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Affaire Infinity – BPO
Jean Suzanne, ex-patron de la compagnie d’externalisation va présenter son Statement of Affaires aujourd’hui devant le juge Paul Lam Shang Leen à La Cour Commerciale à Port Louis. Une décision qui fait suite à l’émission d’une Mareva Injunction…soit un Freezing Ordre pour le gel des avoirs de Jean Suzanne le 9 mai dernier. Depuis le 12 mai [...]
24 May 2011, MBC
Affaire Infinity – BPO
Jean Suzanne, ex patron de la compagnie d’externalisation va présenter son Statement of Affairs aujourd’hui devant le juge Paul Lam Shang Leen à La Cour Commerciale à Port Louis. Une décision qui fait suite à l’émission d”une Mareva Injunction soit un Freezing Order pour le gel des avoirs de Jean Suzanne le 9 mai dernier. Depuis le [...]
24 May 2011, MBC
L’ADN de Bernard Maigrot sur le drap
Plus de dix ans après, Bernard Maigrot se trouve à nouveau accusé de l’assassinat de la styliste Vanessa Lagesse, après que son empreinte génétique a été détectée sur un drap qui se trouvait dans la baignoire de son ancienne amante. A la suite de ce développement, les limiers du Central CID (CCID) ont confronté lundi le suspect aux preuves scientifiques en leur possession, sans toutefois entrer dans les détails. Mais celui-ci n’a répondu à aucune de leurs questions. Par la suite, il a été inculpé sous une charge provisoire d’assassinat avant que la justice décide de le maintenir en cellule …
24 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Volcan islandais: premières perturbations dans le trafic aérien européen
REYKJAVIK (AFP)Le volcan islandais Grimsvötn a continué lundi de cracher un lourd nuage de cendres, mais son activité a diminué, permettant la réouverture des aéroports internationaux en Islande, tandis que de premières pertubations sont intervenues dans le trafic aérien en Europe du Nord.L'autorité britannique de régulation du trafic aérien NATS (National Air Traffic Services) a annoncé que le nuage de cendres pourrait parvenir au-dessus de l'Ecosse d'ici à 01H00 GMT mardi.Conséquence de ces événements, le président américain Barack Obama est arrivé lundi soir à Londres, plus tôt que prévu par son programme (son avion devait initialement y atterrir mardi), après …
24 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le président Obama est arrivé à Londres, 2e étape de sa tournée européenne
LONDRES (AFP)Le président américain Barack Obama est arrivé lundi soir à Londres, deuxième étape de sa tournée européenne, en avance sur son programme en raison du déplacement du nuage de cendres émanant d'un volcan islandais en direction de la Grande-Bretagne.L'avion du président a atterri à l'aéroport londonien de Stansted vers 21H15 GMT.Après l'Irlande, le président américain qui va effectuer une visite d'Etat de deux jours en Grande-Bretagne, a prévu de passer sa première nuit non programmée à Londres à la résidence de l'ambassadeur des Etats-Unis.Barack Obama et le Premier ministre britannique David Cameron se félicitent dans le quotidien The Times …
24 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Neill, Emerton spearhead Aus football squad
SYDNEY (AFP)Lucas Neill and Brett Emerton were named Tuesday in a 23-man Australian squad for friendlies against New Zealand and Serbia next month, but other top European-based stars were absent.Captain Neill will lead the team despite a groin injury forcing him to miss the latter part of the Turkish season with club Galatasaray.He is joined by Emerton, who scored a crucial goal for Blackburn last weekend as they avoided relegation from the English Premier League.But Tim Cahill, David Carney, Harry Kewell and Mark Schwarzer are all missing, either due to injuries or because they need rest."Obviously we are at the …
24 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Hollywood star wants US law against labor trafficking
WASHINGTON (AFP)Most forced laborers are "poverty-stricken people in Asia and Latin America whose vulnerability is exploited by others for a profit," she told lawmakers.In some countries, forced labor is "sometimes still imposed as a punishment for expressing one's political views," Donaldson said without naming names.But Luis de Baca, director of the State Department's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, said forced labor was "not isolated in far away places or limited to countries stricken by poverty or lack of opportunity."It's happening right here in the United States," with workers who come to work on US farms -- like …
24 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Rallyes clandestins de petites cylindrées – Ces courses contre la mort
Faute de moyens financiers, certains jeunes mordus de deux-roues et de vitesse se tournent vers les petites cylindrées qu’ils modifient afin de participer aux « runs », véritable « craze » du moment. Ces courses se terminent souvent mal, mais masquées en de banals accidents. Adrien, jeune victime, raconte la dure réalité de l’asphalte.
24 May 2011,
Holcim highlights road safety issue
Promoting road safety and increasing truck drivers’ awareness is the objective of cement company Holcim (Mauritius) Ltd. The company organised an road safety awareness day, in collaboration with the police.
24 May 2011,
CWA meets planters to tackle crisis
As there has been no marked changes in the water levels in reservoirs , the Central Water Authority (CWA) is going ahead with its decision to take drastic measures to tackle the water crisis. The CWA engineers met the Mare Longue planters on Monday to discuss the construction work of the project for transferring water [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Africa research programme at UoM
The minister of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology, Dr Rajesh Jeetah launched the Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme (SCAP) at the University of Mauritius (UOM), Réduit on Monday. The aim is to increase the visibility of African research. Dr Jeetah said that research has become an important element to promote development in a country. [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Magistrate Beeharry stands accused for using firearm
On Monday morning, the magistrate Mahesh Beeharry appeared in court before magistrate Véronique Kwok Yin Siong Yen. Beeharry was prosecuted under a charge of “using firearm to intimidate”. Magistrate Beeharry has been charged with violation of Articles 37 and 47 of the Firearms Act for having intimidated a street hawker Sameer Emamdee’s with a revolver. [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
5,000 cruise ship jobs available
Several representatives of American cruise ships will be on the island in August. They will conduct interviews to recruit manpower to work on several 5 to 7 star ships belonging to Royal Caribbean International and Azamara Club Cruises. Chandra Kumar Seepaul, director of CSCS International manning and recruiting agent for Royal Caribbean International Cruise Line, [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Caudan lane interchange to be operational soon
The Caudan road interchange project will be ready by October this year. The aim is to facilitate access to the South and the North while decongesting that part of the road. Motorists will not have to go through the Caudan roundabout, instead the interchange will be built over the roundabout, improving access for motorists to [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
PM consults counsel in UK
Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam will meet legal advisor Philippe Sands in Great Britain this week to review the latest developments in the Chagos Archipelago issue. The PM flew to Europe on May 20, after the Southern African Development Community summit in Namibia. Some 150 Chagossians, Olivier Bancoult, leader of the Groupe Réfugiés Chagos and [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
UK actor against monkey shipments
English comedian, actor and producer Ricky Gervais has joined the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) Cargo Cruelty campaign. The British actor said that he is against airline companies transporting monkeys used for research. Gervais said, “I was shocked to learn that some airlines transport monkeys to laboratories around the world”. He added, [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Bodha targets 12,000 tourists from China in ‘11
Air Mauritius has announced its first direct flight to Shanghai, China, scheduled for July 4. The Shanghai flights will go via Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and will offer connections from and to Reunion, Madagascar and South Africa. The inaugural flight’s outbound journey via Kuala Lumpur is expected to take 13 hours and 40 minutes on [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Ali Mansoor’s deputy questioned by ICAC
After Ali Mansoor,the financial secretary at the Ministry of Finance, his deputy Patrick Wong Hing was convened by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) on Monday. He was lengthily questioned at the offices found at Quay D, near the harbour. The investigators are checking and counter checking facts before making the next move. Patrick Wong [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Maigrot in police custody until May 26
Bernard Maigrot, the prime suspect in the high profile murder case of 32-year-old stylist Vanessa Lagesse, was arrested by the police on Monday. He will remain under police custody till May 26 when the bail motion filed by his lawyers Gavin Glover, Yves Hein and Ivan Collendavelloo will be debated. However, police officers have already [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
CWA considers ban on car wash
The decision on outdoor water use restriction will be taken at the office of the minister of Energy and Public Utilities Rashid Beebeejaun this week.
23 May 2011,