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Lancement de la 19e édition du SEM Young Investor Award 2011
La 19e édition du SEM Young Investor Award sera lancée le mardi 15 mars à 14h30 à l’auditorium Octave Wiehé, Réduit.
15 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Marcelle Lagesse, « un symbole de la littérature mauricienne» s’en est allée
La romancière Marcelle Lagesse s’est éteinte ce mardi 8 mars des suites d’une longue maladie à l’âge de 95 ans. Ces funérailles auront lieu demain, mercredi 9 mars. Née en... Read more »
15 Mar 2011, KotZot
15 mars: la journée mondiale des droits des consommateurs a lieu
15 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Price of Petrol (March 2011)
The PPC has reviewed the prices of petroleum products which were previously updated on the 22th January 2011.
15 Mar 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life
L’essence à Rs 51.30 le litre, le diesel à Rs 43.50
Le prix au détail de l’essence (motor gasoline) passe de Rs 48.50 à Rs 51.30 le litre ; celui du diesel (gas oil) passe de Rs 39.90 à Rs 43.50 le litre soit une majoration de Rs 2.80 et Rs 3.60 respectivement.
15 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Prix des carburants : l’essence passe à Rs 51.30 et le diesel à Rs 43.50 le litre
Nouvelle augmentation des prix des carburants. Ainsi en en décidé le Petroleum Pricing Commitee lors de sa deuxième rencontre, hier 14 mars 2011. L’essence passe de Rs 48.50 à Rs... Read more »
15 Mar 2011, KotZot
Six Ex Miss France at Le Prince Maurice Hotel
Six previous Miss France are currently at Le Prince Maurice Hotel. They will be there till 17 March. The Beauties are Laury Thilleman, Miss France 2011, Chloé Mortaud (2009), Alexandra Rosenfeld (2006), Rachel Legrain Trapani (2007), Malika Menard (2010) and Sylvie Tellier (2002). They are in Mauritius with the sponsorship of Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority,
15 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Price of Fuel and Diesel increases today
Since this morning, Gasoline is selling at its highest price ever reached in Mauritius, it now is at Rs 51.30 per liter, thus registering an increase of Rs 2.80 (+5.8%) on its price previous Rs 48.50. Meanwhile, the price of diesel has seen an increase of Rs 3.60 (+9.0%) and is now at Rs 43.50
15 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
All OPR members resign
The Rodrigues Regional Assembly (RRA) and its chief commissioner Gaetan Jabeemisar were served a severe jolt on Monday following the resignation of Opposition members who belonged to Organisation du Peuple Rodriguais (OPR). Johnson Roussety, leader of the Front Patrotique Rodriguais, has automatically been appointed as the new minority leader in place of Serge Clair who [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
MTPA partners World Island Awards
At the travel trade show which was held in Berlin from March 7- 11, Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA), signed an agreement to become the official partner of World Island Awards. It is a new event dedicated to promoting luxury tourism to island nations such as Mauritius. The island was represented by the Mauritius Tourism [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
MPs meet Abercombie flood victims to help solve issue of compensation
Following the March 11 protest by inhabitants of Abercombie, members of parliament (MPs) of constituency No 4, Mireille Martin, Kalyanee Juggoo and Aurore Perraud met the residents of the region so that they could listen to their problems. Juggoo said that MPs of the region will have a working session with Social Security minister Leela [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Takeyama inaugurates MWF visitors’ centre
The visitors’ centre of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF), situated at Pointe Jerome, Mahebourg, was inaugurated on March 14 by Kenichi Takeyama, economic cooperation advisor of the government of Japan. The construction of the centre was funded by a Rs 2.1 million grant from the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF), allocated by the Japanese embassy [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
UoM to set up centre for medical, molecular research
The University of Mauritius (UoM), in collaboration with the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology, plans to set up a centre for biomedical and bio-molecular research in the island. The objective is to regroup under one roof medical researchers who are specialists in various fields so that medical advancement is undertaken. This was [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
BPO workers’ hunger strike continues
Three former employees of Infinity BPO namely Cynthia, Elvina and Gaelle and one supporter, Jeff Lingaya are continuing their hunger strike claiming their salaries. Elvina said that they are disappointed with the circumstances that have led them to undertake the hunger strike. However, they still have hope. She added that she has many debts and [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
GBOT crosses $35 million mark
The Global Board of Trade (GBOT), Mauritius, crossed the $35 million mark on March 11, when it ended the day at $35.18 million. With this development, GBOT’s daily trading volumes have tripled within five months of commencing trading on its robust and tech-centric multi-asset exchange platform. GBOT commenced trading with average volumes in the range [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Exhibition to strengthen Indo-Mauritian ties
The Ministry of Arts and Culture, in collaboration with the National Archives of India, High Commission of India and the Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture, organised an archival exhibition at the Municipality of Port Louis on Monday. The exhibition, which focusses on the movement of indentured labourers from India to Mauritius, was organised on [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Murder suspects remain in custody
Anil Raojee, 30, and Nitish Kumar Matoo, 26, two suspects in the murder of Stewart Baron, 18, appeared in Rose Hill court on Monday morning under a provisional charge of murder. The police objected to their bail and the two were taken back to custody for the purpose of police investigation led by the CID [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Tanzania consulate commissioned
The consulate of the Republic of Tanzania was officially inaugurated by the honorary consul Marday Venkatasamy, high commissioner Abadi Rajabu and the deputy high commissioner Isaack Mikulewa. The consulate is located in the Filao Building, Riche Terre near the Riche Terre shopping park. Other personalities who attended the event included the minister of Foreign Affairs, [...]
15 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
One in four South African teenagers hooked on drugs or alcohol
Alcohol or drug addiction may affect a quarter of teenagers in South Africa, experts say. Many children start drinking from as young as nine years old and some are dependent... Read more »
15 Mar 2011, KotZot
British sniper takes out Two Taliban with a single bullet
Two snipers killed 75 Taliban in only 40 days in Helmand Province In one two-hour session they fatally shot eight Taliban On a dusty road in Afghanistan, British soldiers inspect... Read more »
14 Mar 2011, KotZot