Latest news
The National Pension Fund (NPF) and the National Savings Fund have both increased during 2010
The investment committee of the NPF and the NSF had presented these results.
15 Mar 2011,
Government of Mauritius treasury note
BOM will sell GMTN for a nominal amount of Rs1,200 million, with maturities of 2, 3 and 4 years bearing interest at the rate of 4.50, 4.75 and 5.00 per cent per annum
15 Mar 2011,
Mauritian Male Version Dance of “Sheila ki Jawani”
Sheila ki Jawani , the top song from Tees Maar khan is in the news again. This time a Mauritian boy deserves all the praise, he replaces Katrina Kaif perfectly and dances very much like the beautiful actress. Watch the Video clip below
15 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
L’ambassade américaine à Maurice n’émet plus de visas : le ministre Boolell affirme que la situation retournera à la normale dans les prochaines semaines
L’ambassade des Etats-Unis à Maurice n’émet plus de visas depuis quelque temps. Cette situation fait suite au départ précipité du «consular officer» de l’ambassade. Cette décision a été prise par... Read more »
15 Mar 2011, KotZot
Manchester United are facing a battle to keep star winger Nani
The Portuguese flier, surprisingly fit for tonight’s Champions League clash with Marseille, wants to discuss a new contract and wage rise on the back of his sparkling season. But that... Read more »
15 Mar 2011, KotZot
Management methods: Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
With this material we start publications about most used methods in the various management areas.
15 Mar 2011,
Peak Trading Volumes on GBOT Triples within Five Months of Launch
The Global Board of Trade (GBOT), Mauritius crossed the US$ 35 million mark on Friday, 11th March, when it ended the day at US$ 35.18 million.
15 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Possibility of Embassy Shutdown Affecting Visa Interviews
The U.S. Embassy in Port Louis remind the public in Mauritius and Seychelles that it is unable at the present time to offer the full range of visa services.
15 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Twenty five stray dogs attack two children
The problem of stray dogs has become a real headache in Mauritius. Two schoolchildren, eleven years were victims of a savage attack from these stray dogs … Traumatized, they are monitored psychological. While the episode Shea and Ramses is always present in the minds of Mauritians, two other children, this time in the region of
15 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Journée mondiale des droits des consommateurs
En ce 15 mars, on observe la journée mondiale des droits des consommateurs. Il est beaucoup question ces derniers temps à Maurice, de la création d’un observatoire des prix. Lors du lancement ce matin à Phoenix, le ministre de la Protection des Consommateurs et des Entreprises a annoncé que cette année, l’accent est mise [...]
15 Mar 2011, MBC
Nouveaux prix des carburants
Le Petroleum Pricing Committee s’est réunit hier soir et a décidé de majorer le prix de l’essence et du diesel. Ainsi, l’essence connaît une augmentation de Rs 2.80 alors que le diesel augmente par Rs 3.60. Selon la STC, le cours du marché international associé à la consommation des carburants expliquerait cette hausse. Texte écrit par [...]
15 Mar 2011, MBC
JT de 19h30 – mardi 15/03/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC 1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-03-15End Time: 20:15
15 Mar 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – mardi 15/03/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-03-15End Time: 19:20
15 Mar 2011, MBC
Faits divers: Accident de la route
Accident survenu sur l’autoroute M1 sur hauteur de Wooton ce matin vers 10hrs30. Une voiture a dérapé et a terminé sa course dans un ravin. Seul, le chauffeur était à bord du véhicule. Sérieusement blesse, il a été transporté d’urgence à l’hôpital Jawaharlalll Nehru à Rose-Belle. L’état de santé de cet homme âgé d’une trentaine [...]
15 Mar 2011, MBC
Petrol Price Mauritius March 2011
Price of petrol in Mauritius for March 2011 have been updated by the Petroleum Pricing Committee. The last update was in January 2011 and in March 2011, the new prices are nothing to sooth the pockets of our drivers! The graph below shows it all. Petrol price and diesel price are at their max since [...]Petrol Price Mauritius March 2011 is a post from: Island Crisis
15 Mar 2011, Island Crisis
NTC employees call a report on each Tata bus
After the accident Saturday, March 12, where a man had his head squashed by the cardan joint fallen out from a bus, employees of the National Transport Company (NTC) will require the publication of a report on all buses Tata brand, bought in 2007. According to them, these vehicles are not suitable for Mauritius roads.
15 Mar 2011,
CSR : Projet conjoint Omnicane Foundation et ENL Foundation à New Grove
C’est au rythme de l’hymne national le 12 mars dernier que Jacques d’Unienville, CEO d’Omnicane a inauguré le centre de l’Association Sportive Sociale et Educative (ASSE) de New Grove.
15 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Gasoline at Rs 51.30, diesel at Rs 43.50
Since this morning, gasoline is selling at its highest price ever achieved at the gas stations in Mauritius - Rs 51.30 per liter; it’s an increase on Rs 2.80 (+5.8%) of its price previous Rs 48.50. Meanwhile, the price of diesel has been increased on Rs 3.60 (+9.0%) and stood at Rs 43.50 per liter.
15 Mar 2011,
Conférence régionale de STEP à Maurice
En collaboration avec les branches de la Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) d’Arabie, de Cape Town et Johannesbourg et des Seychelles, STEP Mauritius organisera une conférence régionale les 24 et 25 mars 2011 à l’hôtel InterContinental à Bal
15 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Six anciennes Miss France à l'hôtel Le Prince Maurice
Six anciennes Miss France séjournent à l´hôtel Le Prince Maurice jusqu´au 17 mars. Elles sont Laury Thilleman, Miss France 2011, Chloé Mortaud (2009), Alexandra Rosenfeld (2006), Rachel Legrain Trapani (2007), Malika Menard (2010) et Sylvie Tellier (2002)
15 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?