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South Africa will charge a 10 percent tax on gains from investments in Mauritius
22 Jun 2011,
Bagatelle Mall is already 85% let
The development of Bagatelle – Mall of Mauritius is on schedule
22 Jun 2011,
Le Sénat américain confirme Leon Panetta à la tête du Pentagone
WASHINGTON (AFP)La nomination de Leon Panetta à la tête du Pentagone a été confirmée mardi au Sénat où ses succès comme patron de la CIA ont été unanimement salués, mais dimportants défis attendent cet homme de 72 ans, notamment en Afghanistan et en Libye.Les 100 membres du Sénat américain ont approuvé la nomination de M. Panetta, une unanimité rare pour un membre de ladministration fédérale. Les élus ont salué notamment son rôle dans la traque et lélimination dOussama Ben Laden, abattu par un commando au Pakistan en mai."La nomination de Leon Panetta comme secrétaire à la Défense est judicieuse et …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Un exemplaire du ‘Two Pence Blue’ en vente
L’un des timbres les plus rares du monde, le ‘Post Office Mauritius Two Pence Blue’, faisant partie de la collection de Sir Humphrey Cripps, sera mis aux enchères prochainement en Grande-Bretagne. L’ensemble de la collection estimée à € 20 millions consiste en 80 albums. Le Post Office Mauritius Two Pence Blue, l’un des timbres les plus célèbres et les plus chers pourrait rapporter à lui seul plus de € 500 000, indique le journal en ligne ‘The Telegraph’ dans son édition de mardi. Cette vente, qui se fera en plusieurs fois et ce jusqu’en 2012, laisse penser que des prix …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le Flacq Shopping Mall ouvre ses portes en août 2012
Palm Square Properties, entreprise familiale gérée par Rudi Goorwappa et son fils Anil, lance le Flacq Shopping Mall. Les travaux de construction ont débuté avril dernier. Ce nouveau centre commercial devra accueillir ses premiers clients en août 2012. Situé à Boulet Rouge, à quelques encablures du Centre de Flacq, ce développement immobilier de grande envergure nécessite un investissement d’environ Rs. 400 millions. Le Flacq Shopping Mall sera d’une superficie de 10 000 m2 sur un terrain de trois arpents. Plus de 70 magasins seront repartis au rez-de-chaussée et au premier étage sur le concept dit ‘mix-match’, un Food-court, espace loisirs …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Afghanistan: six policiers tués dans l'attaque d'un poste
GHAZNI (AFP)Au moins six policiers ont été tués mercredi dans une attaque des talibans visant un poste de contrôle routier dans la province de Ghazni, dans le centre de lAfghanistan, ont indiqué des responsables des forces de sécurité.
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Firms invested Rs 7 m in MedPoint
The State Investment Corporation (SIC) and SICOM Ltd will be eligible to a return on investment according to their respective shareholding in MedPoint Ltd. The SIC invested Rs 5 million in MedPoint, representing 50,000 shares at Rs 100 each in 1993 while SICOM Ltd invested 20,000 shares costing Rs 2 million in the same year. [...]
22 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Argentine: la président Cristina Kirchner candidate à sa propre succession
BUENOS AIRES (AFP)La présidente argentine Cristina Kirchner a annoncé mardi être candidate à sa propre succession à lélection présidentielle du 23 octobre, mettant ainsi fin à des mois de spéculations sur son état de santé ou sur sa réelle volonté de briguer un nouveau mandat."Nous allons une fois de plus nous soumettre (au vote des électeurs), comme on la toujours fait", a-t-elle déclaré au palais présidentiel, au cours dun discours diffusé par la télévision publique, quatre jours avant la clôture du dépôt des candidatures.Mme Kirchner, 58 ans, vêtue de noir, comme chaque jour depuis la mort de son mari lancien …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Drop in car thefts recorded in 2010
A series of measures have been implemented by the police commissioner and the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping since 2009 to avert car thefts. These preventive measures have brought positive results and the number of car theft cases has dropped from 106 in 2009 to 72 in 2010. Since [...]
