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Winner keen to take up placement
Louis Gerard Adrien Antonio, 17, a resident of Curepipe could not hide his joy when his name was announced as the national winner of the Young Journalist of the Year contest. He did not expect that his article “How have social networking sites changed students’ lives” would beselected. His choice was influenced by the growing [...]
14 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
School of arts for differently abled announced
A one-month jewellery course for differently-abled people was launched on Monday by the minister of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun. The course is being offered by the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board (TEDPB) in collaboration with the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development. The minister also announced the [...]
14 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
3-month import attains Rs 34.7 billion
Total imports for the first quarter of 2011 have dropped by 11.7 per cent since October 2010 from Rs 39.3 billion to Rs 34.7 billion. Based on past trends, total exports for the year are expected to reach Rs 78 billion, against imports of Rs 161 billion. Hence, according to the latest figures published by [...]
14 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Beaux Songes link road ready by August
The construction of the new Beaux Songes / Phoenix link road which started in January 2009 will be completed in two months. According to a high ranked official of the Road Development Authority, 85 per cent of the construction works are completed and the rest will be finished in two months. However, there was a [...]
14 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
BUAV seeks meet with Ramgoolam
Michelle Thew and Sarah Kite, two representatives of British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV), the world’s leading organisation based in UK, are presently in Mauritius. The aim of the visit is to raise public awareness on primate trade in Mauritius. In this context, they met the press and members from various institutions to [...]
14 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Courts shift to e-filing
The electronic filing system will be implemented on a pilot basis in September at the Supreme Court. It will later be extended to district courts including at Rodrigues. The project cost $ 3.6 million (Rs 101 million), of which 25 per cent was funded by the government and the rest by the Investment Climate Facility [...]
14 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Rodrigues by-elections end in stalemate
The by-elections in Rodrigues have ended in a stalemate with the two main contenders winning two seats each. Johnson Roussety’s Front Patriotique Rodriguais (FPR) obtained the two seats at Baie aux Huitres with Jean Alex Flore and Henderson Raffaut getting 999 and 972 votes respectively. Out of 4,186 registered voters, only 2009 went to the [...]
14 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
JNP wants Mohamed to settle disputes
The Joint Negotiating Panel (JNP) has written to the minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Shakeel Mohamed requesting for his intervention as the National Remuneration Board (NRB) was unable to find a solution to their grievances. JNP points out that in December 2001, the minister had referred them to the NRB over 21 points [...]
14 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Singaporeans to address water crisis
Experts of the Singapore Public Utilities Board are expected in Mauritius in two weeks time. This was announced by deputy prime minister Dr Rashid Beebeejaun on Monday in Port Louis, a ministry official said. As mentioned earlier, the government is envisaging a complete reform of the water sector. Following the visit of Prime Minister Dr [...]
14 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Berlusconi désavoué aux référendums sur le nucléaire, l'eau et la justice
ROME (AFP) Désavoué aux municipales, Silvio Berlusconi a essuyé un nouveau revers personnel lundi avec un vote massif des Italiens pour refuser par référendum le retour au nucléaire, une privatisation de la gestion de leau et la forme dimmunité judiciaire dont il bénéficie.Le chef du gouvernement, 74 ans, a reconnu sa défaite sur "tous les thèmes", qualifiant de "nette" la position des Italiens et estimant que "la volonté de participation des citoyens aux décisions sur notre avenir ne peut être ignorée".Selon les résultats définitifs pour lItalie, une écrasante majorité des votants --94,3 à 96% selon la question-- a voté contre …
14 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le Ministry of Sound fête ses 20 ans à Maurice
Après Paris, Londres, Ibiza et de nombreux autres pays, la boîte de nuit la plus célèbre de Londres, le Ministry of Sound (MoS) sera à Maurice pour une soirée unique à l´occasion de ses 20 ans. Cette soirée s’inscrit dans le cadre de leur tournée mondiale annuelle qui comprend une visite dans les pays du monde entier dans le but de promouvoir la musique, l’art, la mode et la danse. Gestion locale du label A Maurice, ce sera une société nouvellement créée, baptisée Social Buzz Co. Ltd, qui gèrera le label Ministry of Sound. Cette entreprise est dirigée par Jason …
14 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Victime d’un délit de fuite : son corps a été placé devant le bungalow d’un médecin
Dès la découverte du corps de Francis Perle, 59 ans, devant le bungalow d’un médecin à Chamouny, la police de Chemin-Grenier a soupçonné un acte criminel. Cet habitant de la région a, en fait, été victime d’un délit de fuite.
