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News – Saturday 11/06/11
Title: NewsChannel: MBC3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-06-11End Time: 18:52
11 Jun 2011, MBC
Samachar – Saturday 11/06/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-06-11End Time: 18:25
11 Jun 2011, MBC
Emraan Hashmi in Vishal Bhardwaj's Dayaan
It was news some time back that maverick director Vishal Bhardwaj and Ekta Kapoor will be teaming up, well now we hear that Ekta and Vishal are all set to make a supernatural musical titled Dayaan. Helping them out as the creative producer for the film will be Abhishek Chaubey of Ishqiya. But what's interesting to know is that Emraan Hashmi, who has mostly been associated with the Bhatt camp, will be seen romancing three leading ladies in the film. When contacted, Ekta confirmed the same and added, "Yes, Vishal and I are planning a drama with a breakthrough genre. …
10 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Russell Crowe sorry after anti-circumcision tweets
LOS ANGELES (AFP)Hollywood star Russell Crowe apologized Friday after an apparent anti-circumcision tirade on Twitter, as a Jewish friend he was exchanging tweets with defended him.While the friend said the remarks had been blown out of proportion by journalists, the Oscar-winning actor took down a series of entries on his Twitter feed from Thursday, and said he was sorry to anyone he had offended."I have a deep and abiding love for all people of all nationalities, I'm very sorry that I have said things on here that have caused distress," he wrote on the microblogging website."My personal beliefs aside, I …
10 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
GP du Canada: Alonso, meilleur temps
MONTREAL (AFP)Fernando Alonso, meilleur temps de la deuxième séance d'essais libres et deuxième chrono de la première vendredi sur le circuit Gilles Villeneuve de Montréal, où se courra dimanche le Grand Prix du Canada de Formule 1, semble montrer que Ferrari est revenu aux avant-postes.L'Espagnol préfère pourtant paraître modeste. "Même s'il est toujours positif de se voir dans les quatre ou cinq premiers, ce n'est pas vraiment important", a-t-il affirmé, remarquant qu'"à Monaco, nous étions aussi devant aux essais libres, mais Vettel nous avait mis une seconde en qualifications".Les Mercedes semblent également en mesure de se mêler à la lutte …
10 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Sagar Ballary becomes father
Life couldn't have been better for Sagar Ballary, the director of the successful flick Bheja Fry. On one hand, he is geared up with the sequel to Bheja Fry which is all set to release next week, while on the other; he has become a proud father after his wife Archana Rao Ballary gave birth to a baby boy yesterday evening at 5.37 pm. A super excited Sagar said that this was the news that he had been waiting for sometime now. While on one hand, he got the censor certificate of his film Bheja Fry 2, on the other; …
10 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Lula: la libération de Battisti est une décision "souveraine" du Brésil
BRASILIA (AFP)Lancien président brésilien Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) a affirmé vendredi que la décision de ne pas extrader vers lItalie lex-militant dextrême gauche, Cesare Battisti, a été une décision "souveraine" du Brésil, conforme au traité dextradition entre les deux pays."Je ne vois pas pourquoi lItalie ne traite pas cette affaire comme un événement normal de la démocratie au Brésil", a déclaré Lula au cours dune conférence de presse à Sao Paulo, au côté du président élu péruvien Ollanta Humala.Mercredi, la Cour suprême du Brésil a entériné la décision de Lula de ne pas extrader Battisti, accusé de meurtres …
10 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 12
This is the 12nd week (Anglo Mauritius Golden Jubilee) of the Mauritius Horse Racing Season 2011 tips. As usual share your tips in the comment section below. Best of luck to everyone here and do your best. How To Participate All participants must share their tips by latest before the start of the first [...]Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 12 is a post from: Island Crisis
10 Jun 2011, Island Crisis
24 Heures du Mans: une course "bien ouverte" pour Romain Dumas
LE MANS (France) (AFP)Vainqueur en 2010 dans une Audi R15, le Français Romain Dumas, revient aux 24 Heures du Mans en tenant du titre, dans la nouvelle Audi R18, pour une course qu'il prévoit "bien ouverte" entre les six favoris, trois Audi et trois Peugeot officielles, sans oublier la 908 d'Oreca.Q: Quelles sont les principales différences entre les Audi R15 et R18 TDI ?R: "On est moins loin en performance avec la R18, même si on reste moins rapide en vitesse de pointe que la Peugeot. La R18 est clairement typée Le Mans. Elle est fermée, c'est pour ça. Avec …
