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Alleged Fraud of Rs 700 Million: BoM Had Received an Anonymous Letter Nov. 27, 2012
The alleged fraud of Rs 700 million from a Ponzi scheme caused much ink to Mauritius. Why the authorities have been slow to break before? Defi Media learned that the Bank of Mauritius had been informed of the matter at November 27, 2012. The anonymous letter, however, is not reached the Gouverneur Bheenick.
03 Apr 2013,
Accident Fatal à Beau-Vallon: Un Motocycliste Arrêté
Un plombier de Beau-Vallon a été arrêté par la police de Mahébourg, mardi. Il est inculpé d’homicide involontaire. Le motocycliste de 25 ans était impliqué dans un accident de la route le 29 mars. Il a renversé un piéton de 77 ans qui est mort, trois jours après.
03 Apr 2013,
Post-Floods: Supermarket Shoprite in Port-Louis Closed
Inspectors from the Ministry of Health have closed the Shoprite supermarket located in the La Poudrière Street, Port Louis. The floods have seriously affected the food.
03 Apr 2013,
Harel Mallac: Turnover of Rs 4 Billion and Losses of Rs 98 Million
Time to restructure in Harel Mallac. The group, which has published its financial results Tuesday, launched a refocusing of its activities. The goal is to better manage the adverse effects of the global economic crisis and improve its future financial results.
03 Apr 2013,
Floods: Claims for Vehicles Could Exceed Rs 100 million
The car insurance companies are facing an unprecedented situation. Claims for cars that were damaged during the floods could reach Rs 100 million.
03 Apr 2013,
L’Attaque des Cochenilles
De nouveaux parasites ont fait leur apparition dans l’île : trois types de cochenilles originaires d’Amérique centrale et d’Afrique qui font des ravages depuis le début de l’année.
03 Apr 2013,
Three Ways to Deal with a Passive-Aggressive Colleague
It can be incredibly frustrating when a co-worker agrees with a plan of action, only to go off and do his own thing. This type of sabotage is all too common and can make it difficult to achieve your goals. When you have a co-worker who says one thing and does another, try this:
03 Apr 2013,
Drains: Work in Progress or Planned in Several Regions of the Country
This is the system of drainage which is pointed after deadly floods on Saturday 30 March. The Ministry of Public Infrastructure says that contracts amounting to Rs 685 million for the construction of drains and dams have already been allocated.
03 Apr 2013,
Floods and Insurance: Claims Tens of Millions of Rupees
Claims to insurance companies already have tens of millions of rupees after the floods recorded during the weekend. This is what early figures obtained from some large insurance companies. These claims cover both auto insurance and other types of insurance coverage including general trading houses, equipment and product inventory as well as private residences.
03 Apr 2013,
Video of the Day: Fishing Like a Boss
02 Apr 2013,
Picture of the Day: A Horizon Rainbow in Paris
Have you ever seen a horizon rainbow before? This fascinating phenomenon was recently captured by photographerBertrand Kulik in Paris, France. According to Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell of NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day(APOD):
02 Apr 2013,
Servo Futura Unveiled by Indian Oil
Innovation is at the rendezvous at Indian Oil, which launched launches its new range of lubricants. A colorful evening was held at the conference center Swami Vivekananda, Friday, March 29 at straws for the unveiling of five new products.
02 Apr 2013,
Just Say No to Micromanaging
Micromanagement could have a huge long- and short-term negative impact on your ability to be effective as a manager.
02 Apr 2013,
Case Gro Derek: Sujeet Balkissur Disputes the Garnishment of His 142 Cars
Suspected of having laundered Rs 5 million on behalf of the alleged godfather Derek Jean Jacques, businessman Dharamdeo Balkissur said Sujeet, made a request to the Supreme Court to quash the garnishment of its fleet vehicles.
02 Apr 2013,
The Deadline for Submission of Tax Forms Postponed to Monday, April 8
Taxpayers will have until Monday April 8 to submit their tax forms to the Mauritius Revenue Authority. This decision was taken by MRA following a request by the Ministry of Finance, Xavier-Luc Duval
02 Apr 2013,
Canal Dayot: Ramgoolam Announces Expertise Singapore for Weather
Visiting Canal Dayot, Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam announced that it has asked Singapore to attend meteorological services. Station Vacoas is blamed for flooding from Saturday 30 March.
02 Apr 2013,
Prosecuted for Manslaughter by Negligence: Worker Cleared
Sigh of relief for Renghen Radhakrishna. The worker of the Ministry of Education, charged with manslaughter by negligence, was acquitted by the magistrate Denis Mootoo the Intermediate Court. The accident occurred on July 27, 2006 at Royal Road, Coromandel, had caused the death of a motorcyclist police, Mohammad Jaumeer.
02 Apr 2013,
5 Most Destructive Phrases in Business
To be a better business leader, you need to avoid these five destructive phrases like the plague.
02 Apr 2013,
Keep Your Company’s Secrets in the Digital Age
Through social sharing technologies like Facebook and Twitter, your employees may be unwittingly exposing company secrets. Even seemingly innocuous information like travel schedules or what online groups an employee joins can give competitors inside intelligence. Here’re a few ways to shield your organization from prying eyes:
02 Apr 2013,
Assurances – Ce Qu’il Faut Savoir. File d’Attente Prévue Chez les Compagnies d’Assurances
Votre voiture a subi des dégâts lors des inondations ? Votre commerce/maison a été inondé(e) ? Abdel Ruhomutally, Deputy Managing Director de GFA Insurance, vous explique ce que vous devez savoir.
02 Apr 2013,