Latest news
Automobile : Second Parade by Honda Car Lovers
Notice to car lovers: a "Honda Road Trip March 2013" will be held Saturday, March 30. The motorcade organized by Honda Car Lovers (Mauritius) at Bagatelle start around 10: 30 pm to go to the south of the island.
29 Mar 2013,
DLC, Anil Bachoo: "Maybe a Second Extension. Nothing is Official”
387,000! This is the number of people who, at 28 March, regained their 'Counterpart Driving Licence' (DLC). The time to collect the precious document ended at 19 hours.
29 Mar 2013,
Energy Planning: CT Power, CEB Position of Judge and Jury
Challenge to the presence of representatives of CEB on the NEC with the hearing of the promoters of the day CT Power
29 Mar 2013,
Alleged Fraud of Rs 700 M: 400 Complaints to the BoM in Two Days. Other Companies in the Crosshairs
Whitedot International Consultancy Ltd would be a business among others. Other juggling millions of rupees are in the viewfinder of the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and the Central Bank (BoM).
29 Mar 2013,
PRB : Le Suspense Toujours de Mise
À la mi-journée, le suspense était toujours de mise au sujet de la publication du rapport Manraj sur les Errors and Omissions du Pay Research Bureau (PRB).
29 Mar 2013,
Open University of Mauritius : Classes Begin on April 1
It's Monday begins the first semester at the Open University of Mauritius (OUM). The institution that offers distance courses accommodate approximately 500 students.
29 Mar 2013,
Whitedot Case: Sanjeev Luchoomun Declared His Innocence; Arun Mussodee Said He Sold His "actions" Bheemal Bissessur for Rs 800 M
Sanjeev Luchoomun, one of the suspects in the alleged fraud of Rs 700 million, said he had nothing to do with this case. He told Radio Plus this Thursday, March 28.
29 Mar 2013,
Whitedot Case: Fourth Arrest
While in the case of rain denunciations Whitedot a fourth suspect was arrested. Director of MiWay, a rental car is behind bars.
29 Mar 2013,
Blog: … While the police squabbled over jurisdiction
The BBC has a report that is stinging about the bureaucratic reaction of policemen in post when they were confronted with the task of providing immediate and urgent assistance to the lady student of Physiotherapy who was raped by six beasts in the guise of humans in a Delhi bus a few weeks ago. Where was the rape committed? Where does the owner of the bus live? Which Police station should take administrative care of the case?
29 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Blog: The Nandanee or Power Obsession
Sir Anerood Anerood Jugnauth has been investigating the circumstances of the purchase of the property of Ms. Nandanee Soornack and promised to come out with information that would embarrass Navin Ramgoolam. Then he made a statement at one of those boring press conferences that only the traditional press relishes in. He seems to allege that no money was paid for the purchase of the property and that the consideration for the purchase was the granting of the inclusion of lands belonging to the vendor, Mr. Maingard within the Outline Planning Scheme of Black River.
29 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Blog: Courageous move
Kudos to Shakeel Mohammed, Minister of Labour and Industrial Relations. In spite of fierce opposition from trade unions and employers, he went ahead to present the Employment Relations (amendment) Bill 2013 and the Employment Rights (amendment) Bill 2013 in parliament on Tuesday. After moving the bill to be read a second time, the only concession he made was to accept that the debates be adjourned to next Tuesday to allow the opposition more time to participate fully in the pure tradition of parliamentary democracy.
29 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Auction: a Rare Bone Fragment Dodo Estimated at Rs 750,000
The auction house Christie's will sell a piece of bone from a few centimeters to sleep next month in Britain. This rare piece would fetch between Rs 500,000 and Rs 750,000 (£ 10,000 - £ 15,000).
29 Mar 2013,
3 Common Redflags on Resumes
What are the biggest resume redflags? Whether you're applying or hiring, avoid these three things.
29 Mar 2013,
Investment Loans : How to Avoid Becoming a Victim
Plan major investment which collapsed: the plight of the thousands of people who have done, against promises attractive returns on their investments. The "Ponzi" Mauritian raging now reveals flaws in the protection of the Agents.
29 Mar 2013,
Internet: "Biggest Cyber Attack in History" According to the Experts
Internet is a global slowdown since Wednesday, experts said after one of the most serious cyber attacks in the history of computer network. In Mauritius, several sectors are directly affected by the problem.
29 Mar 2013,
Tertiary Education in ICT : Public-Private Committee to Tailor Courses
A few years ago, at the launch of sector Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in Mauritius, many jobs were unskilled.
28 Mar 2013,
Editorial : Quelle réforme ?
Les réactions de certains dirigeants syndicaux par rapport aux amendements proposés par le gouvernement aux lois du travail méritent d’être dénoncées.
28 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Pâques : prière, réjouissance, bonheur et partage...
La Pâques est un des temps forts du calendrier catholique car elle symbolise la résurrection de Jésus après sa mort sur la croix le vendredi saint. Après avoir observé le carême pendant 40 jours, nos compatriotes de foi catholique vont célébrer la Pâques en famille ce dimanche. A la maison, à la plage ou au restaurant, ils seront nombreux à rompre leur jeûne.
28 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
MCB : Jean-François de Marigny succède à Philippe Forget
Après une riche carrière au sein du groupe MCB, Philippe A. Forget part à la retraite. Sa requête à cet égard a été acceptée jeudi par le conseil d’administration de la MCB et prendra effet le 31 mars 2013. Philippe Forget sera remplacé par Jean-François Desvaux de Marigny. Celui-ci s’est joint au groupe MCB en 1986 et fait partie de l’équipe de management depuis 1990.
28 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
NEC. Dev Manraj : “La présence du General Manager du CEB ne constitue pas un conflit d’intérêt”
La réunion de la National Energy Commission (NEC) pour présenter le projet de la centrale à charbon CT Power a été tenue au siège de la commission à Port-Louis, jeudi. La présence du General Manager (GM) du Central Electricity Board (CEB), Shiam Thanoo, lors de cette réunion “ne constitue pas un conflit d’intérêt”, a indiqué le président de la NEC, Dev Manraj.
28 Mar 2013, Le Matinal