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Des voleurs circulent à bord d'une Mazda – Une des victimes : «La voiture a roulé sur mon pied»
Un groupe de voleurs sans scrupules sillonne le pays. À ce jour, selon la police qui prend cette affaire très au sérieux, cette bande de malfrats a déja fait quatre victimes. Ils ciblent des femmes sans défense avant de jeter leur dévolu sur leurs bijoux, entre autres.
19 May 2011,
Accident spectaculaire entre un bus et un camion
Ils ont échappé de près à la mort. Un accident spectaculaire impliquant un minibus, avec à son bord une ving¬taine d’élèves du Lycée des Mascareignes de St-Pierre, et un camion s’est produit à Clarence, peu avant le Tamarina Golf, mardi vers 7 heures. L’état des véhicules témoigne de l’impact du choc.
19 May 2011,
Ben Laden salue les révolutions arabes dans un message posthume audio
WASHINGTON (AFP)Oussama Ben Laden salue les révolutions en Tunisie et en Egypte et appelle les musulmans à tirer avantage de cette "rare opportunité historique" pour se soulever, dans un message posthume audio capté par le centre américain de surveillance des sites islamistes (SITE).Le message, mis en ligne sur les forums jihadistes mercredi par le site As-Sahab, proche d'Al-Qaïda, dure 12 minutes et 37 secondes, et parle aux musulmans des révolutions arabes de ces derniers mois.Ben Laden recommande la mise en place d'un Conseil chargé de donner des conseils révolutionnaires et de décider du meilleur moment pour répandre la révolte dans …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Smart IDs by Sept 2012
September 2012 could hand a smart card to all Mauritians. The project, first proposed in 1998, introduces a new national identity card containing all data of the citizen. Speaking to The Independent, the minister of Information and Communication Technology, Tassarajen Pillay Chedumbrum said that government is willing to go ahead with the project although it [...]
19 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Master speaks on inner peace
Swami Padmanabhananda, the secretary general of Divine Life Society, India, is currently visiting the island. He said that in order to attain inner peace, people must develop positive attitudes and become conscious of their acts. Swami added that this will help purify their work and “serve, love and feel the peace.” Swami Padmanabhananda was born [...]
19 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Scholar propagates Buddha’s teachings
To celebrate the birth anniversary of Gautam Buddha, the Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI), in collaboration with the Buddha Dhamma Association, organised a conference titled, ‘The being and becoming in Vaidika Tradition’. This was presented by Piyali Palit, professor of Sanskrit and Indian Philosophy on May 18 at the seat of MGI at Moka. Palit spoke [...]
19 May 2011, The Independent Daily
HSBC offers account in Chinese currency
For the first time, HSBC is offering customers the option to open bank accounts in renminbi (RMB or the yuan), which is the official currency of China. Through the Renminbi Savings and Term Deposit Account, customers will be able to access what has until now been a restricted emerging market currency. Talking about the new [...]
19 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Writers celebrate
In the context of Rabindranath Tagore’s 150th anniversary, the Mauritian Writers’ Association, along with the Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture(IGCIC), organised a cultural programme in Phoenix on Wednesday. The programme featured songs, recital of poems and speeches about the universality of Tagore. Shakuntala Hawoldar, president of the Mauritian Writers’ Association, stated that Tagore is [...]
19 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Inquiry into impure fuel from MRPL
On Tuesday, MMM MP Reza Uteem raised the question about the consignment of contaminated petroleum products that arrived on the island on April 22. In his reply, minister of Industry and Commerce Showkutally Soodhun said that according to the State Trading Corporation’s information, the consignment was not allowed to unload and remained in the vessel. [...]
19 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Agalega airstrip to be upgraded
The government has decided to proceed with the renovation of the Agalega airstrip in. This project will be carried out in two phases and is expected to cost Rs 250 million. Gawtam Davay, director of Outer Island Corporation Development, responsible for the management and development of Agalega, said that the first phase of the project [...]
19 May 2011, The Independent Daily
CWA proposes to use mobile filters
In a bid to solve the dire water situation that the country is facing, the Central Water Authority (CWA) has purchased five mobile filters to pump water near sources of water. CWA acting chairperson Meckduth Chumroo stated that water from the lake of Valletta, Bassin Aza near Verdun and Bassin 5-arpents at Camp Fouquereaux would [...]
19 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Contribution of women entrepreneurs recognised
Mauritius is committed to promoting and strengthening entrepreneurship for broader economic progress. In this regard, Mauritian women entrepreneurs will have a unique opportunity to interact with their counterparts from other countries from May 25 to 28. This will be possible through the annual meeting of the World Association of Women Entrepreneurs (FCEM), which will be [...]
