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Tata Elxsi's VCL launches 'ePuppet'
From the makers of Roadside Romeo, renowned animation and VFX house Tata Elxsi's Visual Computing Labs (VCL) has launched India's first ePuppet, an innovative marketing tool for the Magic Iris vehicle for Tata Motors. The ePuppet is an interactive animated model, of the Magic Iris vehicle that reflects the actions and the emotions of the user behind the scene. This is the first of its kind to host an automobile launch in Mumbai, this innovative product launcher presented various product features in a live environment with an audience where it talked, moved, and answered questions about itself. Pankaj Khandpur, Creative …
20 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ferguson's football addiction keeps him working
<font class="smalltext" >MANCHESTER, United Kingdom (AFP)</font><br><img rel="" src='' align="right" alt="s Scottish manager Sir Alex Ferguson" Width="245" height="168" hspace="5" vspace="3" ><p class="smalltext" align="justify">Sir Alex Ferguson admits that his addiction to Manchester United and football will keep him from slipping quietly into retirement.</p><p class="smalltext" align="justify">Ferguson, who steered United to a record 19th league title last weekend and whose side tackle Barcelona in the Champions League final next weekend, fears stepping off the treadmill.</p><p class="smalltext" align="justify">"I have no plans to retire, I must say that and (my wife) Cathy is delighted. She would have thrown me out, " he told MUTV.</p><p class="smalltext" align="justify">"The …
20 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
The Walt Disney Company India & UTV announce creative alliance
The Walt Disney Company in India and UTV Motion Pictures announced a creative alliance to co-produce a slate of Disney branded films aimed at family audiences. Disney and UTV will share creative responsibilities for these films and UTV will manage the production, marketing and distribution. "Together with UTV, our goal is to produce films that have a direct connection with the dynamic and expanding Indian audience and that embody Disney brand values - optimistic, fun, meaningful and emotional entertainment for the entire family," said Mahesh Samat, Managing Director, The Walt Disney Company India Pvt. Ltd. "From television to publishing to …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Arnie halts film projects for family crisis
LOS ANGELES (AFP)Arnold Schwarzenegger put all his movie projects on hold Thursday to deal with the family crisis sparked by revelations that he fathered a secret love child, a lawyer for the megastar said.The former California governor told his agents that work on new projects including "The Terminator" franchise would stop "until further notice" as he grapples with a media storm and the breakup of his 25-year marriage."At the request of Arnold Schwarzenegger we asked Creative Artists Agency to inform all his motion picture projects currently underway or being negotiated to stop planning until further notice," said Arnie's lawyer Patrick …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Séisme de magnitude 5,9 dans le nord-ouest de la Turquie
ANKARA (AFP)Un séisme de magnitude 5,9 sur l'échelle ouverte de Richter a secoué tard jeudi le nord-ouest de la Turquie, a rapporté l'agence de presse officielle Anatolie, sans préciser dans l'immédiat s'il a fait des victimes ou des dégâts.L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui s'est produit vers 20H15 GMT est situé à Simav, une localité dépendante de la province de Kütahya, située à environ 310 km à l'ouest d'Ankara, précise l'agence, citant l'institut sismologique de Kandilli, à Istanbul.La secousse tellurique a été ressentie dans les provinces voisines et jusqu'à Istanbul, plus au nord, la principale métropole turque de plus de …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Inquiry into impure fuel from MRPL
Tuesday, MMM MP Reza Uteem raised the question about the consignment of contaminated petroleum products that arrived on the island on April 22.
