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Wimbledon: Venus poussée dans ses retranchements par Date-Krumm, 40 ans
LONDRES (AFP)Venus Williams a été poussée dans ses retranchements par une formidable Kimiko Date-Krumm qui a failli créer une sensation majeure du haut de ses 40 ans, mercredi à Wimbledon.L'aînée des soeurs Williams a eu besoin de 2 h 56 min pour briser la résistance de la Japonaise 6-7, 6-3, 8-6 et atteindre le troisième tour où elle rencontrera l'Espagnole Maria Jose Martinez ou la Roumaine Monica Niculescu."Je suis soulagée d'être passée, elle a joué tellement bien", a commenté la quintuple lauréate du tournoi après avoir survécu aux 46 points gagnants de Date-Krumm, dont 26 au premier set d'une grande …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Russie: un millier de communistes honorent la mémoire de Staline
MOSCOU (AFP)Environ un millier de communistes ont déposé des fleurs mercredi sur la tombe de Staline, derrière le mausolée de Lénine, sur la Place rouge, à loccasion du 70e anniversaire de linvasion de lURSS par les nazis."On peut reprocher des choses à Staline. Il a fait des erreurs. Mais ses mérites dépassent largement ses défauts. Je respecte beaucoup Staline", déclare Vladislav Zigert, médecin à la retraite de 70 ans, qui arbore un drapeau rouge orné de la faucille et du marteau.Les manifestants sont venus honorer la mémoire des combattants de la deuxième guerre mondiale (la "Grande guerre patriotique", dans la …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tickets for women's football W. Cup snapped up
BERLIN (AFP)With the womens World Cup set to kick-off here on Sunday when hosts Germany tackle Canada in Berlin, organisers have said more than 80 percent of the tournaments 900,000 tickets have now been sold.With the final to be held in Frankfurt on July 17, over 700,000 tickets have been snapped up for the three week-long tournament with a capacity crowd of 74,500 expected for Sundays opening game at Berlins Olympic Stadium.Hosts Germany are bidding for their third straight title, but face a strong challenge from previous winners the USA as well as south American giants Brazil.This will be the …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Chine: l'artiste Ai Weiwei libéré sous caution
PEKIN (Chine) (AFP)Lartiste chinois Ai Weiwei a été libéré sous caution, a annoncé tard mercredi lagence Chine nouvelle, expliquant cette annonce inattendue par "la bonne attitude" dAi qui "a confessé ses crimes" dévasion fiscale et par une maladie chronique.
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
AS Roma target Barcelona's Bojan Krkic
BARCELONA (AFP)AS Roma have made a formal offer to buy Barcelonas 20-year-old striker Bojan Krkic, the Catalan club said Wedesday without disclosing any figures."We have received an offer but it is still in a period of study and evaluation," Barcelona board spokesman Toni Freixa told a news conference."Clearly when we receive this offer and the club considers it, it is because there is a possibility it could happen," Freixa said, declining to speculate further on the outcome.The board spokesman said he understood that it was difficult for Roma to make any announcement on the matter while their offer was still …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Galliano hearing: live report
1324: Galliano's lawyer Aurelian Hamelle has entered the courtroom but the designer himself has yet to turn up.1322 GMT: Five people are expected to testify in the trial, including two women who were sat next to Galliano during the February 24 incident.Galliano's lawyer has said varying testimonies show that there is some doubt about what was actually said.1318 GMT: AFP's Amandine Ambregni, at the court, says the courtroom assigned to the Galliano case is filling up quickly though other cases are still going on.1314 GMT: Galliano's lawyer Aurelien Hamelle tells journalists: "He is uplifted to come to the court. He …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Chelsea appoint 'outstanding' Villas-Boas as coach
LONDON (AFP)Chelsea have appointed FC Porto boss Andre Villas-Boas as their new manager in a record-breaking deal, a club statement announced on Wednesday.The 33-year-old, who emerged as the front runner for the job after resigning as Porto coach on Tuesday, has signed a three year contract.Villas-Boas not only becomes the youngest ever Premier League manager but also the most expensive coaching appointment ever after Chelsea paid Porto £13.3 million (15 million euros, $21.35m) to trigger the release clause in Villas-Boass contract.Chelsea described Villas-Boas who led Porto to a domestic double and Europa League glory last season, as "the outstanding candidate …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Thailand aim to sign Schaefer as football coach
BANGKOK (AFP)Thailand is close to signing Germanys Winfried Schaefer as coach for its national football team, a top official said on Wednesday."Its almost certain now," said Ong-arj Kosinkar, general secretary of the Football Association of Thailand."Signing of a three year-contract will take place in the next few days," he said. "He will start work on July 1."Thailands previous coach Bryan Robson, a former England and Manchester United captain, quit earlier this month after less than two years in the job, citing health and family reasons.Former Thai coach and England international Peter Withe had also been named by the Thai football …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
946 hooligans interpellés lors de la saison de football 2010-2011: +35%
PARIS (AFP)Quelques 946 hooligans ont été interpellés au cours de la saison de football 2010-2011, contre 696 la saison précédente, soit une augmentation de 35,92%, a-t-on appris mercredi auprès du chef de la division nationale de lutte contre le hooliganisme.Le commissaire Antoine Boutonnet, qui exerce également les fonctions de coordinateur national football au sein de la police nationale, a précisé à la presse que 488 d'entre eux avaient été interpellés "dans les stades", contre 250 la saison précédente, soit une hausse de 95,2%.Les 458 autres ont été interpellés aux abords des enceintes sportives, contre 446 en 2009-2010, soit +2,70%.Ces résultats …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Argentine: la présidente Cristina Kirchner candidate à sa propre succession
BUENOS AIRES (AFP)La présidente argentine Cristina Kirchner a annoncé mardi être candidate à sa propre succession à lélection présidentielle du 23 octobre, mettant ainsi fin à des mois de spéculations sur son état de santé ou sur sa réelle volonté de briguer un nouveau mandat."Nous allons une fois de plus nous soumettre (au vote des électeurs), comme on la toujours fait", a-t-elle déclaré au palais présidentiel, au cours dun discours diffusé par la télévision publique, quatre jours avant la clôture du dépôt des candidatures.Mme Kirchner, 58 ans, vêtue de noir, comme chaque jour depuis la mort de son mari, lancien …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mowed down half an hour apart in Beau-Bassin - The son of one victim: "I expected her to come with the bread in vain"
Two people from different neighbourhoods have experienced a tragic end.
