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Maurice s’attèle a développer le marché chinois. Le Ministre du Tourisme Nando Bhodha est en voyage en Chine actuellement. Il prépare également le lancement de la première liaison entre l’ile Maurice et la Chine qui aura lieu le 5 Juillet prochain. Le marché chinois représente un défi majeur. Ils ne sont que 7000 mille environ à visiter [...]
18 May 2011, MBC
Obama veut parler "opportunités" à un Moyen-Orient en plein bouleversement
WASHINGTON (AFP)Barack Obama va insister jeudi sur les "opportunités" que recèlent selon lui les bouleversements en cours au Moyen-Orient, lors d'un discours qui devra tenter d'embrasser d'une analyse commune des situations dans des pays amis, alliés ou ennemis des Etats-Unis.Ce discours au département d'Etat à Washington va intervenir cinq mois après le début des révoltes qui ont renversé les régimes autocratiques tunisien et égyptien, ébranlé le Yémen et Bahreïn, des pouvoirs alliés de Washington, mais aussi la Libye et la Syrie, autant de situations auxquelles Washington a jusqu'ici réagi différemment.Face à des répressions sanglantes, la Maison Blanche a ainsi appelé …
18 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
JT de 19h30 – mercredi 18/05/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-05-18End Time: 20:15
18 May 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – mercredi 18/05/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-05-18End Time: 19:20
18 May 2011, MBC
News – Wednesday 18/05/11
Title: NewsChannel: MBC3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-05-18End Time: 18:50
18 May 2011, MBC
Samachar – Wednesday 18/05/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-05-18End Time: 18:25
18 May 2011, MBC
Schwarzenegger admits lovechild triggered split
LOS ANGELES (AFP)She received a severance payment and "left on good terms" with the couple, the paper said. Other online media were quickly on the hunt for the woman and child, who one report said was an 11-year-old boy who resembles Schwarzenegger.It was not known how the Austrian-born actor managed to keep the child secret, while the woman remained on their joint staff -- and while he continued to support the child financially, according to the LA Times.In announcing their separation last week, Schwarzenegger and Shriver said they were taking time to "work on the future."A few days later Schwarzenegger …
18 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Japan to tell Blatter it is safe venue for football
TOKYO (AFP)Japan will seek to reassure Sepp Blatter that it is a safe venue for hosting world football as the FIFA president visits in the wake of a tsunami which sparked the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl, Japan's FA said.Junji Ogura, head of the Japan Football Association, told local media Tuesday he would try to confirm that the money-spinning Club World Cup, which FIFA has yet to schedule officially, will be held in Japan in December in spite of the March 11 disaster."In his meetings with senior Japanese officials, I hope he will be assured that conditions allow hosting," Ogura …
18 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
NBA: Dirk Nowitzki fait gagner Dallas face à Oklahoma City
DALLAS (Etats-Unis) (AFP)L'Allemand Dirk Nowitzki a marqué 48 points pour battre Oklahoma City 121-112 et permettre à Dallas d'ouvrir le score dans la finale de Conférence Ouest des play-offs NBA mardi dans le Texas.Toujours à la recherche de son premier titre, le meilleur Européen à avoir joué en NBA a fait preuve d'une adresse phénoménale, rentrant 12 de ses 15 tirs et 24 de ses 24 lancers francs, nouveau record de l'histoire des play-offs.La précédente meilleure marque appartenait au shooteur de Boston Paul Pierce qui avait réussi 21 lancers francs de suite sans en rater un. Nowitzki, qui avait marqué …
18 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Libération de la journaliste d'Al-Jazira disparue en Syrie
DOHA (AFP)La journaliste d'Al-Jazira Dorothy Parvez, disparue en Syrie il y trois semaines et qui aurait été détenue en Iran, a été libérée et a regagné Doha, a annoncé mercredi la chaîne satellitaire."Dorothy Parvez a été libérée, près de trois semaines après sa disparition après son arrivée à Damas pour couvrir les protestations" pro-démocratie dans ce pays, a annoncé la chaîne satellitaire dans un communiqué."Le mystère entourant la disparition de Dorothy Parvez est demeuré jusqu'à sa libération", a ajouté la chaîne, sans confirmer sa détention en Iran.Mme Parvez, une Américano-canado-iranienne travaillant pour le service en anglais d'Al-Jazira, a, selon les …
18 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Nakata headlines Japan quake charity football match
