Latest news
Mexicans launch doping probe, plead 'accident'
LOS ANGELES (AFP)Five Mexican footballers who were suspended from the Gold Cup for doping after testing positive for the banned substance clenbuterol were flown to Los Angeles for more tests.Mexico won 5-0 over Cuba on Thursday after opening last Sunday with a 5-0 rout of El Salvador, a result that could be protested in the wake of doping positives revealed Thursday from a May 21 test during Mexicos training camp.CONCACAF, footballs governing body for North and Central America and the Caribbean had said Thursday that the victory over El Salvador would stand.On Friday, the governing body said it wanted more …
11 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Returning from prayer, he hit a dog - Two injured, one 17 year old admitted to the ICU
Veeragadoo Coogan Pillay, 17, Mont Fertile capita, Rose-Belle, the struggle between life and death in the intensive care unit of the hospital J. Nehru
11 Jun 2011,
Dix voitures bloquées à la douane : Feizal crie à l'injustice
La compagnie King Motors Co Ltd livre bataille en justice pour récupérer des véhicules qu’elle a importés et qui sont bloqués à la douane.
11 Jun 2011,
Turquie: Erdogan compte sur une 3ème victoire lors des législatives
ANKARA (AFP)Le parti islamo-conservateur du Premier ministre Recep Tayyip Erdogan compte bien sur une troisième victoire daffilée, même si lopposition grimpe dans les sondages, lors des élections législatives dimanche en Turquie.Selon toutes les études dopinion, la victoire du Parti de la justice et du développement (AKP), au pouvoir depuis 2002, ne fait pas de doute.Dans ce contexte, le principal suspense du scrutin, qui vise à renouveler les 550 membres du Parlement monocaméral, est de savoir si lAKP obtiendra assez de sièges pour faire adopter une Constitution plus libérale, en remplacement de celle rédigée après le putsch militaire de 1980.M. Erdogan …
11 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Syrie: des hélicoptères tirent sur la foule des manifestants, au moins 25 morts
DAMAS (AFP)Les forces syriennes appuyées par des hélicoptères ont tué au moins 25 civils lors dénormes manifestations hostiles au régime vendredi à travers le pays, particulièrement dans le nord-ouest cible dopérations brutales de larmée.Près de trois mois après le début de la révolte, le 15 mars, et en dépit des sanctions et des protestations internationales, le régime de Bachar al-Assad paraît déterminé à mater dans le sang toute contestation, des agissements qualifiés d"atroces" par Ankara et "deffroyables" par la Maison Blanche.Alors que les 15 membres du Conseil de sécurité de lONU divergent sur lopportunité dune résolution condamnant cette répression, la …
11 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Broadcast Date : Saturday 11th June 2011 Time : 21h12 Channel : MBC Digital 4 HINDI SERIAL : JANE KIA BAAT HUI- EP 81
11 Jun 2011, MBC
Broadcast Date : Saturday 11th June 2011 Time : 21h01 Channel : MBC2 Visa: 15 Film directed by Sangeeth Sivan (2009) Starring Nana Patekar, Bobby Deol, Shreya Saran , Jackie Shroff , Pradeep Kharab Nandu (Bobby Deol) an orphan turned assassin somehow gets wrongly accused of a politician’s murder and is on the run. On his escapade on a train he [...]
11 Jun 2011, MBC
Championnat d’Afrique de boxe…
On serait tentait de dire véritable coup de tonnerre au palais des sports de Yaounde au Cameroun hier. Les mauriciens ont crée la sensation, 4 finales disputés, 3 médailles d’or et une d’argent ont été récoltées. Ludovic Bactora a enlever médaille d’or dans la catégorie des 52 kilos. Il a battu en finale, le marocain Abdela Fatah Nafil [...]
11 Jun 2011, MBC
Les 6 groupe qui doit se pencher sur la politique du projet Maurice Ile Durable débutent leur première session de travail ce mardi 14 juin. Des groupes de personnes réunissant la société civile, écologistes, techniciens et à l’issue de plusieurs consultations,les groupes devront soumettre des recommandations aux autorités. Par ailleurs,des panneaux solaires seront installes dans 10 écoles [...]
11 Jun 2011, MBC
Bappoo plans child protection body
Minister of Gender Equality Sheila Bappoo gave some worrying figures for abandoned children in Mauritius at her ministry headquarters on Friday. Thirty-six cases have been registered for the first quarter of 2011 while figures reveal that 141 children were abandoned in 2010. “Parents just abandon their children and the government collects them like garbage. These [...]
11 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Forum on use of animals in biomedical research
The export of Mauritian primates for research made the headlines in recent months. In this context, the Mauritian Cyno Breeders Association (CBA) organised a workshop at Labourdonnais Hotel, Port Louis, on Friday to help participants understand the use of animals, especially Mauritian long-tailed macaques, in research. The CBA is a registered association regrouping all the [...]
11 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Forum on fight for freedom in Africa
The Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities of the University of Mauritius (UoM) organised a talk on ‘Why South Africa won’t become Zimbabwe’ at Réduit on Friday . The lecture was hosted by professor Roger Southall, head of the Sociology Department of the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. Ivan Vosloo, first secretary of the [...]
11 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Driver’s guide 2011 on impending law changes
The third edition of the Complete Driver’s Guide, written by sergeant Barlen Munusami, will be released on June 20. The author explains that the booklet is a reference guide to drivers aimed at promoting road safety in Mauritius. The third edition of the guide comprises new information, including impending traffic-law changes and regulation on the [...]
11 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Saint Pierre bypass project takes shape
A bypass will soon be constructed at Saint Pierre following the setting up of the Triolet and Goodlands bypass. The project is estimated at Rs 200 million. Construction work will start in September. A senior official at the Road Development Authority, who preferred to remain anonymous, told The Independent that the road would be built [...]
11 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
18 acres of land identified for new housing project
A number of issues were on the table during the Cabinet meeting on Friday. Among the points raised include the merging of the six cess-funded institutions following a recommendation of the Joint Public-Private Sector Committee . Consumer Bill to be introduced soon The Consumer Protection Price and Supplies Control Bill will be introduced in the [...]
11 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Chinese authorities crack the whip on affordable housing
China’s housing authorities said on Friday construction of 10 million state-subsidised apartments must start by the end of November in order to meet this year’s target, calling it a “political mission”. The housing ministry issued the urgent statement after state media said this week that a lack of funding and low profit margins for developers [...]
11 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Chellum calls for hike in repo rate
Jayen Chellum, president of the ACIM (Mauritian Consumers Association), is urging the governor of the Bank of Mauritius (BoM) Rundheersing Bheenick to increase the repo rate by 100 points in order to contain inflation rate. The new repo rate, which was last increased by 50 basis points, will be announced by the Monetary Policy Committee [...]
11 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Football: Mexicans launch doping probe, plead 'accident'
LOS ANGELES (AFP)Five Mexican footballers who were suspended from the Gold Cup for doping after testing positive for the banned substance clenbuterol were flown to Los Angeles for more tests.Mexico won 5-0 over Cuba on Thursday after opening last Sunday with a 5-0 rout of El Salvador, a result that could be protested in the wake of doping positives revealed Thursday from a May 21 test during Mexicos training camp.CONCACAF, footballs governing body for North and Central America and the Caribbean had said Thursday that the victory over El Salvador would stand.On Friday, the governing body said it wanted more …
11 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
JT de 19h30 – samedi 11/06/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-06-11End Time: 20:15
11 Jun 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – samedi 11/06/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-06-11End Time: 19:20
11 Jun 2011, MBC