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Horse Racing: The Second Day Cancelled
Heavy rain forced the second day of racing calendar was canceled after the second race, Saturday, March 30, for security reasons.
01 Apr 2013,
Tax Forms: The Deadline Postponed to Tomorrow
The Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) informs the public that the deadline for submission of tax return forms and payment due is extended to April 2 instead of 1 because of the holiday declared today by the Prime Minister, after the disastrous weekend experienced by the country.
01 Apr 2013,
Flooding in Mauritius – National Mourning Day, the Worst April Fools’ day
Two days ago, on the 30th March 2013, the country has survived the worst day ever in its history. After the torrential rainfall of the 13th February 2013, Mauritians never thought that there could be worst.
01 Apr 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life
PRB : Dev Manraj soumet son rapport ce lundi
Le comité Manraj appelé à corriger les anomalies du dernier rapport du Pay Research Bureau (PRB) soumettra son rapport au Premier ministre ce lundi, a-t-on appris de sources proches du dossier. Toutefois, la réunion spéciale du Conseil des ministres prévue ce lundi pour se pencher sur ce rapport n’aura pas lieu en raison du drame humain survenu samedi.
31 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Prisons : la compétence des détenus valorisée
Former les détenus selon leurs aptitudes, valoriser leurs compétences et faciliter leur réintégration dans la société à leur libération est un élément clé du Plan stratégique 2012-2022 des Services des prisons. Parmi les nombreuses initiatives en ce sens, l’Enhanced Earned Scheme (EES), les cours du National Trade Certificate et les activités sportives et récréatives se placent au premier plan.• Les plans de réhabilitation portent leurs fruits
31 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Sunkai s’engage à rembourser les déposants
La compagnie Sunkai Ltd s’engage à rembourser les investissements de ses clients dans leur intégralité.
31 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Inondations : trois victimes de plus retrouvées dimanche
Le bilan continue de s’alourdir avec les trois cadavres retrouvés dans l’après-midi de dimanche. En effet, les corps de deux hommes ont été retrouvés dans le sous-sol du bâtiment de Harbour Front et un autre dans un petit couloir à côté du point de vente KFC de la rue La Chaussée.• Vive émotion chez les Tewary • Vikesh et Keshav, deux amis unis dans la mort • La police repêche son corps au Harbour Front • Il meurt en allant chercher sa voiture • Il meurt en nettoyant sa maison • Curepipe : dernier voyage de mère et fils
31 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Inondations : des habitants de Canal Dayot expriment leur colère
Des habitants de Canal Dayot sont descendus dans la rue dimanche pour exprimer leur colère après la mort, samedi, d’une habitante de la localité dans le sillage des inondations. Ils accusent les autorités concernées de n’être pas venues à leur rescousse. Canal Dayot figure parmi les régions les plus touchées par ces inondations.
31 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Port-Louis : catacombe ! (VIDEOS)
31 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Floods: 3 New Deaths in Port-Louis
The bill of flooding increases. Two human bodies were left in the afternoon building Harbour View, Port-Louis and another was found in the street La Chaussée late afternoon.
31 Mar 2013,
Floods: Mourning and Public Holiday on Monday, April 1
Maurice observe April 1 bereavement national holiday and that day will be. The announcement was made by Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam, at a press conference about the tragic floods that have shocked the population.
31 Mar 2013,
PRB: Manraj’s Report Will be Discussed Monday
Officials will have to wait again. Dev Manraj report on "Errors and omissions" of the Pay Research Bureau will be discussed at a special meeting of the Council of Ministers next week.
31 Mar 2013,
The National Agricultural Products Regulatory Agency Bill Soon
A new bill, the National Agricultural Products Regulatory Agency (NAPRO) Bill will soon be presented to the National Assembly, at the initiative of the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security. It aims at the integration of the Tea Board, the Tobacco Board and regulatory functions of the Mauritius Meat Authority.
31 Mar 2013,
Heavy rain: the Capital Was Paralyzed by Floods
Of heavy rain falling on much of the country since mid-day. Port-Louis, flooding made many roads impassable important, creating a traffic jam that has paralyzed the city center.
31 Mar 2013,
Inondations: un samedi noir (VIDEO)
31 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Heavy Rains: Eighth Death in the Floods in Port Louis
It is the sixth drowned pedestrian tunnel leading to the Port Louis Waterfront. One woman died of a arrêt cardiaque, Great River and a man fell into the stream of Thumb.
31 Mar 2013,
Mauritius Lotto Result For March 30th 2013 – Rs 5 Million
The Mauritius Lotto result for March 30th 2013 and the 178th draw of the Mauritian Lotto is available below. This week’s jackpot is at: Rs 5 million. There is no jackpot winner for this week. Next week’s jackpot will be at Rs 12 million. Winning Numbers: 5 – 6 – 7 – ...Read full article on Island Crisis: Mauritius Lotto Result For March 30th 2013 – Rs 5 Million.
30 Mar 2013, Island Crisis
Mauritius Statistics: In 2012 Increase of 5.2% of Registered Vehicles
Figures compiled by Statistics Mauritius, on Road Transport and Road Traffic Accident Statistics, show a 5.2% increase in the number of vehicles registered at the National Transport Authority.
30 Mar 2013,
Permis à Points : Les Chauffeurs d’Autobus Disent «Non»
«Nou pa le permi a pwin dan Rodrig.» Claudino Larose, le porte-parolede la Bus and Lorry Drivers Association (BLDA) ne mâche pas ses mots. La BLDA a réuni la presse, le vendredi 22 mars, pour dire son opposition au permis à points.
30 Mar 2013,
ABC Motors: Latest Testing Equipment Mechanical Available
Body & Paint, a subsidiary of ABC Motors, provides its customers with a new technology even more effective in checking and repair services.
30 Mar 2013,