14 Jun 2011,
'Vultures' circle over Lille's double-winners
PARIS (AFP)At a time when they should be looking forward to next seasons Champions League adventure, fans of French double-winners Lille are starting to worry whether their team will survive the summer intact.Lille ended a 56-year trophy drought last season by claiming victory in both Ligue 1 and the French Cup, but coach Rudi Garcias history-making squad is already beginning to disintegrate.France centre-back Adil Rami on Monday completed a move to Valencia agreed in January, while his international colleague Yohan Cabaye has joined Newcastle United in a cut-price transfer worth around five million euros ($7.2m).Lille moved quickly to replace Cabaye …
14 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Stade Français: plaintes contrele directeur du rugby Michael Cheika
DUBLIN (AFP)Plusieurs plaintes ont été déposées à l'encontre du directeur du rugby du Stade Français, l'Australien Michael Cheika, pour sa conduite lors de la finale du Challenge européen le 20 mai, a indiqué lundi l'European Rugby Cup (ERC), organisateur du tournoi.M. Cheika est soupçonné d'avoir tenu des "propos" et eu un comportement "insultant et/ou injurieux et/ou désobligeant et/ou intimidant" à l'encontre des responsables du match à la mi-temps et après la fin de la rencontre, précise l'ERC dans un communiqué.Une deuxième plainte concerne des propos agressifs tenus par Cheika à l'encontre d'un employé de l'ERC après la fin du match.Une …
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Chess tsar unrepentant over 'game with Kadhafi'
MOSCOW (AFP)He said no one tried to stop him visiting Libya, although one FIDE vice president, whom he did not name, pulled out of the trip "because his wife did not let him go."Russian television showed Ilyumzhinov meeting Kadhafi, who was wearing dark glasses, and later presenting him with a chess set made in Kalmykia, the Buddhist region he headed from 1993 to 2010.Ilyumzhinov had told the Interfax news agency late Sunday that Kadhafi had made clear he was not going to leave Libya despite the international pressure to quit.Mikhail Margelov, of President Dmitry Medvedev's special envoy for Libya who …
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Formule 1: entrevue entre Lewis Hamilton et le patron de Red Bull
MONTREAL (AFP)Les spéculations vont bon train sur l'avenir de Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) après la visite rendue par le pilote britannique à Christian Horner, le directeur de l'écurie Red Bull, samedi soir à la veille du Grand Prix du Canada.Selon une source proche de Red Bull, l'écurie austro-britannique de l'Allemand Sebastian Vettel, champion du monde en titre, Hamilton, champion du monde 2008, a passé plus d'un quart d'heure seul à seul avec Christian Horner. Selon cette source, il s'est agi d'une "visite de courtoisie".Le bouillonnant pilote britannique, sous contrat avec McLaren jusqu'à fin 2012, traverse une période délicate.Après avoir percuté la …
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Rare agression contre le roi de Jordanie, démenti officiel
AMMAN (AFP)Le roi de Jordanie Abdallah II a fait lobjet lundi dune rare agression lors dune visite en province, selon une source sécuritaire contredite aussitôt par le gouvernement, au lendemain dannonces de réformes politiques accueillies avec scepticisme par lopposition.Le royaume Hachémite fait lobjet depuis le mois de janvier de manifestations réclamant des réformes politiques et économiques, ainsi que la fin de la corruption. Ces protestations nont toutefois aucune mesure avec celles qui ont secoué en janvier et février lEgypte proche, et encore moins avec le mouvement réprimé dans le sang en Syrie voisine.Reste que la famille royale, traditionnellement respectée par …
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Man Utd sign Blackburn defender Jones
LONDON (AFP)Manchester United said Monday that England Under-21 defender Phil Jones was set to join the Premier League champions from top-flight rivals Blackburn Rovers on a five-year deal.United thought Jones was heading to Old Trafford last week, only for old foes Liverpool to intervene with a reported £20 million offer.However, Jones is understood to have told Rovers he only wanted to move to United and that has left Blackburn having to accept an offer for the 19-year-old believed to be in the region of £16.5 million."Manchester United is delighted to announce it has signed an agreement with Blackburn Rovers for …
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Springsteen saxophonist suffers stroke
NEW YORK (AFP)Star saxophonist Clarence Clemons, a member of Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band, suffered a stroke at home in Florida, Rolling Stone Magazine reported Monday.The 69-year old musician has had various health crises in recent years, including surgery on his knees as well as for a back ailment. There was no immediate word on his current condition.His last appearance with Springsteen's legendary group was in December. Clemons also made a cameo performance on Lady Gaga's recently released "Born This Way" album.
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Affaire Rose: perpétuité pour le grand-père et la mère de l'enfant en Israël
JERUSALEM (AFP)Le grand-père israélien et la mère française dune enfant française de 4 ans, Rose, ont été condamnés lundi à la prison à vie par un tribunal israélien pour le meurtre de la fillette, dont le corps avait été jeté dans une rivière, a rapporté la radio publique israélienne.Le tribunal de Petah Tikva, près de Tel-Aviv, qui avait reconnu le 19 mai le grand-père, Ronny Ron, coupable de meurtre, et la mère, Marie-Charlotte Renaud, dincitation au meurtre, a suivi le parquet qui avait requis la prison à perpétuité pour les deux accusés."Laccusée a incité son compagnon à se débarrasser de …
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?