Latest news
Sunkai Co Ltd: Harry Sookun, Partenaire Présumé de Bimla Ramloll
Bimla Ramloll, alias « Madame Kaba », déjà impliquée dans une affaire de pots-de-vin avec l’allocation des étals de la foire de Quatre-Bornes, constate que le monde autour d’elle s’écroule.
04 Apr 2013,
Weather: the SMS Alert Starts
Announced by the Prime Minister last Monday, the alert system via SMS torrential rain is being put in place.
04 Apr 2013,
Eric Ng: "Rs 400-500 Millions Damage Caused by Floods"
Economist Eric Ng estimate the cost of floods Saturday, March 30 between 400 and 500 million rupees. This is only a rough estimate, while waiting for a detailed assessment of the damage.
04 Apr 2013,
5 Trends You Will Want to Pay Attention to in 2013
Leaders are often easy to pick out from a crowd — they’re charismatic, driven people who simply stand out from the rest. However, there’s much more to leadership than taking charge and giving orders.
04 Apr 2013,
Cloud Computing: Increase of 70% in the Indian Market
Are we ready for Mauritius for the 'Cloud Computing'? One of the two major emerging powers of Asia and the Indian Ocean is already a step ahead in this field will revolutionize the world of Information Technology (IT).
04 Apr 2013,
East African Women in the Workforce is Vital to Sustaining and Driving Growth
Regus, worlds largest provider of flexible workspace, has recently done a business survey which shows that the participation of women in the workforce is key to increasing and sustaining GDP growth, managing an existing skills gap and reducing world poverty.
04 Apr 2013,
Floods: What Economic Impact
The floods have once again struck, but this time were more deadly and very devastating, causing serious damage to homes and vehicles, among others. The economic impact is quite big, but the nation console that it could have been much worse.
04 Apr 2013,
Scientists Catch A Black Hole Munching On A Giant Planet
Scientists observing a distant galaxy catch a black hole in the middle of destroying a planet larger than Jupiter.
03 Apr 2013,
Omnicane Awards: 2013 Edition
Place the Omnicane Awards 2013. The winning team will win the sum of Rs 100,000 to be shared.
03 Apr 2013,
Video of the Day: Sax Battle in Subway
03 Apr 2013,
Picture of the Day: Vintage Submarine Control Room from 1918
Have you ever seen so many valves? I count at least 23! You are looking at the control room of the UB-110 German Submarine (looking aft, starboard side).
03 Apr 2013,
Traffic Jams: We Need To Find Solutions Other Than The New Roads Construction, Appeals XLD
Tuesday, April 2, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Xavier-Luc Duval, posted this comment on his Facebook page: "It is time to find solutions other than the construction of new roads to solve the problem of traffic congestion . It is imperative to encourage carpooling and discourage excessive use of cars during rush hour. "
03 Apr 2013,
Floods: Insurance Need to Be More Flexible
Mauritius has faced torrential rains. But those last Saturday having caused such a rise in the water indicate an exceptional situation.
03 Apr 2013,
Entrepreneurship Arab-Style
In its search for capital Aramex became the first Arab-based company to list on Nasdaq. It was a mistake that became the making of the company.
03 Apr 2013,
Investment Schemes
The collapse of the investment scheme offered by the company Whitedot revealed several flaws in the system, both controllers as the lack of investor caution. Such plans take advantage of the naivety of gullible, shortcomings in the law, but a little depth and limited coordination between different regulatory bodies.
03 Apr 2013,
Fee Increasing: "Hunting is Not Reserved for the Rich," Says Frederic Merle
Fifty hunters Mauritian met Saturday morning at the center of Marie Reine de la Paix in order to decide how to proceed after the fee increase for the Game License and Firearm License. They say they are even prepared to take to the streets to repair, according to them, this "injustice" against the "stigma" of hunting by the government.
03 Apr 2013,
Traffic Problems: More than 200 Vehicles Entered the Capital per Minute
Floods last Saturday once again highlighted the problem of traffic congestion in the capital. There were many motorists have spent several hours in traffic because roads made impassable by the storm.
03 Apr 2013,
Tanks Filled up to 100% - Prem Saddul: "Our Challenge Is to Avoid Losses"
The six major reservoirs in the country, including Mare aux Vacoas, are filled to 100%. Moreover, the excess of the Mare aux Vacoas are automatically channeled to the Tamarin River.
03 Apr 2013,
Bruno Lebreux (Concorde) Elected President AIOM
Bruno Lebreux, General Manager of receptive Concorde is back at the head of the Association of Inbound Operators of Mauritius (AIOM). He has held this position for three years between 2006 and 2009.
03 Apr 2013,
Accident: Sexagenarian Died Hit by Taxi in Calebasses
The road has claimed another victim in the evening yesterday. Lutchmaya Ramanah, aged 60, was hit by a taxi Calebasses. The latter died on the spot. The autopsy will be performed today.
03 Apr 2013,