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100 minutes d’éclipse totale de la lune
Les amateurs d’astronomie seront gâtés. L’éclipse totale de la lune aura lieu dans la soirée du mercredi 15 juin. Ce phénomène naturel est provoqué par l’alignement du soleil, de la terre et de la lune. Presque 6h d’éclipse L’intégralité de l’éclipse débutera à 21h24 pour prendre fin le jeudi 16 juin à 03h02 du matin. L’alignement complet de la lune dans l’ombre de la Terre a lieu deux fois par an. Cependant, selon Bhasker Desai, trésorier et porte-parole de la Mauritius Astronomy Society, ʺla phase la plus intéressante pour l’océan Indien sera entre 23h22 et 01h02, soit environ 100 minutes …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
61,4 mm de pluie pour Mare-aux-Vacoas
Le pays a été copieusement arrosé depuis mardi. Cette pluie sera bénéfique pour nos réservoirs, en particulier celui de Mare-aux-Vacoas. Ainsi, selon un prévisionniste de la station météorologique de Vacoas, la région où se trouve le plus grand réservoir du pays a enregistré une pluviométrie de 61,4 mm durant les dernières 24 heures. Meghduth Chumroo, directeur par intérim de la Central Water Authority (CWA), souligne que ce n’est qu’après un à deux jours qu’on saura si l’averse a été bénéfique au réservoir. Mare-aux-Vacoas est à ce jour rempli à 33,8 %, Piton-du-Milieu 72,6 % et Midlands 82,6 %. Du côté …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Maradona sues Chinese firms over online game
BEIJING (AFP)Argentine football icon Diego Maradona is suing popular Chinese web portal Sina and an Internet company for using his name and image to promote an online game, state media said Wednesday.Maradona is seeking 20 million yuan ($3 million) in compensation from Sina and The9 Limited which designed the game "Winning Goal", the Global Times quoted an official from the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court as saying."The case was accepted yesterday (Monday)," said Chen Shi, a spokesman for the court.Officials at the court in the Chinese capital would not respond to AFP requests for comment and calls to The9 went …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Maradona sues Chinese firms over online game
BEIJING (AFP)Argentine football icon Diego Maradona is suing popular Chinese web portal Sina and an Internet company for using his name and image to promote an online game, state media said Wednesday.Maradona is seeking 20 million yuan ($3 million) in compensation from Sina and The9 Limited which designed the game "Winning Goal", the Global Times quoted an official from the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court as saying."The case was accepted yesterday (Monday)," said Chen Shi, a spokesman for the court.Officials at the court in the Chinese capital would not respond to AFP requests for comment and calls to The9 went …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Consumer to pay Rs 4.7 bn hedging loss
The population will have to pay hedging losses amounting to Rs 4.7 billion in addition to the accrued interest of about Rs 250 million. It is only then that the hedging surcharge of Rs 3 per litre will be removed, said minister of Business, Enterprise, Commerce and Consumer Protection Michael Sik Yuen in reply to [...]
15 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Workshops organised to consolidate MID concept
In 2008, the Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam announced his vision of making Mauritius a sustainable island. Monday saw the official launch of the Maurice Ile Durable (MID) consultative workshops at La Canelle in Domaine Les Pailles. Present on the occasion was the minister of Environment and Sustainable Development Deva Virahsawmy. The civil society is [...]
15 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Minister Faugoo wants national consensus to fight stray dogs
Stray dogs have become a major national issue and represent a nuisance to the society, public health and even the tourist industry. In this context, the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security in collaboration with the Mauritius Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA) will be organising a national awareness campaign on Friday [...]
15 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Bodha unveils plan to democratise hotel sector
The minister of Tourism and Leisure, Nando Bodha announced several measures to democratise the tourism and hotel sector in the national assembly on Tuesday. He said that plans are being worked out to allow hotel employees to purchase hotel shares in a way similar to the sugar investment trust (SIT). Bodha added that the Ministry [...]
15 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Parents to blame for childhood delinquency
The Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS) hosted a seminar on the ‘Rights of children: The responsibility of everyone’ at the Octave Wiehe Auditorium in Reduit on Monday. Lady Sarojini Jugnauth spoke of parents who do not carry out their responsibilities towards their children in earnest. She said, “From womb to tomb, the government takes [...]
15 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
105 Indian workers repatriated
On Tuesday, Tariq Malik, managing director of Ivy Leathers Ltd held a press conference to clarify the problem concerning the repatriation of 105 Indian expatriate workers from Ivy Leathers Ltd located at Fond du Sac on June 5. Malik explained that the problem started in May, when eight to twelve workers started taking control of [...]
15 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
CSO figures show water revenue at Rs 1035.8 million
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) released figures on energy and water statistics for 2010 on Tuesday. The total primary energy requirement increased from 1,347 ktoe in 2009 to 1,425 ktoe in 2010 and represented a rise of 5.8 per cent. Out of which, imported fuels (petroleum products and coal) accounted for 83 per cent while [...]
15 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Metal detectors represent no threat to airport staff: PM
In an answer to a parliamentary question to MP, Jim Seetaram on health hazards associated with the arc metal detector found at the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport and whether police officers attached to the airport have undergone medical check ups, the Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam replied that there 14 archway metal detectors at [...]