HONG KONG (AFP)Japanese superstar Hidetoshi Nakata is to headline an earthquake charity match in Hong Kong against Spain's Villareal next week, a report said on Wednesday.The midfielder, known as Japan's answer to David Beckham in his playing days, will turn out for Hong Kong league champions Kitchee in the fundraiser at Hong Kong Stadium next Thursday."We are happy to have secured Nakata's services," Kitchee boss Ken Ng Kin told the South China Morning Post. "He has been very busy playing in a number of charity games and has to change his schedule to come to Hong Kong."Nakata will wear jersey …
18 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le bâtiment MCB de St Jean certifié BREEAM
Alors que sa construction est en passe d’être achevée, le nouveau bâtiment de la MCB, sis au rond-point de Saint Jean, a déjà signé une première. Il est devenu le premier building de l’hémisphère sud à obtenir la certification (British Establishment Environmental Impact Method (BREEAM) avec la mention Bien. La BREEAM est le référentiel le plus utilisé à travers le monde pour évaluer la performance environnementale des bâtiments. Créé en 1990, il a évolué régulièrement pour prendre en compte l’évolution de la réglementation et se décliner en plusieurs versions selon les types de bâtiments. Aujourd’hui, la certification BREEAM évalue la …
18 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Press freedom respected in Mauritius, says PM
Freedom of expression in Mauritius is guaranteed by the Constitution and freedom of the press is respected in Mauritius. This was stated by Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam at the National Assembly on Tuesday. He was replying to a question from MP Joe Lesjongard about the unfavourable reports on Mauritius by two international institutions, namely [...]
18 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Ligue 1: titre en vue pour Lille, Paris vise le podium
PARIS (AFP)Lille peut quasiment assurer le titre de champion de France mercredi en battant Sochaux lors de son match en retard de la 36e journée du Championnat de France tandis que, dans le même temps, Paris peut chasser Lyon du podium et prendre une option pour la C1 s'il s'impose à Bordeaux.En cas de victoire contre les Lionceaux, les Lillois, tout auréolés de leur victoire en Coupe de France samedi contre le PSG (1-0), compteraient en effet six points d'avance sur Marseille, qui s'est emmêlé les pinceaux dimanche à Lorient (2-2).A deux journées du terme et avec une différence de …
18 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mare aux Vacoas water level remains worrying
The water level of the island’s largest reservoir has been gradually decreasing. The situation has reached a point where Mare aux Vacoas is currently filled at only 39.1 per cent. A delegation from the Singapore Public Utilities Board and Singapore Cooperation Enterprise visited the island in October 2010 to evaluate the country’s needs for water [...]
18 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Lower VI students motivated, show interest in Young Journalist competition
Form 6 students, who are participating in the Young Journalist of the Year competition, are full of enthusiasm and motivation. Research work, contacting people and looking for quotes are fascinating them and some are even thinking of joining the journalism field after completing their studies. Farheen Rajani, HSC student at Loreto College, Port Louis, finds [...]
18 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Microsoft launches Windows Phone 7
Microsoft Indian Ocean has unveiled the Windows Phone 7, the latest Microsoft operating system for mobile phones. The software has been designed to help users stay connected while away from office. It provides a single interface. The smartphone HTC Mozart, operating on the new Windows Phone 7 platform, is now available at Maurisystem Ltd, the [...]
18 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Progress slow at freeport
The proposed construction of a new cargo and freeport zone at Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport has been facing multiple delays. The Airport of Mauritius Co limited (AML), in conjunction with the Board of Investment (BOI) had initiated the first steps for important project to start soon. However, the tender exercise to identify a master [...]
18 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Arumugum eyes Everest summit
Jaysen Arumugum is on his way to becoming the first Mauritian to climb Mt Everest, giving an update on the present conditions informed that, “The weather forecasts and rope fixing are all coming together now and we will most probably be leaving base camp on May 19 or 20 for the summit on May 26 [...]
18 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Ministries inspecting food hygiene
An inspection week for food security is being held after the Flying Squad of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life warned a total of 75 restaurant owners for non-compliance of the Food Act on Monday. According to an officer of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, these owners did not comply [...]
18 May 2011, The Independent Daily