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Meurtre : l’ex-époux de Koomanikooa récuse l’accusation
L’affaire du meurtre de Christine Koomanikooa a été appelée en cour d’assises mercredi matin devant le juge Benjamin Marie-Joseph.
28 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Jiawed Ruhomatally : “Je dirai où se trouve l’argent du braquage”
“Mo ti pe deman la kour avoy bann enketer vinn guet mwa dan prison mo pou aid zot. Mo pou dir zot larzan la kot ete. Larzan la ek bann dimoun en dehor, mwa mo dan prison...” C’est ce qu’a affirmé Mohamed Jiawed Ruhomatally en cour d’assises mercredi matin lors de sa comparution dans le cadre du procès pour le meurtre de Gérald Lagesse.
28 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
PRB 2013 : le rapport Manraj passe au Cabinet
Le rapport sur les anomalies du rapport du Pay Research Bureau (PRB) 2013 sera soumis au gouvernement ce vendredi. Interrogé jeudi, Dev Manraj, chargé de revoir les anomalies du PRB 2013, a déclaré qu’il tiendra parole en soumettant le rapport au gouvernement ce vendredi comme convenu, mais n’a pas souhaité en dire davantage.
28 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Arnaque de Rs 700 M : Mossuddee et Bissessur se renvoient la balle
Soupçonné d’être le cerveau de l’arnaque alléguée de Rs 700 millions de la compagnie Whitedot International Consultancy Ltd, Arun Mossuddee s’est constitué prisonnier au Central CID jeudi. Il a déclaré ne pas être au courant des transactions douteuses qui avaient cours à la compagnie, expliquant l’avoir vendue en janvier dernier à Bheemal Bissessur. Ce dernier a, quant à lui, rétorqué qu’avant d’en être la propriétaire, il avait agi comme agent pour Arun Mossuddee.• Les victimes réclament leur argent aux actionnaires de Whitedot
28 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Whitedot Case: Arun Mossuddee Claims to Have Sold all its Subsidiaries
The crackdown in case Whitedot only just begun. The Central Criminal Investigation Department (CCID) has gone on other sightings after his arrest triple past 48 hours. The examination of Arun Mussoodee, the third suspect arrested resume Friday.
28 Mar 2013,
The Tuning: "Craze"!
The tuning is becoming increasingly important in Mauritius. Many young people who invest a large sum of money in modifying their cars. For some, it comes to have a performance vehicle, while for others, it is the aesthetic prevails. Focus on this.
28 Mar 2013,
Caudan Interchange: NTC Bus on Fire Caused Panic
Shortly after 17 pm yesterday, a bus of the National Transport Company (NTC), registered 2874 JN 07, was engulfed in flames on the Caudan interchange, causing a panic among the passengers, the driver and the receiver.
28 Mar 2013,
Video of the Day: Building a Giant Ship in Minutes
28 Mar 2013,
Picture of the Day: Reflection Affection
In this fantastic night-time reflection photo, we see the beautiful Dongbaekseom Island (now part of the mainland) in Haeundae-gu, Busan, South Korea.
28 Mar 2013,
279,000 Drivers Have Still Not Claimed the DLC
Distribution 'Driving Licence Counterpart' (DLC) ends Thursday at 19 hours. Those who have not yet taken possession of this document have a few hours to do. To date, only 371 000 drivers took possession of this document on 650,000 license holders or the 'learner'.
28 Mar 2013,
Whitedot Case: Arun Mossuddee And Sanjeev Lachoomun Arrested. The Amount of Fraud Could be Around Rs 1 Billion
While the examination of Arun Mossuddee, the alleged mastermind of the transfer of Rs 700 million, continued to Barracks central business partner Sanjeev Lachoomun, was also arrested. Bheemal Bissessur rest in custody.
28 Mar 2013,
Horse Racing, Day 2, 2013: Team Maingard Looking for a 3rd Duchess
Already won the first main event of the season last week with the victory of Casey's War at the expense of Green keeper, the team Maingard can strike another blow on Saturday. Participated in the conquest of a third success in the Duchess with Tales Of Bravery, a winner of nine races in South Africa.
28 Mar 2013,
Impôts : Moins de 50 % des Formulaires Reçus
La Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) a enregistré à mercredi soir le dépôt d’un peu plus de 60 000 formulaires de déclaration d’impôts sur un total de 137 000 fiches attendues.
28 Mar 2013,
Public Sector: Revised Pay, Anomalies PRB, +15% on Rs 4.7 Billion
With the deadline of 29 March, in 24 hours for the submission of the report on the anomalies of the wage relation Pay Research Bureau, members of the commission Manraj are currently finalizing the original to be returned to the government.
28 Mar 2013,
Whitedot Case: Arrest and Fifty Complaints
The CCID has made an arrest in the case of fraud of Rs 700 million. Bheemal Bissessur is the first of a series of alleged crooks who are in the sight of the police. For its part, the Financial Services Commission (FSC) froze the accounts of pizza Napoletana.
28 Mar 2013,
Three Tips for Handling Work Overload
With layoffs and cut backs, work overload has become the norm. The resulting stress is unhealthy, unproductive, and frankly, unpleasant. Whether you are your own boss or you are working for someone equally demanding, here are three ways to streamline your work life:
28 Mar 2013,
If You Build It, Will They Come?
Here are three simple steps to see if there is a market for your new product or service.
28 Mar 2013,
The 21 Principles of Persuasion
How is it that certain people are so incredibly persuasive? Can we all harness those skills? After studying the most influential political, social, business and religious leaders, and trying countless techniques out myself, these are the 21 critical lessons I’ve identified to persuading people.
28 Mar 2013,
PNQ : L’État Escompte Rs 6,8 Md de Taxes sur les Produits Pétroliers
L’État envisage d’engranger Rs 6,8 milliards de revenus à travers les diverses taxes perçues sur les produits pétroliers cette année.
28 Mar 2013,
Des Gagnants des Concours Organisés par le Caudan dans le Cadre de la St Valentin
Roland Couture (Cabinet de conseil en stratégie à Paris) : « Maurice peut être l’interface des importations de la Chine et de l’Inde vers l’Afrique »
28 Mar 2013,