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La Belgique passe le cap d'une année sans réel gouvernement
BRUXELLES (AFP)La Belgique passe lundi le cap dune année entière sans réel gouvernement depuis les dernières élections législatives du 13 juin 2010, et ce délai record risque de se prolonger encore longtemps tant les divergences entre Flamands et francophones paraissent profondes."Pour la première fois dans lhistoire de la Belgique, la première formation du pays est un parti séparatiste, la N-VA" (Alliance Néo-Flamande, droite), qui a remporté 28,2% des voix en Flandre, rappelle le politologue Vincent de Coorebyter.Pour la première fois aussi les partis flamands réclament dengranger un accord sur un transfert de pouvoirs supplémentaires vers les régions, qui nécessite une …
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
JT de 19h30 – lundi 13/06/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC 1Start Time: 2011-06-13Date: 2011-06-13End Time: 2011-06-13
13 Jun 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – lundi 13/06/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-06-13End Time: 19:20
13 Jun 2011, MBC
News Bulletin – Monday 13/06/11
Title: News BulletinChannel: MBC 3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-06-13End Time: 18:50
13 Jun 2011, MBC
Samachar – Monday 13/06/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC 1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-06-13End Time: 18:25
13 Jun 2011, MBC
Turquie: victoire écrasante du parti d'Erdogan aux législatives
ANKARA (AFP)Le parti issu de la mouvance islamiste du Premier ministre Recep Tayyip Erdogan a remporté une victoire écrasante aux législatives de dimanche en Turquie, sassurant une troisième législature consécutive, après le dépouillement de la quasi-totalité des bulletins.Après le comptage de 99% des suffrages, le Parti de la justice et du développement (AKP) de M. Erdogan, au pouvoir depuis 2002, remporte 50% des voix, selon les chaînes de télévision.Ce parti pourra ainsi former seul un gouvernement car il détient largement la majorité absolue au Parlement de 550 sièges, avec 326 députés.Ce parti avait obtenu 47% des suffrages aux législatives de …
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Cyno Breeders Association : le respect pour les animaux consacrés aux recherches médicales
Le workshop Understanding the need for animal in biochemical research organisé le vendredi 10 juin par la Cyno Breeders Association (CBA), association d’éleveurs de macaques cynomolgus regroupant les firmes Bioculture (Mauritius) Ltd, Biofarms Ltd, Noveprim Ltd, Les Campeches ltee, Biodia Co. Ltd et Le Tamarinier Ltée, a permis d’éclaircir certains malentendus. Etaient présents sur le panel le Dr. Bella Williams, représentante de l’association britannique "Understanding Animal Research", les docteurs mauriciens Roland Donat et Nand Pydiah, respectivement spécialiste ENT et virologue, ainsi que Bruno Jullienne et Owen Griffiths, respectivement trésorier et président de la CBA. Le workshop a commencé avec une …
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tennis: finale attendue du Queen's Tsonga/Murray reportée en raison de la pluie
LONDRES (AFP)Jo-Wilfried Tsonga devra atteintdre lundi pour défier Andy Murray en finale du tournoi sur gazon du Queen's à Londres, en raison de la pluie.Il tentera de remporter son premier titre depuis plus d'un an et demi et de relancer une carrière qui menaçait de s'enliser à cause des blessures.Le match n'a même pas pu commencer dimanche vers 15h30 GMT à cause de la pluie.Une légère accalmie avait permis aux organisateurs de débâcher le court central vers 14h30 GMT, mais une pluie fine s'est rapidement remise à tomber.La décision a été prise en fin d'après-midi d'atteindre le lendemain pour jouer …
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mexico claim group win in CONCACAF Gold Cup
CHICAGO (AFP)Mexico sealed their Group A victory in the CONCACAF Gold Cup with a 4-1 triumph over Costa Rica.Andres Guardado scored twice, and Rafael Marquez and Pablo Barrera added a goal apiece for Mexico, the defending champions who won all three of their Group A matches despite a squad reduced to 17 players after five were withdrawn by Mexican football authorities after positive drug tests last month.The Mexican football federation is blaming the positive tests for clenbuterol on contaminated meat and has asked to replace the players, but CONCACAF officials have asked for more information before making a decision.Costa Rica …
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Live Chat: Rajeev Khandelwal on June 15 at 1500 hrs IST
After a successful innings on the small screen, actor Rajeev Khandelwal made an impressive big screen debut with Aamir. Rajeev is now back with a bang in the much talked about flick Shaitan. Bollywood Hungama gives you all a chance to have a live video chat with Rajeev Khandelwal on Wednesday, June 15, at 1500 hrs IST. Don't miss!