10 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Pétrole dans l’Océan Indien
Avana Petroleum compte mener une campagne de prospection dans l’océan Indien
10 Jun 2011,
English lower leagues opt for UEFA financial rules
LONDON (AFP)English Football League clubs have agreed to adopt UEFAs financial fair play system amid mounting concerns over spiralling wage costs, it was confirmed Friday.The Football League said all 72 clubs outside the Premier League had agreed "in principle" to adopt regulations which will prevent clubs from spending more than they earn.Clubs who transgress are likely to be banned from entering the transfer market for a first offence, with serial offenders facing the possibility of points deductions.Football League chairman Greg Clarke said welcomed the move, describing it as a "a very important step forward for professional football.""Much more work needs …
10 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Début des travaux à Les Hauts Champs
Les Hauts Champs, un développement immobilier résidentiel proposé par IOREC, est désormais en phase de construction
10 Jun 2011,
Think Mauritius presented new water tariff system
Think Mauritius criticised the overall water management
10 Jun 2011,
Irish former finance minister Lenihan dies
DUBLIN (AFP)"Brian has fought a brave and courageous battle with a serious illness over the past eighteen months," Martin said in a statement."In all of this time, Brian never once flinched from his public duties and he showed an unceasing and untiring commitment to tackling the economic crisis facing this country."His aunt Mary O'Rourke, herself a former Fianna Fail minister and deputy leader of the party, said his death was "kind of unbelievable"."It is unreal. We thought he was on the last lap but that he would get some months from that last lap, but it wasn't to be," she …
10 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Onion farm launched
The Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute has developed a variety of onion
10 Jun 2011,
Energy challenge for Mauritius
The renewable energy programme for Mauritius should be addressed as soon as possible and a road map set up
10 Jun 2011,
Three new training centers planned in Mauritius
The government is also spending Rs2 million for consultancy services
10 Jun 2011,
Poland's icon Walesa to stay in hospital for now
GDANSK, Poland (AFP)Polish Nobel Peace laureate and communist-era opposition icon Lech Walesa will stay in hospital until at least next week due to gastric problems and a fever, he told AFP on Friday."I'm feeling a bit better, but my fever has come back. My doctors still don't know the cause of my infection," Walesa said in a telephone interview from the University Clinical Centre in Gdansk, northern Poland."I don't know when I'll be able to leave hospital. I'd like it to be at the start of next week, but the doctors want to keep me in for tests," he added.The …
10 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
'No offers for Aguero', says Atletico coach
MADRID (AFP)Atletico Madrid has received no offers for Argentine star Sergio Kun Aguero, who announced last month he wants to leave the club, new coach Gregorio Manzano said Friday."Kun is an Atletico Madrid player. The club has been clear about everything that has been written and said, and it was said to me as well, that as of today there is no offer for Kun," Manzano said as he was presented to the club."I would like, with all my heart, to able to coach him. I would be disappointed if Kun left."In a statement on May 24, Aguero said he …
10 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tour de Suisse: les frères Schleck se rodent avant le Tour de France
LUGANO (Suisse) (AFP)Les frères luxembourgeois Andy et Frank Schleck utilisent le Tour de Suisse, qui commence samedi par un contre-la-montre à Lugano (Tessin, sud), comme rodage avant le Tour de France, leur grand objectif.Outre les Schleck, l'épreuve suisse, la dernière grande course par étapes avant la Grande Boucle, réunit nombre de coureurs déjà tournés vers le Tour. Tant pour le classement général (Klöden, Leipheimer, Hesjdeal) que pour les sprints (Cavendish, Goss, Hushovd, Haussler, Boonen, Greipel) ou les succès d'étape, comme le Français Sylvain Chavanel.Les routes d'Andy Schleck (2e du Tour de France en 2009 et 2010) et de son aîné …
10 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?