22 Jun 2011,
Bactérie: la Russie va lever son embargo sur les légumes européens
BRUXELLES (AFP)La Russie va lever son embargo sur les légumes européens décidé suite à la contamination de la bactérie Eceh et les exportations vont pouvoir reprendre "cette semaine, voire demain", a annoncé mercredi un porte-parole de la Commission européenne.
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Chelsea appoint 'outstanding' Villas-Boas as coach
LONDON (AFP)Chelsea have appointed FC Porto boss Andre Villas-Boas as their new manager in a record-breaking deal, a club statement announced on Wednesday.The 33-year-old, who emerged as the front runner for the job after resigning as Porto coach on Tuesday, has signed a three year contract.Villas-Boas not only becomes the youngest ever Premier League manager but also the most expensive coaching appointment ever after Chelsea paid Porto £13.3 million (15 million euros, $21.35m) to trigger the release clause in Villas-Boass contract.Chelsea described Villas-Boas who led Porto to a domestic double and Europa League glory last season, as "the outstanding candidate …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Richard Gere voices Tibet concern at Seoul exhibition
SEOUL (AFP)Hollywood star Richard Gere on Wednesday voiced concern at what he called torture and killing in Tibet, during a visit to South Korea to promote an exhibition of photos he took in the Himalayan territory.Gere said some of the images in the exhibition illustrated what he called the political oppression faced by his "Tibetan brothers and sisters".The "Pretty Woman" and "Chicago" actor is a longtime campaigner for the rights of Tibetans and a vocal critic of the Chinese government's treatment of Tibetan independence activists."I think it's impossible to look at these photographs and not realise the extraordinary suffering of …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Affaire Michaela Harte.
L’enquête préliminaire va reprendre demain en Cour de Mapou. Hier après midi, la magistrate Sheila Bonomally a rejeté la motion de L’avocat d’Avinash Treebohun, accuse dans le meurtre de la touriste Irlandaise à Maurice. Me Sanjeev Teeluckdharry avait mis en doute l’impartialite de Sheila Bonomally dans ce cas. Un des 1er accuse, Raj Teekoye, blanchi dans un 2eme [...]
22 Jun 2011, MBC
Grèce: en 1941, il vole le drapeau nazi sur l'Acropole, en 2011 il résiste encore
ATHENES (AFP)A 18 ans, en 1941, il dérobait avec un compagnon le drapeau nazi flottant sur lAcropole dans une opération devenue légendaire. 70 ans plus tard, Manolis Glezos résiste toujours, cette fois contre la "tutelle" étrangère imposée à la Grèce pour redresser ses comptes.Cétait dans la nuit du 30 au 31 mai 1941: les Allemands venaient de réduire la dernière poche alliée en Crète et "Hitler a dit dans un discours que +lEurope est libre+. Nous voulions lui prouver que justement, le combat commençait", raconte-t-il à lAFP."La Grèce a conquis sa liberté, mais pas son indépendance. Sur léchelle de la …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Rs 400 millions, c’est le cout d’un centre commercial au Centre de Flacq
Rs 400 millions, c’est le cout d’un centre commercial au Centre de flacq dont les travaux de construction ont débuté il y a deux mois. Si tout se passe bien ce centre commercial sera opérationnel en aout 2012. Il compte environ 70 magasins et autres facilités et le bâtiment est écologique. Une fois prêt, environ 300 emplois seront [...]
22 Jun 2011, MBC
Villas-Boas appointed Chelsea manager
LONDON (AFP)Chelsea have appointed Porto boss Andre Villas-Boas as their new manager, a club statement announced on Wednesday.The 33-year-old, who emerged as the front runner for the job after resigning as Porto coach on Tuesday, has signed a three year deal, making him the youngest ever Premier League manager.Chelsea, confirming the news, described Villas-Boas who led Porto to a domestic double and Europa League glory last season, as "the outstanding candidate for the job".They added: "He is one of the most talented young managers in football today and has already achieved much in a relatively short space of time."His ambition, …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Michaela McAreavey Autopsy Updates
A plastic-type material bag had been placed over Michaela McAreavey’s head during her killing, a police autopsy statement has found. The report reveals fresh details concerning the actual killing of the 27-year-old daughter of Tyrone GAA boss Mickey Harte on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. Other important conclusions include: Laboratory assessments were conducted on [...]
22 Jun 2011, MauritiusHot
Failures and other mechanical problems - the NTC breaks all records
He describes the buses of the National Transport Company (NTC) of flying coffin. It does not go a day without a bus from falling down.Sadish Kokil-Kisto, a user of that company, has compiled a list.
22 Jun 2011,