Latest news
Airports of Mauritius Ltd : Cinq Employés Suspendus pour Conflit d’Intérêts Allégué
Vendredi, la direction d’Airports of Mauritius Ltd a suspendu cinq employés. Cette décision fait suite à un exercice d’audit interne qui a révélé certaines irrégularités concernant les travaux d’entretien des terrains appartenant à AML.
02 Apr 2013,
Spectacular Crash at Pamplemousses: Her Car Skidded, She Escaped Unharmed
She had a narrow escape Monday. A Portlouisienne 40, who was in the North, heading towards the capital when her car skidded up to Grand Bay Link Road. It was about 13 h 30.
02 Apr 2013,
The Most Important Sales Skill of All
Here is a four step process to hone your ability to successfully sell anything to anyone.
02 Apr 2013,
Bet on Football and Horse Racing : Business that pays Rs 830 Million to the State in 2013
Young, old, rich, less rich, men and women. There are thousands every week to bet on football and horse racing season which has just started. Transactions are millions of rupees. But the real winner is none other than the State.
02 Apr 2013,
Why Small Data May Be Bigger Than Big Data
Forget punch cards. How smart businesses can connect with customers to create loyalty.
02 Apr 2013,
Sunkai Case: Husband of Bhimla Ramloll Arrested
The husband of Bhimla Ramloll arrested by the Central CID. He went to the barracks stations this morning, accompanied by his lawyer Yusuf Handary.
02 Apr 2013,
The Sugar Company Rose-Belle Has no Money for Salaries for May
Beyond the month of April, the Rose Belle Sugar Estate can no longer pay the salaries of its employees. The only institution with the status of sugar semi-public body negotiates an overdraft with the bank.
02 Apr 2013,
All Schools Open Tuesday Except Alpha College Port-Louis
Except Alpha College, located in the Poudrière, Port-Louis, all colleges and all schools will be open normally on Tuesday 2 April for the resumption of classes.
02 Apr 2013,
Join Us To Help Mauritius – Aid Operation For 30.03.13 Victims
Following the flash floods of Saturday 30th March 2013, the Island Crisis team together with our partners, Tidal Waves Ltd, Icy Evolution and AutoCar Mauritius and along with other volunteers (readers and friends) will be organizing an aid operation this week. We are also seeking the generosity of our blogger friends of ...Read full article on Island Crisis: Join Us To Help Mauritius – Aid Operation For 30.03.13 Victims.
01 Apr 2013, Island Crisis
Janita Deerpaul Crowned Miss India Mauritius 2013
Janita Deerpaul was crowned Miss India Mauritius 2013. The final was held last night at MGI, Moka. The première dauphine is Narrainen Ramani and Karishma Sonah, seconde dauphine
01 Apr 2013,
Analyse: Maurice au Bord de la Faillite ?
Devons-nous commencer à prier ? Que se passerait-il si nos banques commerciales vacillaient et se retrouvaient en situation de défaut de paiement ?
01 Apr 2013,
Ponzi Scheme: Sunkai Co Ltd Promises to Repay Investments
Investors Sunkai Co Ltd will be able to push a sigh of relief as opposed to those of White Dot International Consultancy Limited. In a press release yesterday signed by the attorney Mr Rajendra Appajala, customers with investments in the company are advised that refunds will be made.
01 Apr 2013,
Following Saturday Floods : The Sluggish Economy Monday
The Finance Minister Xavier-Luc Duval, announces the payment of compensation to flood victims. He appealed to the solidarity of companies that experience a slowdown in their activities earlier this week. All agree that it is too early to estimate the cost of the floods in the country.
01 Apr 2013,
Huge Jam at Canal Dayot
Motorists who leave the city to go to Beau-Bassin are asked to use the National due to a traffic jam on Canal Dayot, located near Grand River North West (GRNO). Ditto for vehicles making the opposite direction.
01 Apr 2013,
Graduate: These Obstacles Force the Dropout
More young Mauritians go to study abroad. In 2011/2012, the total stood at 10.063, 10% of the student population. With globalization and the Internet helps the student is confronted with a wide range of universities in many countries.
01 Apr 2013,
Whitedot Case: Two Banks Had Alerted the FIU in 2012
The Financial Intelligence Unit would it failed in its role? In April 2012, the bank had attracted his attention on suspicious transactions in bank accounts Whitedot International Consultancy Ltd. A few months later, it was the turn of another bank to pull the alarm.
01 Apr 2013,
Improved in Petroleum Products Storage: Indian Oil Featured Inject Rs 100 Million
Indian Oil is ready to inject Rs 100 million in the project to improve the storage of petroleum products in the harbor.
01 Apr 2013,
Interview: Our Banking System Is Weak, Said Manou Bheenick
"It is clear that the contracts - the" investment agreements "- I've seen are documents that have been referred by lawyers. So there are lawyers - barristers, solicitors, notaries - involved in this case "
01 Apr 2013,
The Water in Port-Louis Restored Wednesday
Water supply in the capital should return to normal by Wednesday, April 3. This was announced Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Utilities, Rashid Beebeejaun during a press conference Monday.
01 Apr 2013,
Open Letter To Mauritius Prime Minister After Deadly Flood of 30 March 2013
This is an open letter to the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Dr Navin Ramgoolam from a citizen of Mauritius following the deadly flood of 30th March 2013 where as at right now, 11 people are confirmed dead and several others missing. Reproduced with permission from Gaël ETIENNE. Monsieur le Premier Ministre, ...Read full article on Island Crisis: Open Letter To Mauritius Prime Minister After Deadly Flood of 30 March 2013.
01 Apr 2013, Island Crisis