Latest news
Penalty Points: Hope for Road Safety
The road continues to claim victims. Since the beginning of 2013, at least 33 people were killed in road accidents. However, the police continues to intensify awareness campaigns.
26 Mar 2013,
Computer Simulation Suggests That The Best Investment Strategy Is A Random One
There are lot of different opinions on what the best investment strategy is. Roughly as many as there are investors, probably. But there’s now a fascinating line of research that suggests that the best strategy for investment isn’t any kind of plan at all. Rather, the authors of a new study suggest, the best way to invest is to invest randomly.
26 Mar 2013,
Road Safety: The Fire Extinguisher Must Be Placed Near the Driver's Seat
Confusion about the exact location of the fire extinguisher must be stored in a vehicle. Some motorists keep their fire pump in the trunk. They would benefit from reflex change, or else the tickets!
26 Mar 2013,
Video of the Day: Weird Japanese Sport
26 Mar 2013,
Picture of the Day: The Edge of Insanity
The photograph was taken well above the observation deck (located on the 124th floor, 820m), this is literally the highest point on the planet a person can be, on a man-made structure.
26 Mar 2013,
21 Baby Turtles Worth Rs 400,000 Stolen at Pamplemousses Garden
Flights from turtles continue to make headlines. The latest was recorded in the early morning hours on Saturday. 21 turtles, aged only three months away by thugs can bring up to Rs 400,000.
26 Mar 2013,
Après un Accrochage sur la Route – Une Maison Saccagée
Tout a commencé samedi après-midi à une station-service de Pailles. Les frères Clevio et Stellio sont à bord de leur voiture. Ils s'arrêtent pour faire le plein de carburant.
26 Mar 2013,
Tablet PCs for Students Form IV: Tender Will be Launched in Late March
Each Form IV student will receive a touchpad. Procedures are being finalized and the tender will be launched at the end of this month.
26 Mar 2013,
Fight Against Money Laundering: MRA, FIU and DPP Will Now Work Together
Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA), the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) on Monday morning. This agreement aims to strengthen cooperation between these institutions in the fight against white-collar crime.
26 Mar 2013,
PNQ: Alan Cader Sayed Hossen Ganoo Interrogate the Rising Prices of Petroleum Products
The Private Notice Question (PNQ) Alan Ganoo, who will participate in his first parliamentary session as opposition leader, is focused on the latest increase in fuel prices and will be sent to the Minister of Commerce and Industry .
26 Mar 2013,
Scam: Rs 700 Million Transferred to Switzerland
A businessman complained to the Central Criminal Investigation Division (CCID), against his partner, whom he accuses of having transferred Rs 700 million in Switzerland. This money would come from a scam that has trapped hundreds of clients. The Bank of Mauritius (BoM) has launched a warning.
26 Mar 2013,
Rate: Bheenick and His Two Deputies Were in Favour of an Increase of 10 to 25 points
Growth was due to inflation. If the Governor of the Bank of Mauritius, Rundheersing Bheenick, and his two deputies, Yandraduth Googoolye and Mohammed Iqbal Belath voted to increase the repo rate of the order of 10 to 25 basis points in the last meeting Monetary Committee March 11, the other five members of the Monetary Policy Committee (Nishan Degnarain Pierre Dinan, Professor Jeffrey Frankel, Professor Hemraz Jankee and Silvana Tenreyro.) have, in turn, insisted on keeping the policy rate to 4 9%.
26 Mar 2013,
The Road Takes Another Victim
Ramdass Hurloo did not survive his injuries. This resident of Terre-Rouge, 46, died Monday, March 25, three days after suffering a road accident at the Gare du Nord in Port-Louis.
26 Mar 2013,
Port Louis: Violent Fire Destroyed Two Buildings in the Rue Royale
In a little over an hour, two buildings have been completely devastated by fire in the rue Royale, Port-Louis. The alert was given to 06hrs45 on Tuesday morning. At 8:30 am, firefighters had taken control of the fire.
26 Mar 2013,
The 30 Minute Meeting
Meetings are a necessary evil to keep communications moving in any business and continue striving for growth. But do meetings really have to be long to get the job done? Do they really need to last an hour or more? Do you find that meetings become just a forum for people to provide a status of their to-do lists to justify themselves?
26 Mar 2013,
Miss Mauritius 2013: Nominations Are Open
Miss Mauritius committee is again hard at work to select the most beautiful girls of our island for the beauty contest Miss Mauritius 2013. Registration for this year started last Thursday and will end on May 17.
26 Mar 2013,
How to Ask a Fried or Relative to Pay You Back
As far as unpleasant tasks go, asking a relative or friend to repay a loan ranks up there with getting your wisdom teeth pulled or spending a weekend alone with your in-laws.
26 Mar 2013,
Sécurité Routière : Des Speed-Cameras Bientôt dans les Black Spot Areas
Pas moins de 56 speed-cameras seront installées, dans les mois à venir, à plusieurs niveaux particulièrement dans les endroits où les automobilistes ont la fâcheuse tendance d'accélérer. Mais également là, dans lesblack spot areas, là où des accidents sont fréquents.
26 Mar 2013,
SMEDA: Management Training for SMEs
The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority organizes until July several management training over three days each, for small and medium-sized enterprises existing and potential at its headquarters in Coromandel.
26 Mar 2013,
Do Customers Love You? 5 Questions to Ask
Want to be as adored by customers as Virgin Airlines? Get a solid foundation in place by thinking through this set of important questions.
25 Mar 2013,