Latest news
La Corée du Nord coupe son téléphone rouge avec Séoul
Alors que Pyongyang menace à nouveau Séoul et les Etats-Unis d'une attaque nucléaire, il a annoncé mercredi que son armée coupait la ligne téléphonique d'urgence avec son ennemi du sud.
27 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Les brunes seraient de meilleures épouses que les blondes
Les brunes ne comptent décidemment pas pour des prunes. Selon une étude menée par un géant de la distribution de produits de beauté en Angleterre, les hommes estiment qu’elles sont potentiellement de meilleures compagnes que les blondes !
27 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
L’univers est un peu plus vieux que ce que l’on pensait
Une nouvelle étude a montré que l’univers avait 100 millions d’années de plus que ce l’on pensait, le rendant donc un peu plus vieux que les précédentes estimations et reculant d’autant la date du Big Bang.
27 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Une cyberattaque géante perturbe le trafic Internet
L'organisation Spamhaus, qui milite contre le spam sur Internet, est victime d'une attaque d'une ampleur rarement vue, qui entraîne une congestion sur les réseaux.
27 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Transportation of Petroleum Products: the STC will Pay Rs 2.1 Billion to Betamax in Case of Termination
Radio Plus revealed in the newspaper noon on Wednesday 27 March, some details of the contract between the STC and the company on Betamax transportation of petroleum products.
27 Mar 2013,
What Successful People Eat for Breakfast
Does your breakfast consist of a muffin and coffee to go? If so, you may not be giving your brain or your body the nutrients it needs to help you be successful in your business. Naturopathic doctor Neal Barnard, author of Power Foods for the Brain (Hachette Book Group, 2013) says your brain is a function of what you feed it.
27 Mar 2013,
Video of the Day: Transforming New York Apartment
27 Mar 2013,
Picture of the Day: Titanic’s Engines Underwater
In this underwater photo we see two of Titanic’s engines lying exposed in a gaping cross section of the stern. They are draped in “rusticles”—orange stalactites created by iron-eating bacteria.
27 Mar 2013,
NTC Bus Catches Fire On Caudan Flyover
A NTC bus which was heading towards Plaines Wilhems caught fire at about 17:00 on Caudan flyover. Emergency officials were immediately called. Firefighters were able to put out the fire quickly, but the bus was destroyed. Though the fire triggered panic, luckily no one was injured.
27 Mar 2013,
Young Woman Claims She Was Raped by a Taxi Driver and a Motorcyclist
A Rodriguaise 35 years complained to the police on Tuesday March 26. She alleges that she was raped by two men Monday night.
27 Mar 2013,
PNQ / ESSENCE: Rs 1 billion for VAT and the RDA
For his first performance as leader of the opposition in the Chamber at the edge of the Private Notice Question (PNQ), Alan Ganoo preferred cross swords with the Minister of Trade and Industry Cader Sayed -Hossen, about the recent increase in prices of petroleum products.
27 Mar 2013,
Infrastructure : Part of Coast Road Mon-Choisy Closed
The authorities finally took action. Part of the coastal road along the public beach of Mon-Choisy is closed to vehicles since Monday afternoon. Is it to make way for property developers and tourism?
27 Mar 2013,
Export Sector: More Than 4000 People Have Lost their Jobs in 2012
20 export-oriented companies have closed their doors in 2012, resulting in the dismissal of 2,196 people. More than 2 000 people have lost their jobs due to downsizing exercises. For cons, the number of foreign workers engaged in this sector is constantly increasing.
27 Mar 2013,
Célébrée Aujourd’hui: Holi, Fête Des Couleurs, Du Pardon, Du Partage Et De L’unité
La fête Holi est célébrée aujourd’hui par nos compatriotes de foi hindoue. Cette fête des couleurs est célébrée durant la période dite phagun (février-mars) et est connue à Maurice comme phagwa.
27 Mar 2013,
LRT: no Final Route Before August
It will take several months even before knowing the final route will take the light rail. Consultations are stalled until the exercise of Expression of Interest (EOI) ends on April 12.
27 Mar 2013,
Alleged Fraud of Rs 700 Million: Police Conducts Two Arrests
Twists in the investigation into the alleged fraud of Rs 700 million. Late in the evening of Tuesday, police arrested two protagonists of this case. In the wee hours Wednesday, investigators had sealed to the premises of the company in Ebony.
27 Mar 2013,
Blog: Women of distinction in Mauritius
I have completed a little over two years in Mauritius. My responsibilities as the National Security Advisor does not entail to follow society related developments but the pro active role by the women in Mauritius can not easily escape my notice. Yes, they are a vibrant lot and doing very well in various streams of society.
27 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Les prises des bateaux mauriciens diminuent
Situation chaotique pour les bateaux de pêche mauriciens qui partent pour des campagnes de pêche dans nos eaux territoriales. Ces navires reviennent avec moins de 50 % de leurs prises habituelles, voire 75 % parfois.
27 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Sharpen Your Memory with Brain-Healthy Foods
If notes crowd your desk and your phone is overloaded with reminders, you may want to consider making some dietary changes. While we often blame memory lapses on aging, poor memory can be improved by nutrition.
27 Mar 2013,
Tourism: A Dead Period in Perspective
The low season will be difficult for the tourism industry because there are not many reservations. Tourist arrivals from traditional markets, specifically Europe, have severely declined, although the Asian market stands.
27 Mar 2013,