19 May 2011,
Formule 1: Webber, homme-clé du GP d'Espagne et du Championnat
BARCELONE (Espagne) (AFP)Il est le seul à rouler, comme Sebastian Vettel, dans une Red Bull, et donc à disposer des mêmes chances de victoires: Mark Webber, vainqueur à Barcelone en 2010, fait figure d'homme-clé du Grand Prix d'Espagne de Formule 1 et du Championnat, disputé dimanche.L'Australien, pour l'instant, se fait dévorer par son coéquipier allemand. Trois victoires et une 2e place pour l'un, deux podiums pour l'autre. Webber ne fait pas le poids face à un champion en titre inarrêtable, qui a confisqué 93 points sur 100 possibles depuis le début de saison."Pour battre +Seb+ en Espagne, je vais devoir …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Kashima fined after fans burn flares at ACL match
<font class="smalltext" >TOKYO (AFP)</font><br><img rel="" src='' align="left" alt="Kashima Antlers and Suwon Bluewings drew 1-1 in the match on April 6" Width="245" height="175" hspace="5" vspace="3" ><p class="smalltext" align="justify">J-League side Kashima Antlers have been fined $5,000 by the Asian Football Confederation after a handful of their supporters burned smoke flares during an away match against South Korea's Suwon Bluewings.</p><p class="smalltext" align="justify">Kashima said Thursday that they had identified the five supporters, who used the banned flares during the AFC Champions League Group H match on April 6, and indefinitely banned them from Kashima matches "either home or away."</p><p class="smalltext" align="justify">The two teams drew …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Several Malaysians 'involved in match-fixing'
<font class="smalltext" >KUALA LUMPUR (AFP)</font><br><img rel="" src='' align="right" alt="s head of security Chris Eaton, right, and FAM deputy president Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah" Width="245" height="186" hspace="5" vspace="3" ><p class="smalltext" align="justify">The head of security for football's ruling body FIFA said on Thursday that "several" Malaysians and a Singaporean living here were involved in match-fixing, but cleared the national body.</p><p class="smalltext" align="justify">Chris Eaton said his team was investigating match-fixing scandals in Germany, Finland and Singapore, and their probe had led them to Malaysia.</p><p class="smalltext" align="justify">"I have to admit that from our investigations, several Malaysians are involved in match-fixing. But the case …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
L'Otan veut un "vrai partenariat stratégique" avec la Russie
BRATISLAVA (AFP)Le secrétaire général de l'Otan a lancé jeudi à Bratislava un appel pour "un vrai partenariat stratégique" entre l'Alliance et la Russie après la mise en garde de Moscou contre une nouvelle guerre froide."Mon objectif est de développer un vrai partenariat stratégique entre l'Otan et la Russie", a déclaré devant la presse Anders Fogh Rasmussen après s'être entretenu avec le ministre slovaque des Affaires étrangères Mikulas Dzurinda.Le président russe Dmitri Medvedev a une nouvelle fois mis en garde mercredi contre une nouvelle guerre froide si l'Occident n'impliquait pas la Russie dans la défense antimissile en Europe."Nous avons certes nos …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Irlande: le président du Sinn Féin salue le discours historique de la reine
DUBLIN (AFP)Le président du parti nationaliste irlandais Sinn Féin, Gerry Adams, a salué jeudi le discours historique prononcé la veille par la reine Elizabeth II à Dublin, où elle a exprimé sa "profonde compassion" pour les victimes du processus de décolonisation en Irlande."Je crois que l'expression de sa sincère compassion pour ceux qui ont souffert du fait de notre passé tourmenté est authentique", a déclaré Gerry Adams, dont le parti milite pour la fin de l'autorité britannique sur l'Irlande du Nord. M. Adams était présenté comme l'un des plus fervents opposants à la visite de la reine, qu'il avait qualifiée …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Centara signs management contract in Mauritius
Centara Hotels & Resorts has signed a management contract for a property in Mauritius
19 May 2011,
Mauritius trade deficit widens 44.8% in March
The deficit increased against March 2010
19 May 2011,
Tourist arrivals to Mauritius rose 5 percent year-on-year
Tourism typically generates about 10 percent of gross domestic product for Mauritius
19 May 2011,
APCA has entered the entertainment business
Its first movie ‘404’ will be releasing worldwide on May 20
19 May 2011,
HSBC Mauritius offers accounts in Chinese yuan
It provides customers an avenue to diversify their investments
19 May 2011,
September 2012 could hand a smart ID card to all Mauritians
The smart card will have various uses
19 May 2011,
Femmes Chefs d’Entreprise Mondiales (FCEM) in Maurtius from May 25-28
Women entrepreneurs need to innovate
19 May 2011,
Mauritius International Investment Forum by the Board of Investment from June 15-16
The June forum will showcase the various investment opportunities that Mauritius offers
19 May 2011,
Mauritian delegation to prepare for new flight from Shanghai
The delegation comprises 30 representatives
19 May 2011,