15 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Island to witness darkest lunar eclipse tonight
The darkest total lunar eclipse of this century, which will be visible in Mauritius, Rodrigues and Agalega, will occur on June 15. On Wednesday night, the sun, Earth and moon will come in a straight line and the Earth’s shadow will eclipse the full moon passing through it. As the moon slips into the Earth’s [...]
15 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
61.4 mm of rain on highlands
The rains since Monday have been highly beneficial to the drying reservoirs, especially as the region of Mare aux Vacoas has recorded 61.4 mm of rainfall. Le Morne received 100 mm of rain. Before the downpours, Mare aux Vacoas was 33.8 per cent full. Prem Pathak from the Mauritius Meteorological Station said the heavy downpours [...]
15 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
T-Series, Dharma Productions begin musical association with Short Term Shaadi
Bhushan Kumar is one delighted and sentimental man these days. The man who has turned T-Series into India's top music company has added another feather in his crowded cap. The company has now acquired the music rights of Karan Johar's forthcoming film, Short Term Shaadi, starring Imran Khan and Kareena Kapoor with Randhir Kapoor, Boman Irani and Ram Kapoor among others. It is the first time in the history of T-Series that it has acquired the music rights of a film by Karan Johar's Dharma Productions. For Bhushan Kumar, the development has a sentimental value too. The head honcho of …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ramu announces his sequel to Bhoot called BHHOOoo
Ram Gopal Varma is one filmmaker who never fails to amuse us. After news broke out that Vikram Bhatt would be directing the sequel to Ramu's hit film Bhoot, RGV has gone ahead and announced what he claims to be the real sequel to Bhoot - a spook fest titled BHHOOoo. RGV clearly seems to be unhappy with producer Nitin Manmohan not asking him to direct the sequel of Bhoot and this seems to be Ramu's way of getting back. The director tweeted, "Am very excited about this new horror film I am starting..its title is.. "BHHOOoo.!" This will be …
14 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
John Abraham to join Sajid Nadiadwala's Housefull 2 crew later in London
The Housefull team left for London last week but without John Abraham. He will join the Housefull 2 gang a week later. Apparently, Sajid Nadiadwala had earlier planned to hire a private jet to take the whole Housefull 2 crew to England from Mumbai. But now with various members opting for scattered travel, Sajid has no options but to cancel the jet plans. Sajid Nadiadwala who is in the middle of implementing this daredevilish co-ordinating stunt hardly has time to pause to talk about his problem. "Kya Karen? These are all busy stars. We can't have them over in London …
14 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Nouvelle-Zélande : nouvelle secousse sismique à Christchurch
CHRISTCHURCH (Nouvelle-Zélande) (AFP)Une réplique de magnitude 5 a secoué mercredi Christchurch, deuxième ville de Nouvelle-Zélande, frappée lavant-veille par une série de fortes secousses telluriques qui ont fait un mort et 45 blessés.La réplique de mercredi a été fortement ressentie, ont indiqué des habitants de lagglomération de lIle du Sud néo-zélandaise. Toutefois, aucune victime, ni aucun dégât na pour le moment été signalé.Lépicentre de cette nouvelle secousse intervenue à 06H27 (18H27 mardi) était situé à un kilomètre de profondeur et à 32 kilomètres de Christchurch, selon lInstitut de géophysique américain (USGS).Cette ville avait été frappée lundi à la mi-journée par un …
14 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Qualifié à Eastbourne: Tsonga a déjà oublié sa défaite au Queen's
EASTBOURNE (Royaume-Uni) (AFP)Jo-Wilfried Tsonga s'est qualifié pour le deuxième tour du tournoi de tennis sur gazon d'Eastbourne, mardi, 24 heures après sa défaite en trois manches en finale du Queen's face au Britannique Andy Murray, et n'a jamais songé à déclarer forfait."Je suis sous contrat, je me sens bien physiquement. Je ne ressens aucune douleur, alors, je dois jouer. Voilà tout", a commenté Tsonga après son succès devant l'Ouzbekh Denis Istomin 6-2, 7-5.Arrivé lundi soir sur place, Tsonga, N.19 mondial, n'a cédé que neuf points au cours d'un premier set bouclé en 40 minutes. Le Français a connu ensuite une …
14 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Belgique: interpellation d'indépendantistes flamands d'extrême droite
BRUXELLES (AFP)Une vingtaine délus et de membres du parti dextrême droite flamand Vlaams Belang ont été interpellés mardi pour avoir rebaptisé "rue de lIndépendance flamande" la rue où siègent le gouvernement et du Parlement belges à Bruxelles, a constaté lAFP.Le président du Vlaams Belang, Bruno Valkeniers, et lhomme fort du parti, Filip Dewinter (chef de groupe au parlement régional de la Flandre) ainsi que dautres membres de la formation indépendantiste flamande ont été menottés et emmenés dans des véhicules de police pour "identification".Alors que la Belgique a franchi lundi le cap dun an sans gouvernement de plein exercice depuis les …
14 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?