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Kim Jong-Un, fils du dirigeant nord-coréen, en visite en Chine
SEOUL (AFP)Kim Jong-Un, fils et successeur probable du président nord-coréen Kim Jong-Il, a entamé vendredi une visite en Chine, a annoncé l'agence sud-coréenne Yonhap, signe, selon les analystes, de l'approbation par Pékin du processus de succession."Kim Jong-Un est arrivé en Chine tôt ce matin (vendredi) en passant par Tumen. Mais, nous ne savons pas où il se trouve actuellement", a précisé l'agence, citant une source locale dans la ville frontalière chinoise de Tumen, au nord-est de la Chine.Les mesures de sécurité ont été renforcées autour de la ville de Tumen et du pont franchissant le fleuve du même nom marquant …
20 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Actress, music icon Cher turns 65
NEW YORK (AFP)Her on-again, off-again music career took off again at the end of the 1980s, when she had one of her biggest solo hits, "If I could Turn Back Time."The tune might also have been describing her physical appearance, given her acknowledged penchant for plastic surgery, or her numerous farewell tours and comeback concerts.Recently Cher has been in the news because of Chastity -- now known as Chaz -- who is now living as a transgendered man.A new film, "Becoming Chaz" which debuted this year at the Sundance Film Festival, chronicles the medical and social transition of Chaz from …
20 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Cyclisme: Tyler Hamilton accuse à tour Lance Armstrong de dopage
LOS ANGELES (AFP)L'ancien coureur Tyler Hamilton a indiqué à la chaîne américaine CBS qu'il a vu son coéquipier Lance Armstrong s'injecter de l'EPO lors du Tour de France en 1999, l'année de la première des sept victoires consécutives du Texan dans la plus grande course cycliste du monde."J'ai vu (de l'EPO) dans son réfrigérateur. J'ai vu (Armstrong) se l'injecter, plus d'une fois", déclare Hamilton dans l'émission d'enquête +60 minutes+, qui sera diffusée dimanche mais dont un extrait est passé jeudi soir."(S'injecter de l'EPO) Nous l'avons tous fait. Je l'ai fait, à de nombreuses reprises", ajoute le coéquipier d'Armstrong chez US …
20 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Révision salariale : les critères énoncés
La direction du Pay Research Bureau (PRB) donne la “garantie” que les salaires de tous les fonctionnaires et employés des corps paraétatiques seront révisés dans son prochain rapport. Cette garantie se traduira par une “hausse salariale” à tous les niveaux dans les hiérarchies. Autre garantie : les conditions de travail ne seront pas moins favorables (not less favourable) que celles qui existent actuellement. C’est en tout cas l’assurance donnée, jeudi, au Matinal, par le directeur par intérim du PRB, Mohun Aujayeb, à l’issue d’une rencontre avec les membres de l’Union of Finance Officers au Rabita Hall, à Port-Louis. Il a …
20 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Water supply once in 2 days
The situation at the largest reservoir, Mare aux Vacoas, has been getting worse day on day. The Central Water Authority (CWA) is this seriously pondering on rationing water once every two days in the regions of Plaine Wilhems. Every 48 hours, the taps will run dry at a stretch of 44 long hours. This measure, [...]
20 May 2011, The Independent Daily
CEDEM students enact fairytale
On May 12, the Centre d’Education et de Développement pour les Enfants Mauriciens (CEDEM), organised a show titled ‘Une fête grandiose au château de la Belle et de la Bête’ (A lavish ball at Beauty and the Beast’s castle). This was held at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute Auditorium in Moka. Around 82 pupils took part [...]
20 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Programme empowers women with literacy
The Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare, in collaboration with the National Productivity & Competitiveness Council and the Commonwealth of Learning are working towards the empowerment of women. This will be implemented through lifelong learning. The minister of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare Sheila Bappoo and the minister of Tertiary [...]
20 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Rise in tourist arrivals from India, China
There’s good news for the Mauritian travel sector. International Travel and Tourism numbers were released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) on Thursday. Tourist arrivals from countries such as India grew by 33.4 per cent and China increased by 30.1 per cent. Countries such as Malaysia recorded a 34.4 per cent growth and United Arab [...]
