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Samachar – Thursday 23/06/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC 1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-06-23End Time: 18:25
23 Jun 2011, MBC
New GPS aids fleet management
Naveo, which specialises in global positioning system fleet management, launched the Geotab GO5, their latest engine predictive maintenance tool on Wednesday. According to the South African representatives of Geotab, this fleet management tool can help reduce costs. “Fleet management is about managing costs and not just about vehicle tracking. For example, if a vehicle is [...]
23 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Entries open for Pan African contest
DStv Eutelsat Star Awards, a pan-African student competition targeting students aged from 14 to 19 years in 42 African countries including Mauritius, was launched on Wednesday. The final competition will be arbitrated by an international jury which will meet on September 12 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The winner will be offered a trip to France [...]
23 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
ICC bill voted to judge int’l criminals
The International Criminal Court Bill was passed with amendment at the National Assembly on Tuesday night. The bill aims to judge criminals who have committed atrocious crimes. The ICC will be independent of the national courts in the country. Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam spoke about the signing of the Rome Statute in 1998 which [...]
23 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Sik Yuen protects rice against hedging
Micheal Sik Yuen, the minister of Commerce, Business Enterprise and Cooperatives replied to MP Reza Uteem’s question on the name of the successful bidder, contract value and the procurement method for the supply of ration rice since January 2011. The minister said that no request for tender has been issued by the State Trading Corporation [...]
23 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Parastatal bodies
The Office of the Public Sector Governance (OPSG) has already started assessing the extent of compliance of 17 parastatal bodies through discussions and interviews. A report on the state of corporate governance at these organisations containing recommendations will be submitted to the Prime Minister’s Office soon. This was stated by OPSG director Geeanduth Gopee at [...]
23 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
French teachers awarded certificates
The award ceremony for Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF) Scolaire programme was held on Wednesday at the MITD House, Phoenix in the presence of the minister of Education and Human Resources, Dr Vasant Bunwaree. Certificates were awarded to the second batch comprising 24 French teachers who followed the course to become the future examiners [...]
23 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Public transport drivers oppose penalty points
Drivers of public transport vehicles and taxi owners have said that they do not agree with the government’s decision to introduce the penalty point system. They stated that the concerned authorities should consult the various transport unions before taking such decisions. The unions are making an appeal to meet the authorities to review the penalty [...]
23 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Lord mayor announces
The Municipal Council of Port Louis is redoubling its efforts to gather street hawkers operating in the capital under a single roof and ensuring that they operate in the best possible conditions. The lord mayor, Mahmade Khodabaccus, announced the construction of a modern building which would house up to 400 hawkers. He said that a [...]
23 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
85-km green trail at Black River Gorges soon
Forests are under the spotlight ever since 2011 was declared the International Year of Forests by the United Nations to raise awareness and strengthen sustainable forest management. By the end of this year, the Black River Gorges National Park, which hosts some of the rarest trees in the world, will be equipped with a 85-km [...]
23 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
MGI to give TJC access to archives
The Truth and Justice Commission (TJC) will finally get access to the archives of the Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI). This is an assurance given by MGI president Ravindranath Dwarka. The archives contain information on Indian immigrants. The TJC’s report will be submitted to UNESCO. Dwarka voluntarily testified in front of the TJC on Wednesday to [...]
