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L’enquête préliminaire sur le meurtre du taxi-man Mohunsingh Koolaput a démarré en Cour de district de Pamplemousses
L’enquête préliminaire sur le meurtre du taxi-man Mohunsingh Koolaput a démarré en Cour de district de Pamplemousses. Les premières auditions se sont déroulées hier devant la magistrat Maryse Panglose. Le principal accusé est un jeune récidiviste de 25 ans, Rajiv Ramphul… Une trentaine de témoins sont assignés à comparaitre dans cette affaire qui remonte à novembre [...]
16 Mar 2011, MBC
Protection et sécurité des ordinateurs : la solution gratuite de Microsoft
Microsoft Security Essentials, la solution complète, performante et légère, de protection et de sécurité est disponible en téléchargement libre et gratuit.
16 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Prix : 64 produits de base baissent de 28 %
Les consommateurs peuvent pousser un ouf ! de soulagement. A partir d’aujourd’hui les prix de 64 produits de base que la plupart des Mauriciens consomment sont révisés à la baisse - une réduction de 28 %. Parmi se trouvent les grains secs, l’huile, le lai
16 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Une unité de colposcopie inaugurée à l'Hôpital Victoria
Une unité de colposcopie équipée d´un colposcope vidéo numérique capable de détecter des changements pathologiques dans le col de l´utérus en utilisant la technologie d´imagerie pour les examens gynécologiques est maintenant opérationnelle à l´hôpital Vic
16 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
SADC mulls single visa
The decision on a single tourist visa for the Southern Africa Development Community member countries will be taken at a ministerial meeting in Lusaka this June. Billed as a “grand debate,” the meeting is expected to come up with an action plan that will lead to the establishment of the single tourist visa. SADC has [...]
16 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
The Price of various Necessity products decreases
The consumers can heave a sign of relief finally. As from this morning, the price of 64 necessity products decreases. The prices decrease by 28 %. The main products consist of oil, milk, cheese, rice. The price decreases by Rs2- Rs5. For example the price of Basmati rice 2kg is now Rs92 instead of Rs102,
16 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Nissan, Toyota face no setback
Nissan is one of the Japanese manufacturers that has decided to temporarily close down several of its manufacturing facilities in Japan, announced Michel Ng, ABC Motors marketing director. The aim is to help conserve electricity and reduce pressure on domestic consumption in Japan. “This situation, however, should not have any immediate effect on our business [...]
16 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
64 commodities to cost less
The decrease in price of food items will be applicable from today in all shops and hyper markets. This decision, taken by the minister of Industry and Commerce Showkutally Soodhun, was announced at a press meet in Port Louis on Tuesday. Soodhun stated that this initiative was taken following the anxiety that the Prime Minister [...]
16 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Peak electricity demand to grow about 2.8% per year
Mauritius’ peak electricity demand will reach 533 megawatts by 2020
16 Mar 2011,
MTPA invites Miss France
The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority, in partnership with Air Mauritius as well as the Constance Hotel Group wants to step up the promotion of the island. It is in this vein that Miss France 2011 Thilleman Laury has been invited to stay in Mauritius until March 17. During her stay on the island, she is [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Rotary Club hosts student career fair
The Rotary Club of Grand Baie is hosting Career World for students who have completed their Higher School Certificate (HSC). It will be held on May 20 and 21 at the Swami Vivekananda International Convention Centre (SVICC) at Pailles. Some 2,500 students from various colleges on the island will visit the fair and be apprised [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Forum on Water Day at RGSC
Approximately 400 professionals working in the water sector and students of both public and private secondary schools will participate in a forum on water. The forum is titled ‘Water for Cities: Meeting the Urban Challenge’. This will be held on March 22 and 23 at the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre (RGSC). The initiative is an [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Sik Yuen advocates consumer rights
To mark World Consumer Rights Day, a workshop was held on Tuesday at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture, Phoenix. The event was attended by the minister of Business, Enterprise, Cooperatives and Consumer Protection Michael Sik Yuen. He said that the goal was to strengthen consumer education in financial matters so that they receive [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Moonea assures court he will not jump bail
Sandeep Moonea, finally broke his silence in court on Tuesday afternoon in Mapou court. The prime suspect in the murder of Irish Michael Harte, gave his statement in the witness box. He was interrogated and cross examined by his lawyer Navin Bhoyrul and counsel for the prosecution, Nataraj Mooneesamy. During the session, several questions raised [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Bagatelle reckons 58,000 FB fans
The Facebook page of the as yet unopened Bagatelle – Mall of Mauritius, which was created in March 2010, currently has 58,000 fans. It ranks fourth in terms of number of fans after the Mall of America (New York), Mall Plaza (Santiago) and The Dubai Mall (Dubai). This is believed to be a record for [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Casino workers to get 14th month salary
The employees of the Casino of Mauritius will receive their 14th month pay by the end of February 2012. This was stated following the meeting between the members of the Casino Employee’s Union (CEU) and officers of the State Investment Cooperation, (SIC) on Tuesday. The reasons put forward by the officials of the SIC is [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Mauritius's exchange triples daily trading volume
Daily traded volume on a Mauritius' commodities and currency exchange have tripled since it started operations last October
15 Mar 2011,
Mauritius 2010 current account deficit widens to 8.5 pct/GDP
15 Mar 2011,
Trade deficit of Rs 66.528 million for 2010
Export and import increased in 2010 compared to 2009.
15 Mar 2011,