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Bodha targets 12,000 tourists from China in ‘11
Air Mauritius has announced its first direct flight to Shanghai, China, scheduled for July 4. The Shanghai flights will go via Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and will offer connections from and to Reunion, Madagascar and South Africa. The inaugural flight’s outbound journey via Kuala Lumpur is expected to take 13 hours and 40 minutes on [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Ali Mansoor’s deputy questioned by ICAC
After Ali Mansoor,the financial secretary at the Ministry of Finance, his deputy Patrick Wong Hing was convened by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) on Monday. He was lengthily questioned at the offices found at Quay D, near the harbour. The investigators are checking and counter checking facts before making the next move. Patrick Wong [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Maigrot in police custody until May 26
Bernard Maigrot, the prime suspect in the high profile murder case of 32-year-old stylist Vanessa Lagesse, was arrested by the police on Monday. He will remain under police custody till May 26 when the bail motion filed by his lawyers Gavin Glover, Yves Hein and Ivan Collendavelloo will be debated. However, police officers have already [...]
23 May 2011, The Independent Daily
CWA considers ban on car wash
The decision on outdoor water use restriction will be taken at the office of the minister of Energy and Public Utilities Rashid Beebeejaun this week.
23 May 2011,
La gazette de Roland-Garros: pression sur Leconte, papas et "visiteurs du soir"
PARIS (AFP)Riton sous pression. Henri Leconte a senti la pression monter à quelques heures de son premier Roland-Garros... en tant qu'animateur de talk-show. Tous les soirs de la quinzaine du tournoi, il sera aux commandes d'une émission en direct sur Eurosport durant laquelle il entend "faire connaître le tennis d'une toute autre façon". "C'est excitant, on se jette à l'eau ! On va dire les choses mais en restant correct avec des angles totalement différents. Il n'y aura pas que des invités du tennis", s'est enthousiasmé +Riton+. Premier convié: le comédien Smaïn.Ah maman... Quand Francesca Schiavone entre sur le court …
23 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Runs - Speed and precipice ...
It's not just the "DC Big Bikes" or tunes that have their cars "runs". The small cars are also looking to live their way, but far from the large crowd attracted by the formerly underground racing cars.
23 May 2011,
Les prochains jours seront déterminants
Relations industrielles dans le port
23 May 2011,
Les salaires en hôtellerie seront revus
23 May 2011,
Mauritian Cabinet meeting on Friday
A number of issues were on the table during the Cabinet meeting on Friday
23 May 2011,
Emtel sponsors childrens garden at Trois Boutiques
The inauguration ceremony of the garden took place on Saturday
23 May 2011,
The prices for water tanks skyrocketed
The water crisis has also sparked an increase in the sale of plastic utensils such as buckets and tubs
23 May 2011,
Mangalore rejects fuel
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL) has responded to the allegations of exporting contaminated petroleum products to Mauritius
23 May 2011,
Accidents: several injured, including two policemen, during the weekend
The road still has several injured during the weekend. Three accidents were reported, two occurred in the north and the third at St. Julien during a cycling competition in Pamplemousses.
23 May 2011,
Une jambe à 100 m d’un accident
A la suite d’un terrible accident survenu à Pamplemousses, jeudi après-midi, au cours duquel Ibrahim Nundloll, 42 ans, a perdu la vie, la police et les membres du Scene of Crime Office (SOCO) sont descendus sur les lieux, vendredi, pour une inspection.
23 May 2011,
Strauss-Kahn dit avoir démissionné pour épargner au FMI son "cauchemar"
WASHINGTON (AFP)Dominique Strauss-Kahn a affirmé dans un courrier électronique transmis à l'ensemble du personnel du Fonds monétaire international qu'il avait démissionné pour épargner au FMI le "cauchemar" qu'il était en train de vivre, selon le texte de ce courrier obtenu lundi par l'AFP."Ces derniers jours ont été extrêmement douloureux pour ma famille et moi, de même que, je le sais, ils l'ont été pour chacun au Fonds. Je suis véritablement désolé que cela ait été le cas", a écrit M. Strauss-Kahn dans ce courrier signé "Dominique", rédigé en anglais et daté de dimanche."Je nie dans les termes les plus forts …
23 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ex-IMF chief calls charges 'personal nightmare'
WASHINGTON (AFP)Ex-IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn told former colleagues that the sexual assault charges against him were a "personal nightmare" and insisted he would be cleared.In an email dated Sunday and sent to International Monetary Fund staff around the world, a copy of which was obtained by AFP, Strauss-Kahn expressed "profound sadness and frustration" at having had to resign his position to face the charges."I deny in the strongest possible terms the allegations which I now face; I am confident that the truth will come out and I will be exonerated," he wrote."In the meantime, I cannot accept that the …
23 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
FIFA chief Blatter hits back at graft claims
TOKYO (AFP)FIFA president Sepp Blatter has vowed to launch a counterattack against those who alleged the organisation is corrupt unless they present hard evidence of wrongdoing, a report said on Monday.He told Kyodo news agency that world football's governing body would not tolerate baseless accusations."We will take action against those who brought this to public knowledge and they know it," Blatter told Kyodo. "Let's wait and see. I'm not a prophet on what will happen in the next days but something will happen."Blatter said FIFA still had yet to receive any evidence to back the recent corruption allegations made by …
23 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Roland-Garros: Federer bat Lopez et retrouvera Maxime Teixeira au deuxième tour
PARIS (AFP)Roger Federer est venu à bout lundi d'une de ses victimes préférées l'Espagnol Feliciano Lopez, en trois sets 6-3, 6-4, 7-6 (7/3), pour se hisser au 2e tour de Roland-Garros, où il sera opposé au Français Maxime Teixeira.Le Suisse n'a pas déçu le jeune Teixeira, 22 ans, 185e joueur mondial et invité à Roland-Garros, qui rêvait de jouer contre lui. "Je me réjouis de jouer contre lui", a élégamment déclaré Federer. "Je ne le connais pas. Il a joué cinq sets hier, mais avec la motivation il sera en forme."Le N.3 mondial a dominé Lopez, 41e mondial, pour la …
23 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tanks to store 15,000 tons of fuel
A gain soon in the fuel sector. The State Trading Corporation (STC) will soon be able to build tanks to store some 15,000 tons of fuel.
23 May 2011,