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Une édition spéciale de ‘Time’ sur Maurice
Faire de Maurice le centre financier de la région est, certes, très ambitieux. Mais le gouvernement y travaille d’arrache-pied en développant de nouvelles stratégies. Pas étonnant que le magazine américain Time y consacre toute une édition spéciale.
05 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
PRB : Non aux demandes déraisonnables, dit le PM
“Certes, des ajustements seront apportés là où c’est possible, mais il n’est pas question d’accepter des demandes déraisonnables au péril de l’économie”, a déclaré le Premier ministre concernant la publication prochaine du rapport sur les anomalies du rapport salarial du PRB 2013.• “Situer les responsabilités et mieux se préparer”
05 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Schools and Colleges Closed Friday
Time-out for students from pre-primary, primary, secondary and centers MITD but not tertiary institutions this Friday, April 5.
05 Apr 2013,
Éducation : les écoles fermées ce vendredi
Tous les établissements scolaires pré-primaires, primaires, secondaires ainsi que les centres de formation du MITD seront fermés ce vendredi, suite à des prévisions météorologiques émises par la station de Vacoas à 16h30 jeudi, a précisé le ministère de l’Education. Ces prévisions font mention d’averses fortes et orageuses devenant plus fréquentes vendredi matin avec un risque d’accumulation d’eau dans certaines régions de l’île.
05 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Inondations - Aux Assureurs: La FSC pour un Traitement Juste et Expéditif des Réclamations
Insurers Association : fonds de solidarité d’au moins Rs 500 000 pour les victimes
05 Apr 2013,
Horse Racing - 3rd and 4th Days in 2013: Weekend Racing within Mourning
At background of mourning will be held this weekend, the 3rd and 4th days of racing. MTC deploys to great lengths to be made a tribute to flood victims during this weekend classic, which will be marked by the holding of Sunday Duchess Of York Cup.
05 Apr 2013,
The 10 Most Sustainable Countries in the World
The most sustainable countries in the world are Iceland, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Sweden, Norway, Mauritius, France, Austria, Cuba, and Colombia; at least according to Yale and Columbia Universities.
05 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Russian Cadets from Barque Sedov to Help Flood-Hit Mauritius
Sudden rains caused flooding in the Mauritian capital of Port Louis on March 31, killing at least 11 people. According to local meteorologists, a total of 152 millimeters (6 inches) of rain fell in less than an hour, disrupting traffic and causing chaos in the city with a population of about 140,000.
05 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
The birth of football in Mauritius
Football, the most popular sport in Mauritius, was introduced to the island at the start of the 20th century by British settlers.
05 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Floods: WMA Had Studied the Ring Road
A report by the Wastewater Management Authority (WMA) drew attention to the failure of the drains on the construction of the Ring Road . Large studies have altered the natural flow of water during heavy rains.
05 Apr 2013,
Examination Fees Payment: Extension for Private Candidates
The procedure for payment of examination fees of SC and HSC began Tuesday for private candidates. The fees can be paid by debit and credit cards.
05 Apr 2013,
9 Habits of People Who Build Extraordinary Relationships
The most extraordinary professional relationships are built by ordinary actions like these.
05 Apr 2013,
E-Judiciary: Entry of Commercial Litigation in Supreme Court Now Available Online
Lawyers can record trade complaints in court through the E-Judiciary from Thursday April 4. This service should accelerate administrative procedures.
04 Apr 2013,
Whitedot Case: Connection with South Africa
After a week of investigation, including questioning the alleged mastermind Arun Mossuddee, 24 years in the financial fraud of Rs 700 million with at least 800 victims, the Central CID sleuths have made a breakthrough.
04 Apr 2013,
Video of the Day: Incredible Street Artist Performance Breaking Physical Laws
04 Apr 2013,
Picture of the Day: The Tsunami Cloud
This incredible photograph was taken by Gary Brink (1/800, ƒ/9, ISO 200, 135 mm) on May 29, 2011, at the Holland State Park in Michigan, USA. The incredible cloud formation formed on Lake Michigan just off the beach.
04 Apr 2013,
Whitedot Case: Rs 375 Million to Date
Based on information provided to date by customers Whitedot, the central bank estimated Rs 275 million the value of deposits. For its part, the police estimated Rs 100 million for seized assets.
04 Apr 2013,
Student Experience Program: Five Mauritians Internship at Daimler in Germany
Many new graduates Mauritian recently had the opportunity to apply for a six-month internship in Germany through the Student Experience Programme Southern Africa Initiative of German Business. Nominate five of them, from the University of Mauritius and University of Technology, has been selected for this trip Daimler group, which produces vehicles under the Mercedes-Benz brand.
04 Apr 2013,
Assurances : Attention aux Litiges
Suite aux inondations de samedi, la Financial Services Commission (FSC) anticipe un grand nombre de dossiers de dédommagements déposés dans les compagnies d’assurances du pays.
04 Apr 2013,
Stand Out from Other Job Applicants by Bringing More Than Just Your Resume to the Interview
In today's tough job market, anything you can do to stand out from the crowd of applicants can help you land a job. Two ways you can impress the interviewer in a short amount of time are bringing work examples and creating a presentation for the interview.
04 Apr 2013,