19 May 2011, The Independent Daily
APCA enters entertainment business
APCA India, which owns AAPCA (Mauritius), the printers and publishers of Le Matinal and printers of The Independent Daily, has entered the entertainment business. Its first movie ‘404’ will be releasing worldwide on May 20. Produced by its arm APCA News and Entertainment, the film has been directed by Prawal Raman and stars Nishikant Kamath, [...]
19 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Dominique Strauss-Kahn démissionne du FMI et clame son innocence
WASHINGTON (AFP)Dominique Strauss-Kahn a démissionné jeudi de ses fonctions de directeur général du Fonds monétaire international (FMI), et a affirmé dans une lettre au conseil d'administration être innocent des faits d'agression sexuelle pour lesquels il est incarcéré."Dominique Strauss-Kahn a informé aujourd'hui le conseil d'administration du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) de son intention de démissionner de son poste de directeur général avec effet immédiat", a indiqué l'institution de Washington dans un communiqué publié peu après minuit (04H00 GMT).Le FMI a joint une lettre dans laquelle M. Strauss-Kahn explique ses raisons."C'est avec une infinie tristesse que je me sens contraint aujourd'hui de …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Boxing legend says he was sexually assaulted by coach
LOS ANGELES (AFP)Former US Olympic gold medalist Sugar Ray Leonard says he was sexually assaulted by an ex-American Olympic team coach.Leonard, who won a gold medal in the 1976 Montreal Games and went on to have a brilliant pro career, made the accusations in a new tell-all book "The Big Fight: My Life In and Out of the Ring", US media reported.The book is expected to come out in stores in June.The 55-year-old Leonard said the abuse happened when he was a teenager and a young man.Leonard said in one of the encounters, the coach talked to him about winning …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Amitabh Bachchan attends special lecture at Oxford University
Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan visited the Oxford University to attend a lecture titled "Amitabh Bachchan: Emotion and the Star in Hindi Film" by Rachel Dwyer who is an expert on Indian cinema and culture at Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies (OCHS). Bachchan was shown a specially prepared First Folio of William Shakespeare plays, which dated back to 1623 and the manuscript copy of the first English translation of Kalidas'' ''Shakuntala'' by William Jones, dated 1788. He also attended a formal dinner at the dining hall of Trinity College at Oxford. Oxford students were pleased to see Big B in their …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
What next for Macheda after Sampdoria flop?
ROME (AFP)Two seasons ago Federico Macheda was the new darling of the Stretford End and seemed on the verge of becoming the next great Manchester United striker.Making his debut as a substitute for Nani in a crucial Premier League match against Aston Villa with United trailing 2-1, he scored an injury-time winner and the Red Devils went on to win the title.Macheda was just 17 at the time but already seemed to have the big-game mentality the sport's top-level players possess.But two years on and Macheda, although still only a teenager, seems to be stuck in limbo.When he arrived at …
19 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Close friend Murli Manohar & daughter Aishwarya on Rajinikanth's health
Tamil Nadu's iconic superstar Rajinikanth was hospitalized again recently. And this time there's no effort from the people around him to play down the gravity of the situation. Close friend the Rana co-producer Dr. Murli Mamohar speaking exclusively to this writer on Tuesday revealed that it was a recurrent fever that was putting Rajinikanth back into hospital repeatedly. "And this time we're determined to keep him there until we get to the bottom of it. The fever, we realize, is not the illness. It's a symptom. Rajini-ji has been suffering from fever, fatigue and loss of appetite. To make matters …
18 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Europa League - Le FC Porto comme une évidence
DUBLIN (AFP)Le FC Porto est sorti logiquement vainqueur de son duel fratricide avec Braga (1-0) et a remporté l'Europa League, le 4e trophée continental de son histoire, sur un but de l'incontournable Falcao, mercredi à Dublin.Le résultat n'est en guère surprenant tant les Dragons ont survolé l'épreuve de bout en bout et leurs voisins du Nord du Portugal, malgré toute leur bonne volonté, ne pouvaient rien contre une machine lancée à toute allure vers une nouvelle C3, la 2e après celle de 2003.Ce n'est d'ailleurs pas un hasard si la délivrance est venue de la tête de Falcao sur un …
18 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Sarkozy biopic drags dirty French politics to Cannes
CANNES, France (AFP)While revealing a human side to the right-wing leader as his marriage breaks down, there are few scoops: Cecilia has an affair, Sarkozy's fierce rival Dominique de Villepin calls him a dwarf, and French journalists are cowards.Chirac, played as a cross between Steven Seagal and the Godfather by Bernard Le Coq, says the short-statured Sarkozy will never be president as "he stopped growing too soon" and Cecilia complains their life has become a reality show.One possible revelation shows Sarkozy constantly eating chocolates and sweets, and the aristocratic de Villepin is shown swearing like a fishwife.Another moment of insight …
18 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?