Latest news
NTC adds 36 Nissan buses to fleet
The National Transport Company (NTC) has started operating new buses. This is in line with the government’s plans to renew NTC’s bus fleet. These new buses will reduce expenses on the repair of old buses. The NTC has acquired 36 new buses of Nissan brand. Out of these 36 buses, 11 are already operating and [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Interpretation centre named in honour of Ramlallah
The Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund will soon be dotted with an Interpretation Centre bearing the name of Beekrumsing Ramlallah. The new centre will serve as an innovative multimedia centre for visitors, which aims to present the history of immigrants who came to Mauritius. The centre will also showcase archaeological remains, including the results of scientific [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
MSM employees end strike
The employees of Mauritius Stationery Manufacturers (MSM) ended their strike on Wednesday after a meeting with the management. The latter accepted the claims in 22 points over their safety in the workplace and their health. A hundred employees were on strike in solidarity with their colleague, Bryan Berard, 23, who was seriously injured at work [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Caudan interchange to be ready by October
The interchange that will replace the Caudan roundabout is taking shape. According to the Road Development Authority (RDA), it will be completed by October. Ongoing Work is causing some inconvenience and is even slowing down traffic. Those who wish to travel to Les Salines will have to take a deviation. The objective of building this [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
PPC to decide fuel price in mid-March
The price of petrol continues to fluctuate, going from $99.580, $102, $107.95, $112.57 to 114.89 on the world market as noted on Wednesday. The new mechanism, Petroleum Pricing Committee (PPC), established by the State Trading Corporation (STC) is now closely monitoring the evolution of prices on the world market. At the last meeting of the [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Blueprint on duty free island in offing
The Board of Investment (BOI) is working in consultation with the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure to prepare the blueprint to make Mauritius a duty free island. During his 2005-2006 budget, the minister of Finance had mentioned this, and in his last budget, he mentioned this again. But now we must speed up this project. [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Financial sector in 2011 robust, profitable: BoM
The Bank of Mauritius (BoM) released its sixth issue of the Financial Stability Report on March 1 where it focussed on global and domestic financial stability issues in the second semester of 2010. The global recovery was ongoing but had begun to lose steam despite better-than-expected growth in early 2010. Though it appeared that a [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Malcolm de Chazal remembered
To mark the 13th death anniversary of Malcolm de Chazal, the Malcolm de Chazal Foundation chaired by Robert Furlong, will organise a series of activities during this year entitled ‘Malcolm de Chazal Year’. The activities will start with brainstorming sessions in the island and Rodrigues. To educate youngsters about the life and work of the [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Women’s fair at Freeport
The Salon de la Femme (women’s fair), a public fair organised by Editiel Ltd, will be held on November 26 and 27 at the Freeport in Mer Rouge. The exhibition hall will be divided according to different themes to offer visitors a wide range of practical and useful advice for their daily life. Experts will [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Teachers find Creole language burdensome
The introduction of Creole in schools is being debated. The Primary Schools Employees Union has outlined the problems concerning teaching this optional language in schools. In a letter to the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, the union’s president Premnath Gunness and advisor Jugdish Lollbeeharry presented them. They said that the proposal made by the [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
La cour d’Assise se prononce aujourd’hui sur le sort de Linley Louis
Cet habitant de Beau Bassin est accusé du meurtre de Sanassy Samiah en 2006. Son procès s’est déroulé mardi dernier en cour d’Assises et Linley Louis a plaidé coupable pour meurtre sans préméditation. Linley Louis était initialement accusé d’assassinat. Mais à l’ouverture de son procès aux Assises mardi, l’accusation a été réduite à celle de meurtre [...]
03 Mar 2011, MBC
Le char pahar ke Puja vient clore le pèlerinage du Maha shivratree.
La Grande Nuit de Shiva a pris fin ce matin avec le Char Pahar ke Puja. Des prières en quatre étapes ont été dites depuis 18hrs hier a 6hrs aujourd’hui dans les temples du pays.. Selon les textes sacres hindoues Shiva est le destructeur du mal. De l’eau sacré ont été déversée hier sur le Shiv Lingum, symbole [...]
03 Mar 2011, MBC
Omnicane Foundation finance le SSR Disability Services à hauteur de Rs 1 million
Dans le cadre de son projet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Omnicane Foundation représentée par Jacques d’Unienville, CEO d’Omnicane Ltée, a procédé à la remise officielle d’un chèque Rs 1 million à l’ONG SSR Disability Services Centre.
03 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ministries to scrutinise price of consumer goods
Study will establish if profit margin for basic commodities impacts on consumers. The Ministry of Business, Enterprise, Cooperatives and Consumer Protection has launched a study to determine whether the price of consumer goods on the market is too high. The project has received the support of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce which provided all [...]
03 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Christian Rivalland : “Un homme humble et simple”
“Papa était un homme humble et simple, toujours à l’écoute de son prochain et surtout au service des autres. Il était souriant et à l’aise avec les autres personnes. Toutefois, il détestait les soirées grandioses car il avait une préférence pour la cuisin
03 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Carburants : révision des prix à la mi-mars
Le prix du pétrole sur le marché mondial continue à jouer au yoyo. Des fois il est à $ 99,58 le baril, ou $ 102, ou $ 107,95, ou encore $ 112,57.
03 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
AfrAsia Bank opens a new office in South Africa
AfrAsia Bank announced on 1st March 2011 the opening of its third representative office in South Africa, with a view to capitalising on growing trade and investment between Africa and Asia.
03 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
JT de 19h30 – jeudi 03/03/2011
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-03-03End Time: 20:18
03 Mar 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – jeudi 03/03/2011
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-03-03End Time: 19:20
03 Mar 2011, MBC
iPad 2, which features two cameras and is thinner and faster than its predecessor, shown off by Apple boss Steve Jobs
Apple’s Steve Jobs has made a surprise appearance to show off the company’s updated version of its iPad tablet computer, and to knock copycats which he said had not yet... Read more »
02 Mar 2011, KotZot