13 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
10 pc water drinkable at Mare aux Vacoas
The situation at the island’s largest reservoir is becoming more and more serious. After Piton du Milieu, the Central Water Authority is now worried with Mare aux Vacoas, which is actually filled at 33 per cent of its storage capacity. Worse, two thirds of this water is muddy and unusable, leaving only 10 per cent [...]
13 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
IWA brings a taste of India to Phoenix
The Indian Food Fair, organised by the Indian Women Association (IWA) attracted many visitors and a huge variety of delicacies from various parts of India.Dosa, idli, tandoori chicken, Maharashtrian food, pani puri, aloo tikki, aloo chat and Indian sweets were among the delicacies displayed. Apart from the food, another fair for jewellery, cosmetics, textiles, cookware, [...]
13 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Diocese celebrates Pentecost
Thousands of pilgrims gathered at Marie Reine de la Paix for the great Diocesan ‘March for the Vocations,’ which was organised on Sunday, the day of Pentecost. “Avek Marie… ouver nou leker ar lespri sin”(With Virgin Mary…we open our heart to the holy spirit) was the theme of the day. The gathering was led by [...]
13 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Union awards Urdu students
The Urdu Speaking Union, in collaboration with the National Urdu Institutue held a prize giving ceremony on June 11 at the the Paul Octave Wiehe Auditorium Auditorium (POWA), in Reduit. Muhammad Siddique, Pakistani high commissioner, M Thomas, first secretary and head of chancery of the Embassy of India, minister of arts and culture, Mookhesswur Choonee, [...]
13 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Constable arrested for alleged rape of neighbour
Police constable Jean Herve Casimir, 31, posted at the Rodrigues Regional Assembly, was arrested on Saturday for allegedly raping his neighbour, Marie Natasha Angelique, on Friday. The husband of the alleged victim was also arrested by police under a provisional charge of rogue and vagabond. After his wife told him what had happened, he went [...]
13 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Bappoo outlines family action plan
Parents who abandon and neglect their children will be prosecuted. This was stated by minister of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare Sheila Bappoo at the Parents’ Appreciation Day held on Saturday at the Glen Park sports complex. The event is an initiative of the ministry in collaboration with the Indian Ocean Centre For [...]
13 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Sik Yuen faces new challenges
Michael Sik Yuen, the new minister of Commerce, will reply to a series of questions relating to his new ministerial portfolio, including three on the State Trading Corporation (STC), at the next parliamentary sitting on Tuesday. This will be Sik Yuen’s first challenge as minister of commerce, a portfolio previously held by Showkutally Soodhun. MMM [...]
13 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Rare skink saved from extinction
Twenty-one critically endangered orange-tailed skinks have been sent to the UK for a captive breeding programme. This has been made possible through the collaboration of the Ministry of Agro-Industry, scientists of the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Mauritius Wildlife Foundation (MWF). The animals are now in Durell headquarters in Jersey. Orange-tailed skinks are thought [...]
13 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
57.6 per cent Rodriguans shun elections
The Rodrigues by-elections which took place between 6.30am and 3.30pm at Baie aux Huitres (Region 4) and at Grande Montagne (Region 6) noted a high level of absenteeism. Only 2,009 out of 4,186 registered voters accomplished their civic duty at Baie aux Huitres, showing an absenteeism level of 52 per cent. At Grande Montagne, the [...]
13 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Sugar industry at forefront of economic progress: PM
The sugar industry has been at the forefront of the national development. The contribution of sugar industry in developing the country should not be forgotten. It is through this industry that we have been able to move forward. It is due to this industry that other sectors such as tourism and textile have become the [...]
13 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily