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CWA considers ban on car wash
The decision on outdoor water use restriction will be taken at the office of the minister of Energy and Public Utilities Rashid Beebeejaun this week. The high-level meeting involving the Central Water Authority (CWA), Water Resources Unit (WRU) and the Waste Water Management Authority (WWMA) will be held to decide whether watering plants and washing [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Bread festival held at Caudan
In order to showcase Mauritius’ historical heritage and the special breads available on the island, the Bread Festival was organised on May 20 and 21 at Caudan, Port Louis. This popular event is an initiative of Les Moulins de la Concorde (LMLC) and is being held since 1990. This festival is an opportunity for the [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Holcim highlights road safety issue
Promoting road safety and increasing truck drivers’ awareness is the objective of cement company Holcim (Mauritius) Ltd. The company organised an road safety awareness day, in collaboration with the police. Entitled Safety First, the awareness session led by sergeant Barlen Munusami of the Road Safety Unit of the Mauritius Police Force was intended for 25 [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Rezistans ek Alternativ to appeal to Privy Council
Rezistans ek Alternativ’s appeal to reform the Constitution will be heard before the Privy Council in England on October 25 and 26. Rezistans ek Alternativ has received the support of Muvman Premye Me, Platform Pu Nouvo Konstitisyon and Lezot Sitwayen Indepandan. During the 2010 general elections, the Electoral Commission has rejected the application of 104 [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
CSO report indicates export up by 1.7 pc
The numbers published in the latest report of the Central Statistics Office (CSO) indicates a 17.2 per cent growth in exports for the month of March 2011, compared to 15.5 per cent in March 2010. The net value of exports in March this year stood at Rs 6 billion, compared to Rs 5 billion in [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Free healthcare for Goodlands residents
Solaris, a newly-formed association, organised a health day at the Sharma Jugdambi state secondary school in Goodlands on Sunday. Solaris teamed up with the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, Dr Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, the Blood Donors Association, GlaxoSmithKline and students from the University of Mauritius to provide free medical consultation to residents of [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
4 injured, alcohol test positive for car driver
Four people were injured in an accident between a van and a car at St Julien on Saturday night. Among the wounded are the drivers of both vehicles. The road accident could have had more serious consequences if it was not for the instinctive reaction of the 36-year-old van driver Yassin Deedarally. The alcohol test [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Gumboots, Betamax on agenda at next sitting
The Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) has submitted its list of questions for the next parliamentary sitting on May 24. MP Aadil Ameer Meea will question the minister of Local Government and Outer Islands Hervé Aimée, on expenses incurred for the purchase of gumboots in 2006 by the Municipal Council of Port Louis. MP Veda Balamoody [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
MMM asks MPs to reveal assets
Paul Bérenger, leader of Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM), has asked the speaker of the National Assembly for assets of ministers and members of parliament (MPs) to be made public in accordance with the Declaration of Assets Act. He believes that this law should be extended to senior officials as well. He made a reference to [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Mangalore rejects fuel
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL) has responded to the allegations of exporting contaminated petroleum products to Mauritius. In this context the concerned officials have written a letter to the State Trading Corporation (STC) about the misleading statements that have appeared in the press. “We have seen some press clippings / reports with misleading statements [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
'Shattered' McCarthy celebrates Wolves' survival
WOLVERHAMPTON, England (AFP)Mick McCarthy refrained from "dancing with my knickers on my head" but that was the sense of elation the Wolves manager felt as his side avoided relegation from the Premier League.Wolves lost 3-2 at home to Blackburn on the final day of the season but remained in the English top flight by a point after Midlands rivals Birmingham were demoted following a 2-1 loss away to Tottenham Hotspur on Sunday.It seemed Wolves were heading back to the second tier of English football as they fell 3-0 behind, in front of their own fans, before half-time at Molineux.Goals from …
23 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mahesh and Pooja Bhatt to adapt The Last Salute into an international film
Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt has decided to make a film version of the play, The Last Salute, (based on the book of the same name) which premiered in New Delhi last week, starring actor Imran Zahid as Muntadhar Al Zaidi, the 32 year old Iraqi journalist who threw a shoe at former US President, George Bush in 2008. Bhatt's daughter, Pooja Bhatt, will co-produce the film alongwith with Dino Morea, while the film will be directed by a Middle Eastern director. Mahesh Bhatt is also planning to collaborate with Muntadhar Al Zaidi (who has written the book) on the screenplay. The …
23 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Riteish's youngest brother gets engaged to Vashu Bhagnani's daughter
Riteish Deshmukh has always been close to Vashu Bhagnani and his family. The actor has featured in several of Vashu's projects such as Out Of Control, Do Knot Disturb, Kal Kissne Dekha and even the recently released F.A.L.T.U. Now the two families became one as Riteish's youngest brother Dheeraj got engaged to Vashu Bhagnani's daughter Honey at a private ceremony yesterday. Dheeraj and Honey have been dating for a while and decided it was time to take the relationship to the next level. The event was attended by close family members only. Riteish and Jackky Bhagnani were beaming with joy …
22 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tambourine man still playing songs: Dylan turns 70
LOS ANGELES (AFP)Music icon Bob Dylan turns 70 this week with stars lining up to pay tribute to the 1960s folk-protest singer turned enigmatic rock legend, still touring after half a century.Dubbed the "voice of a generation" for anthems like "The Times they Are a-Changin'" and the poet laureate of folk for "Hey Mr. Tambourine Man" and others, Dylan shows no signs of slowing down as he enters his eighth decade."He's an inspiration, really, to us all, beyond even the songwriting, because he's always trying to go somewhere new. I love the man," said Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, no …
22 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Espagne: lourde défaite pour les socialistes sur fond de fronde sociale
MADRID (AFP)Les socialistes au pouvoir en Espagne ont subi dimanche une très lourde défaite aux élections municipales, sanctionnés pour leur politique d'austérité contre la crise et un chômage record, qui ont déclenché une rébellion sociale inédite.Le Parti socialiste, avec 27,84% des voix selon des résultats portant sur 80,17% des bulletins de vote, était très largement distancé par les conservateurs du Parti Populaire (37,34%).Cet écart de plus de neuf points vient sanctionner les socialistes, au pouvoir depuis 2004, à dix mois des législatives de mars 2012, et au moment où le pays est plongé dans la crise économique et en proie …
22 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tour d'Italie: victoire de Nieve après plus de 7 heures d'effort dans la 15e étape
POZZA DI FASSA (Italie) (AFP)L'Espagnol Mikel Nieve (Euskaltel) a remporté la 15e étape du Tour d'Italie, dimanche au refuge Gardeccia dans les Dolomites, après plus de 7 heures d'effort.Son compatriote Alberto Contador (Saxo Bank), qui a distancé une nouvelle fois ses rivaux directs, a gardé le maillot rose de leader après cette étape-reine de 229 kilomètres, rendue encore plus éprouvante par le parcours qui franchissait cinq cols et la pluie sur les sommets.Nieve a signé la deuxième victoire en deux jours pour l'équipe basque Euskaltel, au lendemain du succès d'Igor Anton au Monte Zoncolan.L'Espagnol, qui fêtera jeudi son 27e anniversaire, …
22 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Les joueurs du LOSC s'offrent une parade impériale pour leur double sacre
LILLE (AFP)Les joueurs du LOSC ont triomphalement paradé dimanche à Lille dans un bus à impériale sous les vivats de dizaines de milliers de supporteurs venus célébrer leur sacre en Coupe de France et dans le Championnat, premier doublé des nordistes depuis 1946.Rincés par une fin de saison fiévreuse et une nuit de fête, les Dogues ont défilé sur le boulevard de la Liberté, au coeur de la capitale des Flandres, entre la place de la République et l'Esplanade où des milliers de personnes les attendaient dans une ambiance de braderie et de stade survolté.A leur arrivée, alors que retentissaient …
22 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
G8: les pays pionniers du "printemps arabe" en quête d'une aide vitale
LE CAIRE (AFP)L'Egypte et la Tunisie, invitées au G8 de Deauville (France), attendent des grandes puissances une aide financière cruciale pour éviter à leurs fragiles transitions politiques de sombrer dans les difficultés économiques et sociales.Un effondrement de ces deux pionniers du "printemps arabe" pourrait signifier le glas des espoirs de démocratie de la région, conforter les régimes répressifs et constituer une aubaine pour les mouvements extrémistes, estiment responsables politiques et spécialistes."Nous souhaitons que la communauté internationale comprenne que le risque d'un échec de la révolution tunisienne est dangereux non seulement pour la région arabe mais aussi pour la paix dans …
22 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Roland-Garros: Tsonga qualifié, Gasquet et Monfils attendus lundi
PARIS (AFP)La journée de lundi à Roland-Garros s'annonce chargée pour les Français, les principaux leaders tricolores, à commencer par Richard Gasquet et Gaël Monfils, faisant leur entrée en lice, après la qualification aisée de Jo-Wilfried Tsonga dimanche.Le N.3 français Jo-Wilfried Tsonga a réussi ses débuts à Roland-Garros, où il a atteint le deuxième tour avec une victoire facile sur le Tchèque Jan Hajek en trois sets, 6-3, 6-2, 6-2.Concentré sur son sujet, le N.3 français et tête de série N.17 à Paris, a évité la même mésaventure que l'an dernier où il avait dû puiser d'entrée dans ses réserves face …
22 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Jeu du loto
Aucun joueur n’a trouvé la combinaison gagnante permettant de remporter la cagnotte mise en jeu. Le rollover s’appliquant, le prochain jackpot est estimé à Rs 41 millions. Les numéros gagnants d’hier sont : 07 – 25 – 26 – 28 – 38 – 39 Le tirage d’hier a fait, tout de même, 56 321 gagnants. [...]
22 May 2011, MBC