to pull up many trees at Real Madrid or Manchester City while his return to Santos didn't last long before he fell back on his feet at Milan - but whatever his club record Robinho has become a fixture with the Boys from Brazil.As Brazil head to the Copa America in Argentina seeking a third straight win in the world's oldest continental tournament Robinho appears to have exorcised the demons of inconsistency which marred his time first at the Bernabeu then with City in a somewhat ill-starred Premier League stint.He landed the title …
24 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Dhoni and Raina to join Akshay, John, Riteish in Housefull 2?
If two dozen top league actors weren't enough for Housefull 2, here is more. The film will now also see cricketers rubbing shoulders with the likes of Akshay Kumar, John Abraham and Riteish Deshmukh in this Sajid Khan film. Early indications are that Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Suresh Raina have already been finalised for the film. "Housefull 2 would be the first release after IPL 2012 and arrives on 27th April. Keeping this in mind, Sajid Khan has included cricket elements in the film's script so that it turns out to be just the right follow up to the cricket …
23 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Cocaïne : le Pérou rattrape la Colombie après avoir baissé la garde
LIMA (AFP)Le Pérou a rattrapé et selon certains calculs supplanté la Colombie en tant que premier fournisseur mondial de cocaïne, après avoir baissé la garde pendant une décennie, laissant une bombe à retardement entre les mains du nouveau gouvernement qui prendra ses fonctions en juillet.Le rapport 2011 de lOffice des Nations unies contre la drogue et le crime (ONUDC) passe pudiquement sous silence la production 2010 de cocaïne du Pérou, qui était de 302 tonnes en 2008, au nom dune "révision en cours des facteurs de conversion" de cultures de feuilles de coca en quantité de drogue.Mais selon le rapport, …
23 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Reggae star sentenced 10 years for cocaine trafficking
WASHINGTON (AFP)Jamaican reggae star Buju Banton was Thursday sentenced in Florida to ten years in prison for cocaine trafficking, federal court documents showed.Thirty-seven-year-old Banton, whose real name is Mark Anthony Myrie, was found guilty of possession of more than five kilos of cocaine, with "intent to distribute," by a jury on February 22.After serving his sentence, he must also spend five years under court supervision.The musician was arrested in December 2009 after attempting to sell $125,000 worth of cocaine to an undercover informant working for the US Drug Enforcement Agency, according to the court documents.The Grammy-award winning artist has 15 …
23 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Noël Le Graët recevra probablement Domenech
PARIS (AFP)Noël Le Graët, nouveau président de la Fédération française de football (FFF), a indiqué jeudi sur Canal+ qu'il était "probable" qu'il "reçoive" Raymond Domenech, ancien sélectionneur de l'équipe de France en litige avec l'instance aux Prud'hommes."Il y a un litige entre Raymond Domenech et la Fédération, nos juristes vont discuter mais il est aussi probable que je le reçoive", a expliqué le nouveau président.Domenech conteste son licenciement pour faute grave après le Mondial-2010 et réclame 2,9 millions d'euros à la FFF devant les Prud'hommes. L'audience est prévue le 13 janvier 2012 devant les Prud'hommes de Paris.Le Graët avait affiché …
23 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Wimbledon: Djokovic au troisième tour, avec "une approche différente"
LONDRES (AFP)Novak Djokovic, demi-finaliste en 2007 et 2010 à Wimbledon, croit fermement en ses chances de victoire cette année et pour l'instant tout roule pour le Serbe, qualifié pour le troisième tour jeudi."Mentalement j'ai une approche différente que les années précédentes. Ma confiance est très élevée, je crois en moi, je sais que je suis un des meilleurs et que je peux battre tout le monde", a signalé le N.2 mondial que la défaite face au Suisse Roger Federer en demi-finale de Roland-Garros, la première après une fantastique série de 43 victoires, n'a visiblement pas ébranlé.Vainqueur en trois sets secs …
23 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?