23 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Libye: "dos au mur", Kadhafi dit que la bataille se poursuivra
TRIPOLI (AFP)Le colonel Mouammar Kadhafi a affirmé mercredi soir quil était "dos au mur", quil ne craignait pas la mort et que la bataille contre lOccident "croisé" se poursuivra "jusquà lau-delà", dans un message sonore diffusé par la télévision libyenne."Nous résisterons et la bataille se poursuivra jusquà lau-delà, jusquà ce que vous soyez achevés. Mais nous ne serons pas finis", a déclaré M. Kadhafi dans un hommage à son compagnon, Khouildi Hmidi, dont plusieurs membres de sa famille ont été tués lundi dans des raids de lOtan sur sa résidence."Il ny a plus aucun accord entre nous après que vous …
23 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La région de Cité la Cure est dotée d’une crèche pour enfants
Les enfants de la région de Cité la Cure ont désormais leur propre crèche. La construction de ʺRainbow Kidsʺ est le fruit d’un partenariat entre Holcim, la National Empowerment Foundation et le ministère de l´Intégration Sociale et de l’Economic Empowerment. L’inauguration a été faite à Cité la Cure le mercredi 22 juin en présence du ministre de tutelle, Xavier-Luc Duval. Cette crèche va accueillir environ 40 enfants âgés de 3 mois à 3 ans de la région et sept personnels, formés dans le domaine, s’occuperont d’eux. L’ONG s’assurera que ces enfants aient un repas équilibré. Ainsi, un repas gratuit, comprenant …
23 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La région de Cité la Cure inaugure une crèche pour enfants
Les enfants de la région de Cité la Cure ont désormais leur propre crèche. La construction de ʺRainbow Kidsʺ est le fruit d’un partenariat entre Holcim, la National Empowerment Foundation et le ministère de l´Intégration Sociale et de l’Economic Empowerment. L’inauguration a été faite à Cité la Cure le mercredi 22 juin en présence du ministre de tutelle, Xavier-Luc Duval. Cette crèche va accueillir environ 40 enfants âgés de 3 mois à 3 ans de la région et sept personnels, formés dans le domaine, s’occuperont d’eux. L’ONG s’assurera que ces enfants aient un repas équilibré. Ainsi, un repas gratuit, comprenant …
23 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Sentencing set for September in Galliano racism trial
PARIS (AFP)But Marion Bully, 30, an English teacher within earshot of the altercation, said that while she heard Galliano insult Bloch, at no time did she hear Jewish references.A second witness, a 24-year-old German fashion student, said she too was at the bar on February 24 and confirmed an altercation, but added: "I did not hear any anti-Semitic things."Another woman, Fathia Oumeddour, later came forward to say she was the victim of a similar assault in October 2010. Her complaint was integrated into Wednesday's proceedings.The video was taken on a third occasion, apparently at La Perle. Galliano -- seen in …
23 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Parliament: 375 pedestrians mowed down on pedestrian crossings since 2005 including 17 fatal cases
The opposition leader believes that the figures submitted by the Prime Minister in response to the Private Notice Question (PNQ) are alarming. Navin Ramgoolam, for its part, the trend is upward.
23 Jun 2011,
Can Batista end Argentina's barren years?
BUENOS AIRES (AFP)They say everything comes to him who waits and Argentina fans will be hoping that it is their turn after 18 years without a major trophy at senior level.But after the adrenaline rush of a year-and-a-half under Diego Maradona they will happily bow to the somewhat more pragmatic approach of successor Sergio Batista if their albiceleste can win a record 15th Copa America next month.Given that the event is on home soil Batista and his charges will be firmly in the spotlight - but if he is a less exuberant character than Maradona he does possess a number …
23 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Fond-du-Sac : des habitants expriment leur colère après un accident de la route
Mercredi, 22 juin. Une cinquantaine d’habitants de Fond-du-Sac sont descendus dans la rue hier après-midi pour manifester leur colère après un accident de la route survenu dans cette localité du nord. Ils ont brûlé des pneus pour exprimer leur indignation.
22 Jun 2011,
Imran Khan calls for women's press conference
Imran Khan is in the capital and is holding a first of its kind press conference in Delhi. He will be doing a press conference at the Indian Women's Press Club (IWPC) today. As the name suggests, the press conference will be attended by only female journalists. Imran has initiated a PIL against Maharashtra government's new rule against drinking; he is also starting a page on a social networking website called "Power to Youth" supporting this movement, which he is going to launch at the special press conference. Imran is of an opinion that the government cannot take today's youth …
22 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le Collectif Arc-en-ciel s’oppose toujours au groupe de rap français Sexion d’Assaut
La polémique autour de la tenue du concert de Sexion d’Assaut à Maurice n’est pas prête de terminer. Alors que les organisateurs sont déterminés à maintenir le spectacle tant attendu... Read more »
22 Jun 2011, KotZot