22 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Hindu platform against TJC’s access to archives
The Hindu Common Front is against the Truth and Justice Commission (TJC) gaining access to the archives of the Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI) at Moka. Members of the Mauritius Sanatan Dharma Temples Federation (MSDTF), Voice of Hindu (VOH) and the Mauritius Tamil Temples Federation, among others held a press meet on Tuesday at Port Louis. [...]
22 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Music Day celebrated in schools, nurtures new talents
“If music be the food of love, play on,” said the bard. However, this year, the Music Day celebration in schools has been steeped in controversy following instructions from the Ministry of Education that the event should comprise only music and songs and that dance should be excluded. This decision led to protests from several [...]
22 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Breast cancer unit set up at Victoria Hospital
In a bid to step up efforts to fight cancer, the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life will soon set up a health centre for breast cancer patients at Victoria Hospital, Candos. The ministry is also planning to launch several other measures in accordance with the National Cancer Control Programme and Action Plan 2010-2014. [...]
22 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Bappoo admits lack of study on child welfare
No study has been carried out on the structural well being, protection and security of children at the national level. This was stated by the minister of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare, Sheila Bappoo who was answering a question asked by MP Dhiraj Khamajeet. Minister Bappoo stated that her ministry’s paramount responsibility is [...]
22 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
IBL fights poverty under CSR project
Ireland Blyth Limited (IBL), through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) department, the IBL Foundation, is organising a national solidarity collection of non-perishable items. This is being in collaboration with the 18 Winners supermarkets and the theme for the drive is ‘US and You against poverty’. This will be held on June 25 and 26 in [...]
22 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
256 cases of police brutality reported in 2010
MP Aurore Perraud questioned the Prime Minister on the number of police brutality complaints received since 2009. In his reply, Dr Navin Ramgoolam informed the house that in 2009, 256 cases were reported, in 2010, 262 cases were recorded and till June 17 this year, 116 cases were known. The PM said that out of [...]
22 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Singapore to provide free expertise on water
In reply to a question by MP Alan Ganoo, deputy prime minister and minister of Energy and Public Utilities, Rashid Beebeejaun stated that in May 2011, the government approved that the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise and Public Utilities Board will be appointed to develop an integrated water management framework in Mauritius. This is with a view [...]
22 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Mixed reaction to sending back tardy students
Fifty students of Eden College at Rose Hill were sent back from school on Monday after they were late for class. To gauge the impact of this decision taken by the rector, Lalita Balgobin, The Independent contacted several school principals to find out how they deal with the problem of latecomers. Chitra Awotar, rector of [...]
22 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
CSBO : transformer le sud en l’Ile Maurice Authentique
L’idée est prometteuse, fort louable et tout à fait des les cordes de la Compagnie Sucrière de Bel Ombre (CSBO): Transformer le sud-ouest en région urbanisée tout en maintenant le cachet naturel de cette partie de l’ile et surtout de vanter "l’Ile Maurice authentique". La vision de la CSBO est de proposer une zone urbaine de haute facture, parfaitement intégrée à l’environnement naturel et offrant une qualité de vie incomparable aux résidents et visiteurs. Cette vision repose sur quatre axes distincts : l’agribusiness (incluant la canne, l’élevage, les palmistes et les plantes décoratives), le tourisme et les loisirs (Chamarel, la …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Designer Galliano in court over anti-Semitic outburst
PARIS (AFP)Fashion designer John Galliano faced trial on charges that he launched anti-Semitic tirades in a Paris bar, which the fallen superstar is expected to blame on drug and alcohol addiction.The 50-year-old couturier -- considered one of the finest fashion designers of his generation -- could face a sentence of six months in jail and a fine of 22,500 euros ($32,000) if convicted.The British designer was arrested on February 24 after a couple in La Perle cafe in Paris's fashionable Marais district alleged he had subjected them to a stream of anti-Semitic abuse.Galliano has issued an apology for his behaviour, …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Two Pence Blue Stamp For Sale
The Two Pence Blue are one of the rarest stamps in the world, the `Post Office Mauritius Two Pence Blue’, belonging to the collection of Sir Humphrey Cripps, will be auctioned soon in Great Britain. The whole of the stamp collection estimated at € 20 million consists of 80 albums. Post Office of Mauritius’s Two [...]
22 Jun 2011, MauritiusHot