20 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Sugar estate workers get land
In order to obtain a plot of land, around 412 ex-employees of Harel Frères Limited, Belle Vue Milling Co Ltd and Mon Songe Sugar Estate, participated in a drawing ceremony on March 24 at Belle Vue Mauricia. The ceremony was held for people under the Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS II) and Early Retirement Scheme (ERS). [...]
20 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Hawkers likely to shift to bus terminal
The lord mayor of Port Louis, Mamade Khodabaccus said that the street hawkers may be relocated to the North bus station or Barkly Road near Victoria bus terminal. The Municipality of Port Louis has already started negotiating and is now awaiting the approval of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and [...]
20 May 2011, The Independent Daily
MMM MP to quiz Bachoo on MedPoint
For Tuesday’s National Assembly session, members of the Opposition have tabled questions on the MedPoint saga, amendment of the constitution to change the term general population, number of registered massage centres, number of plots acquired in relation to the Verdun Terre Rouge link road. On the whole, 50 questions will be put forth, out of [...]
20 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Union asks for redeployment
During a brainstorming session at the Rabita Hall, Port Louis on Thursday, officers of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development grouped under the Union of Finance Officers, submitted their requests to the acting director of the Pay Research Bureau (PRB), Mohun Aujayeb. This is for the 2011 PRB report, which will be published in [...]
20 May 2011, The Independent Daily
ICAC won’t stop at midpoint
When a civil servant completes his thirty-three and one third years of service, he withdraws from service with full pensions and a lump sum to a peaceful retirement. But such has not been the case of the former president of the Central Procurement Board, Dawood Zamany. He was convened by the Independent Commission Against Corruption [...]
20 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Ramgoolam in Namibia to attend SADC summit
Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam left for Namibia on Thursday to attend the Southern African Development Community (SADC) extraordinary summit, which will be held on Friday. A press release from the Prime Minister’s Office states that preparations are also underway for SADC, COMESA, and the East African Community (EAC) to discuss a free-trade agreement. However, [...]
20 May 2011, The Independent Daily
British trial of cricketers set to start
The trial of three Pakistan cricketers and their agent on charges of corruption relating to ‘spot-fixing’ in England last year is due to get underway here on Friday. Former captain Salman Butt and fast bowlers Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Aamer have, along with agent Mazher Majeed, been charged with conspiracy to cheat and conspiracy to [...]
20 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Mare-aux-Vacoas à sec d’ici novembre
La situation à Mare-aux-Vacoas est très critique. Il est actuellement à 38,6 % seulement de sa capacité. Si la situation continue à empirer, le réservoir sera à sec d’ici novembre, a déclaré Rashid Beebeejaun, ministre de l’Energie et des services publics, lors d’une conférence de presse tenue jeudi à Port-Louis. D’ailleurs Dev Aukle, directeur par intérim de la Central Water Authority (CWA), a soutenu que s’il ne pleut pas, il y a une possibilité que la région des hautes Plaines-Wilhems ne soit alimentée en eau qu’une fois tous les deux jours d’ici juin. Dans la région de Mare-aux-Vacoas, le taux …
20 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Fatal accidents: three deaths in 24 hours
The black series continues on the road with three deaths in 24 hours. The most recent accident occurred Thursday afternoon on the Northern Highway near Pamplemousses, where a 4x4 was violently struck a motorcyclist who died instantly.
20 May 2011,
He has tried to crush a suspected rival
A resident of Mahebourg tried to kill his wife's alleged lover, a policeman, crushing his car.
20 May 2011,
Le ticket d’autobus trop cher – Il opte pour un scooter qui cause sa perte
Un jeune de 21 ans, Michael Zéphir, a péri dans un accident de la route survenu à la route Wellington, à Rose-Hill, mercredi matin, vers 8h00.
20 May 2011,
BIG AIMS' seminar on 'Creating career in Animation & VFX filmmaking'
BIG AIMS (Animation Infotainment & Media School), an animation and VFX training academy of Reliance's BIG Animation, recently conducted a seminar on "Creating a Career in Animation & VFX Film making" at Nehru Memorial Hall in Pune. Jay Shuster, Art Director from Pixar Animation Studios was the key speaker in the seminar. Jay took the audience through his exciting journey in the world on animation, his experience while working on great movies like Cars 2, Wall-E and also gave insight on how one can prepare to become successful even at the International level. Other speakers in the seminar included industry …
20 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?